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Hubby's dream from his point of view
This resonates some also with a person "Cryptic Little Sister" who had been posting on Greg Hunter's USAWatchdog site before she was unfortunately banned.  (While I respect Greg's right as moderator, it was still unfortunate.)  CLS started posting in August, and everyone on the site wondered who she was (and she never revealed if she was a man or woman, but I always sensed she was a woman).  We all thought she had "inside information" to the coming economic collapse worldwide, but it became clear to me the longer she posted, that she was simply a seer, dreamer, probably someone who would have found a better niche here!  In any event, her repeated warning was that the collapse would occur AFTER Obama signs the NDAA (annual defense appropriations).  Well, as you may know, the initial 2016 NDAA passed the Congress, and was vetoed by Obama.  People started heckling her as a false prophet, but I quickly had to warn them: she never said WHEN he would sign it, just that he would sign it, and then the next day, all hell would break loose.  (The correlation between the NDAA and economic collapse, she never explained, and maybe she didn't really know either ... she was simply reporting her vision.)

Fast forward to now, the revised NDAA did finally pass Congress, and was sent to Obama this past Tuesday.  He has ten days to sign the bill, and the WH has already said, he will sign it, despite his continued disagreements with Congress over closing GB, Cuba.  Obama is currently overseas, scheduled to return to Washington this Tuesday (Nov. 24th).  The ten days expire on Friday.  US markets are closed on Thursday for Thanksgiving, but will be open Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday as normal.  Of course, worldwide markets will be transacted on Thursday.

My own sense is that the NDAA is key to the elites' plans for the upcoming New World Order.  Defense appropriations, which are integral to the US military-industrial complex, have never been held up for any of the stop gaps measures, government shut downs, omnibus bills, etc.  The defense always gets their money!  If a collapse then occurs, martial law will have to be implemented in the US, as rioting and violence will surely begin in the inner cities and spread elsewhere.  It will have to be contained, and contained quickly.  FEMA has been preparing for just such an event for years, be it economic collapse, EMP attack, catastrophic earthquake splitting the US, you name it.  No matter if the government shuts down, Obama can order that essential services remain functioning, and FEMA would be included in that.  And the military would be necessary to maintain order and control.

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RE: Hubby's dream from his point of view - by NH watcher - 11-22-2015, 05:07 AM

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