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An Image , and 'Do You Understand?'
Thanks, Golden Girl, for that little bit of info. After I read this, I called a local friend who is a native Apache, and (after waking him up growling), got a lot more to what I saw (then he also berated me that some 10-percent Cherokee blooded 'white man' would be given such a vision...all in general ribbing).

What I saw was a Paiute 'ghost dancer', and it as he can interpret it, is a solemn, almost ominous promise from the 'spirit world' that since the 'white man' would not leave, his own evil will end his days in North America. (you really have to read up on the 'Ghost Dance' to understand this interpretation).

The solemn, prayerful native I saw in white face was my guide, as my friend said, to show me what is to come. That nature is about to turn against man for his tampering with it in so many ways. (I took this to mean everything from microbial germ warfare to GMO foods).

He said that what I saw was 'the promise', and that it was not forgotten.

Then he wanted to know when I became Paiute, and I laughed and said, 'well, my grandmother did call me 'little tatanka', does that count? We carried on a bit, but thought I would share this - being as I opened what I now see as a 'major can of worms' by my post.

In effect, what he's telling me is that I was given a holy native vision equivalent to the Christian Apocalypse.

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RE: An Image , and 'Do You Understand?' - by Skeetersaurus - 05-08-2016, 08:47 AM

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