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5/10/2016 9:45am Pink waiting room
I am sitting in a waiting room with pink walls, there are many windows on each side of the room. (I get the impression that this pink room is a womb, it feels like a safe place)

I am sitting in a chair, like a doctors office there are several pink chairs and a small table with magazines on it. I am waiting, yet i can see everything that is going on outside of the room because of the large windows, i can also hear everything going on outside.

I keep standing up to get a better look out of the windows. On one side there are riots, from another window i see natural disasters.

I instinctively know that this is not my body or soul. I am seeing through the eyes of another. I feel sadness and an anxious fear from this soul.

As I am waking up from the dream i hear elevator music... yeah a waiting room.

Messages In This Thread
5/10/2016 9:45am Pink waiting room - by Windy - 05-10-2016, 12:33 PM
RE: 5/10/2016 9:45am Pink waiting room - by Windy - 05-10-2016, 05:58 PM

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