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8/27/18 Living the Dream
How to CIRF Today’s Influences: Astrological influences are rather big and harmonic. First, we have a perfect Grand Earth Trine with Sun, Saturn, and Uranus, which continues keeping us feeling engrained the living matrix we call the physical reality. Air signs might feel trapped in this configuration…too many physical experiences to process, producing unknown emotions. Also, the transit Moon in Pisces meets up with Neptune (Piscean ruler) and trines Jupiter (the ancient Piscean ruler). This washes over humanity like a blanket of watery emotions as insights flood the conscious mind. And of course the Earth Trine forces us to live this as all these emotional situations have never felt so real. What’s so interesting is that DreamBot suggests “GOOD RULE: LIVING DREAM,” which is exactly the combination of all these astrological energies. The dream comes alive today. Old patterns of emotional triggers have never felt so real as they do now. Numerology agrees with all this as 27 has the potential to reveal some hard truths. The answer is to let life happen today and see how your humanness reacts. Watch for old patterns and when they come up, do the quick meditation to resolve it. The meditation is all about releasing old patterns of emotional bias. 

Daily CIRF Report and Meditation:

Trending in the Collective Dreams (See chart below for visual representation):  true cohesion false rating moderate poor inline full excellent sunday fiance good rule living dream comments north 2018 read shadow crown had frozen adult television filled whether fancy map orange 

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Background: Regardless of whether you can feel it or not, we are all being influenced by the Collective Unconscious. So many philosophers and social psychologists throughout the ages have studied and written about this phenomenon. Not only does a collective emotion/mind/influence exist, it secretly and subtly influences our unconscious thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This is not to say that all your experiences are determined outright by the Collective Unconscious. But if you gain more awareness of this influence, you will have more control over your own life and destiny. Read more:

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Messages In This Thread
8/27/18 Living the Dream - by Eagle1 - 08-27-2018, 05:47 AM
RE: 8/27/18 Living the Dream - by Eagle1 - 08-27-2018, 08:18 AM

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