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10/4/18 Manage your Message
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How to CIRF Today’s Influences: The astrology might look a bit daunting, but it won’t be difficult to manage. In fact, the DreamBot infers many positive vibes in the Collective Unconscious despite the #1 surging dream word: POOR. Early in the day, the Moon opposes Mars, which happens every month, but this time is different. Moon is transiting the same locale as the recent eclipses, so a brief ‘portal might open’ giving you glimpses of what was happening on or around July 27 this year. The opposition this morning might feel impulsive but seeing/starting problems that might not even exist (that is, until you start them). Later in the day we have Moon square Venus, which means we may feel the need to overindulge or do pleasure-seeking behaviors. Meanwhile the number 4 is all about stability and structure and getting your nose to the grindstone. Thus, the emphasis might be on obsession/OCDness, even in the pleasurable activities. Check your intentions before starting new projects and come up for air periodically when you are in the activity. Your mantra today should be, “I am enough, I have enough, I am content.” 

Daily CIRF Reports:

Trending in the Collective Dreams (See chart below for visual representation):  poor app excellent inline wrapping good full notified message icon messenger manage bot october add means picking african allow sending drag background check another closed day send 

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Background: Regardless of whether you can feel it or not, we are all being influenced by the Collective Unconscious. So many philosophers and social psychologists throughout the ages have studied and written about this phenomenon. Not only does a collective emotion/mind/influence exist, it secretly and subtly influences our unconscious thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This is not to say that all your experiences are determined outright by the Collective Unconscious. But if you gain more awareness of this influence, you will have more control over your own life and destiny. Read more:

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10/4/18 Manage your Message - by Eagle1 - 10-04-2018, 07:37 AM

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