09-29-2019, 12:02 AM
Update and follow up. I learned earlier this week that Oprah Winfrey has recently had a very serious battle with pneumonia. She had been very sick to the point her doctors were very concerned about her well being. She fought this serious lung infection for several weeks. When I heard this on television this week I did think of this dream post from February of this year. In the dream I was concerned about her health and the breast area of her body. I think this of course was her chest and lungs. Her doctor told her not to fly for several weeks. I think this is why she has her back turned to the ocean in my dream. Also she stated that she thought she had a simple cold at first. Then she learned how serious it was. The other interesting part of the dream was about some special or unusual donations. I learned today that Miss O matched a 1.15 million dollar donation to the United Negro College Fund to go to help deserving students who plan to attend historically black colleges. I think my dream was about two major events to come in Miss Winfrey's future.