03-23-2020, 09:36 PM
There are now over 270 cases of Covid-19 in North Carolina and unfortunately that number will keep growing. There are currently 7 cases in the Wilmington area ( reference my original posting.) A lot has occurred since my last follow up three weeks ago. One thing of interest is that President Donald Trump referred to this coronavirus as the "Chinese" virus which did get him some angry feed back. But it did originate in Wuhan, China. Also the number of cases in China has gone way down, or at least it has leveled out. I find this interesting and disturbing. Interesting because in my dream the Asian family wanted to get to China even though the poisonous gas had begun there. Why would you want to go back into the danger? I had this on my mind the other night when I went to sleep. I dreamed a detailed "conspiracy" theory that China developed the virus on purpose. They already had a cure or vaccine. They had to let some of their own people die and get sick to make it look authentic. Then they released the virus on the world. This is part of a plan to show their world domination. Though it appears to me that it is hurting the economy of the whole planet. We'll see! (I did eat a lot of dark chocolate late in the evening.)