04-20-2020, 08:13 PM
It was not very good day today for economic news as oil plunged big time due to oil glut because of less demand due to shut down. The derivtives plunged to zero at one point today and next those holding futures will have to take on barrels of oil due lack of storage space. Bix Weir had a video on this today. Signapores largest oil broker has gone into bankruptcy and it was holding a lot of derivtives. About 20 banks are holding large amounts of oil derivitives of this oil broker including HSBC. United airlines lost 2.1 billion in the first quarter and airlines are shedding 100,000 jobs according to zero hedge. A few days earlier Softbank reported a whopping 25 billion dollar loss in the first quarter according to zerohedge. Softbank and HSBC are among the top five banks rated in trouble even before the virus lockdown began earlier this year.