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Prediction Lucid Dream
I just remembered one more dream episode.  Thought I would throw it in.  I was witnessing the final editing of a hollywood movie.  I must have been in the film studio since I was watching all the scenes being spliced into the final cut.  I cannot remember the plot although it was a suspense thriller but no tough guy or action scenes which I prefer.  The wrap up, or resolution it is called, was an individual explaining the turn of events and how the outcome occurred, which was an high impact and emotionless speech but a triumphant ending as opposed to the plot which was rather dark.  I stared at the scene not being able to recognize the actor but eventually realized it was Robert DeNiro.  He had slicked back, dark brown hair and larger, black plastic rim eye glasses typical of the 1960's which made him look retro.

Messages In This Thread
Lucid Dream - by cathartid - 08-12-2015, 04:36 PM
RE: Lucid Dream - by cathartid - 08-12-2015, 06:16 PM

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