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Bird Dream, 6/4/16, approx 10:00 pm
Julie, think of a 'marker' as an 'era-specific' icon. Let's say you are standing in India a thousand years ago. If you saw a swastika, you would instantly think 'love', 'peace', 'acceptance'. Now, picture the same swastika in 1945 Poland.

The 'marker' has shifted complete intention as a result of 're-purposing'. In this specific example, it has been completely 180-turned around.

The 'Emerald Tablets of Thoth' (aka the Green or Emerald Tablets), are professed to be 10,000-12,000 years old at minimum. Then again, they have absolutely NO providence that they really are that old (which is strange, as most 'monolithic artifacts' have cross-references in newer writings). This is why the 'Emerald Tablets' are NOT routinely spoken about in archaeological circles, because just like the Crystal Skulls, there is strong belief they may be fakes, there is no cross-reference back to them in later works (especially in the accepted Greek and Roman works), and in fact, data they contain is refuted by Plato and Socrates (Socrates challenges Plato in Republic 'where is the proof that this Atlantis you speak of exists, for I have not heard of it', while the Emerald Tablets speak of Atlantis technology, reportedly).

Thus, you get into the area of 'faith' that they are legitimately that old, without substantiation from a second source. Since the Emerald Tablets are more resounding of the Enki legends (that gods walk among us, not necessarily that all of us are gods), they appear to be from a prior age that may, in fact, be an 'old story' no longer applicable.

We must be careful not to take at face value an ancient or unsubstantiated work at total 'face value'. For proof of this, I challenge anyone to find two specific words that are NOT in the King James Version of the Bible. If you think the word 'DEMON' or 'NEPHILIM' is there, you are blatantly wrong. They are not.

Demon was a Greek word, Daemon, which meant 'exceptionally enlightened one' over 2500 years ago. The Constantine-based church used this to distinguish 'bad spirits' from 'good spirits' when talking about all the massively ranging spirits they created in church lore. They had to prevent 'confusing the simple people' of the day. The word Nephilim dates to about 800-A.D. when used to describe one of the three root structures of the tree Yggdrasil. There were three roots that spanned into the regions below 'heaven', one of which was to 'earth' or land. Thus, Nephilim was the land of 'great men upon earth' (gotta think Viking to understand this - accountants were cowards unworthy of heaven, while warlords and barbarian berzerkers were worthy). Thus, great and powerful men, kings and warriors, were therefore 'Nephilim'. The word is 'giant' or 'men of old, men of renown' in the Bible.
In later translations, the word 'Nephilim' was substituted, not realizing it to be the Norse word that it is...and yet, the Western World actually believes both Demons and Nephilim are 'mentioned in the Bible.

Careful of being misled. I always recommend, 'if its something new, read it for yourself - but make sure that you understand it's pedigree and provenance before you do.

Hope this helps.

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RE: 6/4/16, approx 10:00 pm - by twiceblessed9 - 06-05-2016, 01:07 AM
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RE: Bird Dream, 6/4/16, approx 10:00 pm - by Skeetersaurus - 06-12-2016, 09:48 PM

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