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8/28/18 Its Go Time
How to CIRF Today’s Influences: As Mars accelerates forward from stationary, the energy gets a boost later today as the Moon enters fiery Aries. The collective dreams say it all: “DRIVE FASTER.” Its about moving forward, so having a vision is paramount. Sometimes we can only see the obstacles. Before using your Mars/Aries yang on punching through this obstacle, make sure your detailed vision is on the other side of the obstacle. Just because a hurdle exists in front of you, does not make it necessary to jump it. Keep your vision and goals close to your conscious awareness today. Focus on the objective. According to the numerology, watch out for mistaking people as your obstacle! And the final linguistics set in the DreamBot says that the Moon will help you carry the mountain. Enjoy your yang today, but use it wisely!

Daily CIRF Report and Meditation:

Trending in the Collective Dreams (See chart below for visual representation):  meal silly breath losing keyboard blank cohesion drive faster recording hallway emotional shadow ability time whether hotel bar running grabbed yesterday fiance went attend rating breathing moon carry usually mountain 

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Background: Regardless of whether you can feel it or not, we are all being influenced by the Collective Unconscious. So many philosophers and social psychologists throughout the ages have studied and written about this phenomenon. Not only does a collective emotion/mind/influence exist, it secretly and subtly influences our unconscious thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This is not to say that all your experiences are determined outright by the Collective Unconscious. But if you gain more awareness of this influence, you will have more control over your own life and destiny. Read more:

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8/28/18 Its Go Time - by Eagle1 - 08-28-2018, 05:59 AM

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