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shipping container and riding bear
Im living in shipping containers that appear to be abandoned. There are several containers balancing over the edge over the water, but they are somehow locked into to concrete wall so that a ship steers up close and its crane can swing over and pick the container up.  They are small and I have put my bed in one and theres another where I have a small wardrobe with my clothes and stuff in it.  I am in my bed about to go to sleep and suddenly I start to think that someone could lock me in here and throw fire through the hole in the door and I would die.  Then I thought well I would suffocate so it would be pretty fast.  Then I got up and decided to take my dirty laundry to my moms to wash.  I was getting my stuff out of my wardrobe and “my” dog came running in.  I started petting it and I thought who’s dog is it really cuz I don’t have a dog.  Then I thought oh it’s a “ghost dog”?  then he was gone.  I started to leave but I had been distracted by the dog and forgot my laundry so I went back for it.  Then I started to think about why I was living here and I thought well I only lived here because that other person was here first. Another girl had a bed in one of the containers too.  I got my laundry that I had in white trash bags and left.
Next scene I am on way to my moms but its Sunday so I stop to go to church.  After church is over I am walking out of the building singing one of the songs we had been singing in the service.  It had rained very hard while I was in there and everything was flooding.  Rivers of water were pouring down from where the building was into the parking lots.  People were falling in the mud.  I couldn’t remember where I parked and I walked to a car that I thought was mine. When I got to it I realized it wasn’t mine. This jeep was made of pink granite. So I walked up to the building again and saw it down in the other parking lot. I start to walk down to it and I see my brother in law coming out of the building.  I say “hi adam” but I don’t think he heard or saw me, so I walked on.  I got to my jeep and was able to drive up out of the parking lot but when I got up there the water swept me back down.  Now I was worried because theres so much water I cant drive and I have to get to my moms.  Suddenly a grizzly bear comes to me and I get on its back and start riding it as though it’s a horse.  He has a collar I am holding onto.  I start riding it through the woods, but it appears he doesn’t want to walk through any water so we try to steer around the flowing water.  Then there is a mother black bear and 2 cubs.  She is confused and aggressive towards us.  But I make myself large on the grizzly and I yell at her and then she is not aggressive anymore.  I realize that we have made a circle trying to avoid water and I direct the bear through a more heavily wooded area.  I understand that I am in Utah and I am going to Colorado.  I ride the bear a long time in the woods before I wake up.
Another wave/water dream.

I think you've met one of your totem animals, Brother Bear.
*going to find out about this 'brother bear'*

thank you DLP

is this the same as "spirit bear"?
Still, maybe you've posted this answer below your dream, so I'll check shortly but oh, how I want to know what YOU got from this dream. Any vibes/huncheso on this?

Your jeep was made of pink granite?! DC buildings are made of granite but pink? I don't know...just know that in Austin, Texas I think it's the state capitol that's made of the stuff. (Yeah, I have Jade Helm on the mind and dunno why, per this dream.) Oh! Utah is one of the two states marked "hostile" and news said that "colorado" had pulled-out, but now we have reports of major shipments of military hardware in that state.

Texas is indeed flooding again today and you have flood in the dream, but then "tsunami" anywhere is sure a type of flood.

Riding a bear....well, sure it could be said that the bear, Russia is likely gonna have some troops in J.Helm, but what else can this symbolize?? at the moment I'm at a loss.

(05-25-2015, 11:11 AM)still Wrote: Im living in shipping containers that appear to be abandoned. There are several containers balancing over the edge over the water, but they are somehow locked into to concrete wall so that a ship steers up close and its crane can swing over and pick the container up.  They are small and I have put my bed in one and theres another where I have a small wardrobe with my clothes and stuff in it.  I am in my bed about to go to sleep and suddenly I start to think that someone could lock me in here and throw fire through the hole in the door and I would die.  Then I thought well I would suffocate so it would be pretty fast.  Then I got up and decided to take my dirty laundry to my moms to wash.  I was getting my stuff out of my wardrobe and “my” dog came running in.  I started petting it and I thought who’s dog is it really cuz I don’t have a dog.  Then I thought oh it’s a “ghost dog”?  then he was gone.  I started to leave but I had been distracted by the dog and forgot my laundry so I went back for it.  Then I started to think about why I was living here and I thought well I only lived here because that other person was here first. Another girl had a bed in one of the containers too.  I got my laundry that I had in white trash bags and left.
Next scene I am on way to my moms but its Sunday so I stop to go to church.  After church is over I am walking out of the building singing one of the songs we had been singing in the service.  It had rained very hard while I was in there and everything was flooding.  Rivers of water were pouring down from where the building was into the parking lots.  People were falling in the mud.  I couldn’t remember where I parked and I walked to a car that I thought was mine. When I got to it I realized it wasn’t mine. This jeep was made of pink granite. So I walked up to the building again and saw it down in the other parking lot. I start to walk down to it and I see my brother in law coming out of the building.  I say “hi adam” but I don’t think he heard or saw me, so I walked on.  I got to my jeep and was able to drive up out of the parking lot but when I got up there the water swept me back down.  Now I was worried because theres so much water I cant drive and I have to get to my moms.  Suddenly a grizzly bear comes to me and I get on its back and start riding it as though it’s a horse.  He has a collar I am holding onto.  I start riding it through the woods, but it appears he doesn’t want to walk through any water so we try to steer around the flowing water.  Then there is a mother black bear and 2 cubs.  She is confused and aggressive towards us.  But I make myself large on the grizzly and I yell at her and then she is not aggressive anymore.  I realize that we have made a circle trying to avoid water and I direct the bear through a more heavily wooded area.  I understand that I am in Utah and I am going to Colorado.  I ride the bear a long time in the woods before I wake up.
my jeep was a white jeep. jeeps can go anywhere. everyone elses cars were pink granite. i think this means the vehicles are useless. why pink granite instead of any other type of rock - not sure.
shipping containers - temporary, unstable. i found it strange that i am here without any thoughts of where any of my family are.
could die by someone throwing in a fire - why was this a concern with all the other possible ways of death here? *shrug*
go to my moms to wash - i often have laundry to do in my dreams. its symbolic of mundane things i want to do before SHTF. why at my moms - this is symbolic of our bug out place.
ghost dog - some sort of warning that im the only survivor of my family is the feeling i got.
trashbags - all my stuff is gone, including luggage. a very temporary way of traveling.
stopping at church - a spiritual refresher before continuing the journey.
the rain - i knew it was coming, as it had moved in from the direction id come. it was a deluge. it got there sooner than i had expected and i wasnt prepared.
i wish i could remember the hymn i was singing. it was one of those good ole southern foot stompers where the choir goes a little nuts.
people falling in the mud - losing there footing, balance, sliding back.
my brother in law adam - second time in a few days where 'adam' has been in my dream. adam means mankind, humankind, and in this dream he or humankind didnt hear or see me...come to think of it no one else in this entire dream acknowledged me.
the church - up at the top of a hill. all the parking lots were lower and had stairs walking up to the building.
i wasnt ever afraid of the bear. he was sent to me and i knew it. i have no idea why. there was no symbolism in the dream to indicate that he was either representing russia or iran(persia). he was big and strong and knew the woods and he was determined NOT to go in the water. an unexpected savior of sorts.
the woods - the wilderness, staying off roads.
the black bear and her cubs - some sort of living obstacle trying to block my passage. i had to become threatening to her in order to pass.
i believe that the flooding is coming to the western US. there was definitely a disaster prior to my living in the container. i dont know what, but i know what i am expecting...earthquakes and tsunamis.
Interesting that both you and DLP were riding in jeeps today.
I thought so too TB9...

"As a brother, the bear imparts this advice to both our ancestors and us today:
•Because the bear is cautious, it encourages discernment to humankind.
•Because of a fierce spirit, the bear signals bravery to those who require it.
•Because of its mass and physical power, the bear stands for confidence and victory.
•Because it prefers peace and tranquility (in spite of its size), Bear calls for harmony and balance."

Still, I am glad that you don't think the bear stands for Russia.
Pink granite-- wish we could figure out the reason it was so, in your dream because yours are clearly gifts that are revelations, and I don't believe that this specific detail is random. But, we can't have everything.

Oh, the hymn, me too! boogied to some oldie goldies in the sixties.

(05-25-2015, 08:10 PM)still Wrote: my jeep was a white jeep. jeeps can go anywhere. everyone elses cars were pink granite.  i think this means the vehicles are useless.  why pink granite instead of any other type of rock - not sure.
shipping containers - temporary, unstable.  i found it strange that i am here without any thoughts of where any of my family are.  
could die by someone throwing in a fire - why was this a concern with all the other possible ways of death here?  *shrug*
go to my moms to wash - i often have laundry to do in my dreams.  its symbolic of mundane things i want to do before SHTF.  why at my moms - this is symbolic of our bug out place.
ghost dog - some sort of warning that im the only survivor of my family is the feeling i got.
trashbags - all my stuff is gone, including luggage. a very temporary way of traveling.
stopping at church - a spiritual refresher before continuing the journey.
the rain - i knew it was coming, as it had moved in from the direction id come.  it was a deluge.  it got there sooner than i had expected and i wasnt prepared.
i wish i could remember the hymn i was singing. it was one of those good ole southern foot stompers where the choir goes a little nuts.
people falling in the mud - losing there footing, balance, sliding back.
my brother in law adam - second time in a few days where 'adam' has been in my dream.  adam means mankind, humankind, and in this dream he or humankind didnt hear or see me...come to think of it no one else in this entire dream acknowledged me.
the church - up at the top of a hill. all the parking lots were lower and had stairs walking up to the building.
i wasnt ever afraid of the bear. he was sent to me and i knew it.  i have no idea why.  there was no symbolism in the dream to indicate that he was either representing russia or iran(persia). he was big and strong and knew the woods and he was determined NOT to go in the water.  an unexpected savior of sorts.
the woods - the wilderness, staying off roads.
the black bear and her cubs - some sort of living obstacle trying to block my passage.  i had to become threatening to her in order to pass.
i believe that the flooding is coming to the western US.  there was definitely a disaster prior to my living in the container.  i dont know what, but i know what i am expecting...earthquakes and tsunamis.
(05-25-2015, 09:26 PM)twiceblessed9 Wrote: Interesting that both you and DLP were riding in jeeps today.

I actually own an elderly Jeep-an '86 CJ7. It has NO bells and whistles, but it does have a lot of quirks. Big Grin
The Red Pyramid of Egypt (c.26th century BC), named for the light crimson hue of its exposed granite surfaces, is the third largest of Egyptian pyramids

Enchanted Rock (16710 Ranch Rd 965, Fredericksburg TX) is an enormous pink granite pluton batholith located in the Llano Uplift approximately 17 miles (27 km) north of Fredericksburg, Texas and 24 miles (39 km) south of Llano, Texas
A tornado touched down there today.

the rock features of "lord of the flies" were pink granite

my dad rebuilt jeeps as a hobby when I was a kid and my parents have a silver one now used for going up trails in the mountains.
Pink granite is a big deal from childhood. I knew about our state capitol but not, or didn't remember? about Fredericksburg, which by the way is a great place to live.

Dig this...didn't recall this, either...
I forgot about that one nanny!

maybe the pink granite is pointing to the similarity in whats going on in tx and what I saw coming to Utah and Colorado...

pink granite is also very common for headstones...
(05-25-2015, 10:29 PM)still Wrote: The Red Pyramid of Egypt (c.26th century BC), named for the light crimson hue of its exposed granite surfaces, is the third largest of Egyptian pyramids

Enchanted Rock (16710 Ranch Rd 965, Fredericksburg TX) is an enormous pink granite pluton batholith located in the Llano Uplift approximately 17 miles (27 km) north of Fredericksburg, Texas and 24 miles (39 km) south of Llano, Texas
A tornado touched down there today.

the rock features of "lord of the flies" were pink granite

my dad rebuilt jeeps as a hobby when I was a kid and my parents have a silver one now used for going up trails in the mountains.

Enchanted Rock-one of my favorite places to visit, BTW-is dripping with energy. The Native Americans who lived and passed through the area considered it sacred.
I of course do believe that coincidences still exist, but yeah it's cool that Texas and Utah are the 2 states labeled Red/Hostile for J.Helm, and Colorado is the only state named as supposedly having "pulled-out" of the thing. am with ya...hmmm....

(05-25-2015, 10:39 PM)still Wrote: I forgot about that one nanny!  

maybe the pink granite is pointing to the similarity in whats going on in tx and what I saw coming to Utah and Colorado...

pink granite is also very common for headstones...

I don't think I've spent any time in Fredericksburg since the old highschool days, except maybe to drive through or past it.
I did consider it for retirement. Family has mentioned some folks we know, moving there. It's apparently really built-up since I married my military guy and moved away.

Hey! the map looked horrible earlier today, again....wonder how that area fared in the latest round of flooding. do you know?

Enchanted Rock-one of my favorite places to visit, BTW-is dripping with energy. The Native Americans who lived and passed through the area considered it sacred.
tx flooding and tornado touched down today at enchanted rock - pink granite - vernal pool on top - the only place in Utah im actually familiar with is vernal - my dad does a lot of business in vernal - I was going to his cabin in Colorado - co, ut and tx involved in JH15

just thinking out loud here

the area got hammered today nanny

"Bear calls us to awaken the potential within ourselves and the power of our unconscious mind. Bear reminds us there is a time for playfulness and a time to be assertive."
Yes m'am it dang sure did. Sigh...I haven't even taken the time to phone relatives in all of the places I'm going to.
Tomorrow is pay bills, make files a tad neater as I do, and be on the phone a lot, I Hope.

All weekend was a blur of water and threats, there.

Canyon Lake, Texas lost a big portion of a bridge/highway. A drone got a 3 min. video of that.

I have close family, first cousins in three homes and old friends all that live even in-sight of that lake, and area. Haven't talked with any of them, yet. We're a very close family so I should get calls about anyone truly hit hard. What a dang spring!

Glad you are thinking-aloud.
prayers that all of your people are safe and sound, nanny
thank you, sistah-gal. Let's try to remember to hold each other in prayers. Not just you and me but this family of souls at NDC, too. We're all about to ride-out this massive Storm that's on the nation and world's Horizon.

I thank you again for every prayer. I would think that I'd have heard now if someone besides our one cousin is suffering and yet the family is a big one. I was on my eliptical earlier today and thought of one segment of the family that may not even remember this cousin exists. So, phonecalls on my agenda.

"Bear calls us to awaken the potential within ourselves and the power of our unconscious mind. Bear reminds us there is a time for playfulness and a time to be assertive." Is this a quote of Still? or one you found? I like it...where else at NDC did I read just today...about us realizing or remembering a "power" inside us? Rediscovering would be a better word?

I thought of Dorothy of the Wizard of Oz when I read it, wherever here that it is. she looked everywhere, but where was her answer? well, literally on her feet but point was, with her all of the time.
Hey! I wish they'd remake that and be so literal that they say it was within her all of the time...maybe they could put a little light glowing on her forehead and indicate that it was inside her 3rd. eye all the time, waiting for her to rediscover it.

Well, there's a minute of your time you'll never get back! LOL...hubby says that to me when I ramble-on like Edith bunker.
Quote:"Bear calls us to awaken the potential within ourselves and the power of our unconscious mind. Bear reminds us there is a time for playfulness and a time to be assertive." Is this a quote of Still? or one you found? I like it...where else at NDC did I read just today...about us realizing or remembering a "power" inside us? Rediscovering would be a better word?

That would be in my vision thread, Nanny. My guide said that to me.

Yes, in a way it's rediscovering what we already know but either buried inside us for whatever reason or it got locked away until it would be needed. I used to grouse about not being able to remember what I knew in times past until one of my guides pointed out that I would remember when I really needed it. I realized that meant if I could suddenly do things I'd never been able to do before, then TS was truly HTF. Oh-kay. I'll skip it until absolutely necessary. Smile
Still, I found this old dream that mentioned a building made out of pink granite. It was the only building standing after ...I don't know what. Pink granite is an unusual thing to dream about isn't it?

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