There is clearly some randomness in this run (a striking difference from yesterday), although I do need to point out an unprecedented overlap in two of the phrases. In group 2, there’s a “Plague” which matches with group 3’s “Sick.” That was pretty obvious, but then check this out: Group 2 has “Posing” and Group 3 has “Shot image” and “Imagery.” Thus, we have two phrases with double overlap…very rare. But guess what…that isn’t all! Group 2 has “Craziness” and Group 3 has “Complex” and “Confusing” WOW…a literal first for a fully clear and congruent trifecta of linguistics overlap!
When this happens in dream overlaps, we look at the context surrounding those words. For example, when Dallas overlaps in the dreams, we then go look at the context to see if there are any special trends. In this case, there does happen to be similar context, too. There’s a feeling of “appreciation” and even a “chorus.” Who would have ever thunk it that plague-sckness would be attract such applause. Therefore, it is my estimation that this significant overlap is, in fact, predictive in nature, and I’m seeing some sort of big-time, damning evidence AGAINST the reality of ebola. I’m guessing there will be some sort of picture or video that disengages the fear associated with what has clearly captured the minds and hearts of world citizens.
Oh yeah, and it looks apparent that the image or video might be coming from Spain or Mexico (last word in Grouping 3).
One last connection: “Hour involving thank sun” at the very bottom of the lingo has a direct relationship with the Christmas holiday. The 25th of December marks the rebirth of the Sun from the quietist solar day of the year…21/22 Dec, winter solstice. It is true that the ancient Christmas holiday was actually a Pagan holiday, and was adopted in ancient Rome. So, this begs the question, why is there an overlap on something that clearly does not belong in this run…Christmas? Is this when the staged ebola scam is revealed?
Plain text:
10/20/2014 %Change from Ave % Change from Yesterday
tower 63.3% 1800.0%
nighttime 116.9% 1500.0%
provocative 134.4% 1400.0%
gross 109.8% 1300.0%
plague 103.3% 1200.0%
styling 102.1% 1100.0%
posing 95.7% 1100.0%
chorus 97.9% 1000.0%
craziness 94.7% 1000.0%
insight 136.5% 850.0%
acts 99.0% 500.0%
crack 60.8% 450.0%
cheated 82.1% 400.0%
exhausted 61.8% 400.0%
letter 75.7% 366.7%
christmas 227.7% 300.0%
lunch 100.0% 283.3%
uncle 84.6% 275.0%
complex 97.5% 240.0%
appreciated 46.0% 233.3%
shot 120.3% 216.7%
image 71.5% 216.7%
confusing 79.4% 200.0%
linked 71.6% 200.0%
sick 115.6% 188.9%
punch 48.8% 175.0%
imagery 91.6% 150.0%
spanish 106.7% 133.3%
hour 103.3% 121.4%
involving 83.0% 114.3%
thank 53.0% 111.1%
sun 83.6% 100.0%
When this happens in dream overlaps, we look at the context surrounding those words. For example, when Dallas overlaps in the dreams, we then go look at the context to see if there are any special trends. In this case, there does happen to be similar context, too. There’s a feeling of “appreciation” and even a “chorus.” Who would have ever thunk it that plague-sckness would be attract such applause. Therefore, it is my estimation that this significant overlap is, in fact, predictive in nature, and I’m seeing some sort of big-time, damning evidence AGAINST the reality of ebola. I’m guessing there will be some sort of picture or video that disengages the fear associated with what has clearly captured the minds and hearts of world citizens.
Oh yeah, and it looks apparent that the image or video might be coming from Spain or Mexico (last word in Grouping 3).
One last connection: “Hour involving thank sun” at the very bottom of the lingo has a direct relationship with the Christmas holiday. The 25th of December marks the rebirth of the Sun from the quietist solar day of the year…21/22 Dec, winter solstice. It is true that the ancient Christmas holiday was actually a Pagan holiday, and was adopted in ancient Rome. So, this begs the question, why is there an overlap on something that clearly does not belong in this run…Christmas? Is this when the staged ebola scam is revealed?
Plain text:
10/20/2014 %Change from Ave % Change from Yesterday
tower 63.3% 1800.0%
nighttime 116.9% 1500.0%
provocative 134.4% 1400.0%
gross 109.8% 1300.0%
plague 103.3% 1200.0%
styling 102.1% 1100.0%
posing 95.7% 1100.0%
chorus 97.9% 1000.0%
craziness 94.7% 1000.0%
insight 136.5% 850.0%
acts 99.0% 500.0%
crack 60.8% 450.0%
cheated 82.1% 400.0%
exhausted 61.8% 400.0%
letter 75.7% 366.7%
christmas 227.7% 300.0%
lunch 100.0% 283.3%
uncle 84.6% 275.0%
complex 97.5% 240.0%
appreciated 46.0% 233.3%
shot 120.3% 216.7%
image 71.5% 216.7%
confusing 79.4% 200.0%
linked 71.6% 200.0%
sick 115.6% 188.9%
punch 48.8% 175.0%
imagery 91.6% 150.0%
spanish 106.7% 133.3%
hour 103.3% 121.4%
involving 83.0% 114.3%
thank 53.0% 111.1%
sun 83.6% 100.0%