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21, 32 and whirring clouds
Well, Eagle1, you are in my dreams again. *L* In the first scene, you look like yourself and in the second, more like Elvis Presley.

12/19/15 About 11:30 PM CST
Intent: Tell me something about today's bot run. 'christmas' and 'apocalypse' on my mind.
I was myself in this dream, not an observer.

In scene 1, I am standing in front of a wall of large sheets of paper - news articles, pictures, and what looked a lot like a copy of one of Eric Leigh-Pink's blog posts - all of which were greatly enlarged to read easily. It was Eric's post that I was looking at that was giving locations (plural) of an anticipated natural event using numbers. The numbers were on a very blurred map so I didn't catch the locations of those except one was in the North Atlantic area (21) and the other about where I was (32) - mid-eastern side of South America - 32 being the most significant one because the post read something like, "Someone called somewhere to report number 32." That line created a 'light bulb moment' and I rushed to the back of the room to tell Eagle1 about it. There were a few other people in the room, as well, all trying to investigate and come up with an answer about what the upcoming event was going to be and where. There was no doubt that there was to be an event. Eagle1 was sitting in a chair at the back of the room facing the wall, hunched over and picking away at a small electronic tablet.

In scene 2 there was a very loud and intense thundering sound that sounded more like metal trash can lids being smashed together. I find myself in a large covered outdoor conference hall with white stuccoed walls. The conference was over but there were still a few people about the room. The scene was of empty chairs and tables and a large coffee urn on a table that had been used for a buffet. The carpet was a reddish brown. We all turned to look up and out through the open space of the outdoor room at the sky. There we saw a large circular roiling cloud hovering ominously in the sky and around it danced a couple of different kinds of clouds, or were they clouds? These clouds were more like cloud objects of bright pink and green light flying around in a circle 8 pattern leaving cloud trails behind them - something like fireworks only much less defined. They reminded me of the cloud lights that are seen hovering in the sky before an earthquake - and they were giving off a whirring crackly sound as they moved.

I turned knowing I had to get out of the building and saw Eagle1 (looking like Elvis Presley) stand up from his chair after talking to someone and I went over to him. The way we greeted each other seemed like we didn't know the other was at the conference. All of a sudden a great wall of water gushed into the room. The water tank above the hotel has burst. We quickly left looking for shelter. Now we are walking uphill down a street in a more industrial area. It felt like we were in a town where Spanish was spoken. It wasn't Mexico but felt more like somewhere in South America. Further up the hill we saw a beautiful, tall skinny church engulfed in flames. A woman we couldn't see shouted, "Don't go into the church, It's on fire!". That was pretty obvious. The voice seemed to come from the church itself.

We're still walking quickly up the street and stopped at a house where a man and woman were sitting on a small porch with a big box of apples. Eagle1 started to ask the couple where we could find shelter when the man reached out and grabbed Eagle1, dragged him half onto the porch and began beating him on the head with a wooden stick. Another man appeared with the intent to help Eagle1 when the dream ended.

As a side note, the sky was sunny, it wasn't raining, there was no wind and the ground wasn't shaking but it was important to find a safe place even though the feeling was that it had to be real safe or we'd be trapped. No building that we saw had the feeling that it was safe - the single level white stuccoed manufacturing building with the big air conditioner that we had passed or the other big dark grey stuccoed hotel further up on the hill. 3 plus 5 (2132) = 8.

Upon waking, the first thing I thought was 'day residue' from what I had read on the web this day even though I believe all dreams are made up of day residue that is used to convey messages because day residue is the most recent memories that the brain can use for that purpose.

This is Eric's latest post -
21 32 12 23 = 8
2 4 2
First question: Sherriann, what in God's name did you consume last night? Ayahuasca? LOL!

First paragraph reminded me of Minority Report. Did you see that movie recently? Not suggesting you should see it, but this dream could easily be a long-term precognitive dream. Maybe 8 years into the future? I take from that first paragraph that we've developed an app that can...... oh my gosh.... another patent! Never mind. I'll talk about this in the Elder's section. I've got patent ideas now pouring out of my overtasked brain!!

Second paragraph. Sherriann, did you remember my dancing cloud dream? They looked like clouds but weren't clouds!

Not surprised that the water archetype showed up on paragraph 3. I'm an Aquarius, which you can see in my profile picture. That archetype shows up in consistent fashion with Eagle dreams. No, I'm not narcissistic, just the facts. Sherriann, in my very first EHE dream that shocked my world, I was in a dark restaurant in the middle of a big city. The water tank in that restaurant was bursting. People were fleeing the upscale diner and the main chef was standing on a chair trying to hold the ceiling up. There's much more in that dream, but that's what overlaps with this dream.

I have many explanations about why your mind saw me as Presley, but I don't think any of them are particularly important. I will take out of that what is useful to me personally and improve myself. In the astral world, the receiving person sees the environment pelted with images happening inside the mind of the subject. I wonder if Sherriann's strong emphasis on South America is due to my constant daydreams about moving there. I know it's unrealistic, but I keep coming back to it. I think I have some unfinished business in South America or something. Or maybe something big is coming for that continent and Sherriann is seeing it.

The definitely signifying how I feel currently. I have GG helping me with one project, and I have a couple more going on, not necessarily associated with the NDC. I'm literally on fire right now, as GG might attest to.

Just so everyone knows, the NDC will eventually have a brick and mortar building. It won't always just be a website. How soon this will take place is up in the air. I've got a lot of ideas going on right now. A shitload of changes happening in my life, all of them good. And with Still and Nanny coming back at the same time a few other seemingly very talented dreamers showed up, I'd say that the NDC is poised to be on fire.

I think this is a heavily prophetic, meaningful, and highly symbolic dream. I am amazed at the detail here, and I most certainly didn't cover it all.

Numerologists: WHAT DOES 8 SIGNIFY? Eternity?
I consumed too much coffee before bedtime. Perfect for a long theta wave state. *L*
I haven't seen The Minority Report. It's on my to-do list.
Your dream description of the yellow dancing clouds is very close. Didn't remember it.
I'm a Cancer, astrologically speaking.
Haven't had one of these long detailed dreams for some time.
There was discussion about the number 8 in still's dream post:
Yes, eternity - a continuous unbroken looping
I hesitated at first to admit in the write up that you were the person in the dream but since there was nothing in the dream of a compromising nature, I went for it. Not that there ever has been... I've posted the two others but would have to dig for them. One was about a threat to NDC and the other was about a personal threat against you that both came true. I have this kind of precog connection with my two sons, too. They are 38 and 39, soon to be 40 years old.
South America would certainly overlap Eric Leigh-Pink's recent post for sure.
8 is often associated with infinity Eagle.
"8" also is heavy for receiving wealth. C2C radio's favorite numerologist, I think was the person on there that suggested we write that number on something and put it in our wallets.

I was thinking too literally and thought of 21 as the date for Monday but this is because of LEO's anonymously saying that's a date they're watching for a possible "TET" type attack on the nation. But, 32 as a date? New Year's day but nah, so many hunker down at home in fatigue doesn't seem like a day to dread.
Number 8 again...

I set the intention to learn more last night and I dreamed all night but I was awakened abruptly this morning and had to hit the ground running before I could get it written down. Now it's gone. I'll try again tonight.
J Pierpont Morgan, apparently experiencing a Scrooge-like transformation, has seen the light. Yesterday he tweeted three public source documents that conclusively show a Senior CIA Spy- a major figure in operations from South America to the Middle East-is lobbying the US Government to destroy Iraq and formally create an independent Sunnistan on behalf of a Sunni terrorist.
This could be another major tweet as discussed in several bot runs.
Here are the latest two of Eric's posts. It appears as though my dream was confirming his predictions.

So, what about the church fire? Hmmmm.....
(12-28-2015, 08:16 AM)Sherriann Wrote: Here are the latest two of Eric's posts. It appears as though my dream was confirming his predictions.

So, what about the church fire?  Hmmmm.....

They speak Spanish in Ecuador, don't they?

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