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CameTrue 3/24/16 Awaiting the Next Subconscious Lesson
Trending: wed subconscious wanting lesson lounge target comfortable pair essentially amazon inspired electronics python bodies mustang melted burning dry opened card gives eye bleeding blonde random silly stuff islands via effort afraid hitting language ocean put horizon flames eggs pat viewing
Waning: scary dress fine van low piece husband word less tour giant fell job pool parking guard men glass 2015 days alive hotel yesterday mouth class remove taylor sun baby mocking

<----- DISCUSSION ----->
No, no, no!! I’m not ready for another subconscious lesson! I’m still catching up from all the previous ones.

For more details about these DreamBot runs, please see:

Feel the same way! Tongue

<----- DISCUSSION ----->
No, no, no!! I’m not ready for another subconscious lesson! I’m still catching up from all the previous ones.
(03-24-2016, 08:28 AM)Julie Wrote: Feel the same way!   Tongue

<----- DISCUSSION ----->
No, no, no!! I’m not ready for another subconscious lesson! I’m still catching up from all the previous ones.

Subconscious wanting lesson My subconscious needs to chill out for a while. I'm still assimilating the most recent crop of lessons and pop quizzes.

Amazon inspired electronics Like we didn't get the message right the first time. But this reminds me of the recent message from Amazon about the need to update the older versions of the Kindle, which could be considered an Amazon-inspired electronic device.

Mustang melted burning Don't mess with my car. Srsly.

Seeing yet another reference to taylor has me wondering if the word isn't a name but a metaphor for something different and we haven't figured it out yet? Perhaps a metaphor for those celebrities who seem to show up in the news so often for no apparent reason.

I dunno. It just feels like we're missing something by focusing on the word as a name.
Good point DLP. Taylor just won't seem to go away, must be important.
Whenever I see strong overlaps over a few days worth of dreambot runs, I take notice.
I am taking notice!!

Both runs from yesterday and today have many overlaps so I am putting them both here to compare.

Are possible "events" on the horizon being predicted?  Here are 3 possibilities.

1-  An Amazon hacking job or malfunctioning electronics sold through Amazon
(* note:  python is a computer language program)
3-23-16-essentially amazon inspired electronics python bodies mustang melted burning
3-24-16-: amazon python melted electronics mocking

2- A ship fire/bomb
3-23-16-ocean card essentially bleeding inspired glow class identify stuff attack
3-24-16-islands via effort afraid hitting language ocean put horizon flames

3-  A letter bomb or mail bomb?
3-23-16- card essentially bleeding inspired glow class identify stuff attack
3-24-16- melted burning dry opened card gives eye bleeding

*Additionally, I am not ruling out something happening in the Amazon region, like a meteor or volcano eruption, which causes some sort of fire or pulse which fries electronics.  Something BIG!
"Taylor" has coughed up some interesting associations:

Taylor rule, in economics, a proposed policy stipulating how interest rate should be changed

Taylorism, the theory of scientific management

AMD Taylor, alternate name for the Turion 64 X2 computer processor

Taylor KO Factor, measure of the stopping power of rifle bullets

Taylor sept, one of several Clan Cameron groups (a branch of a Scottish Surname)

Taylor series, in mathematics, a way to represent any function in power series

Time to go back and see if anything here fits with surrounding phrases.
(03-24-2016, 04:59 PM)twiceblessed9 Wrote: 3-  A letter bomb or mail bomb?
3-23-16- card essentially bleeding inspired glow class identify stuff attack
3-24-16- melted burning dry opened card gives eye bleeding

Maybe Day residue....

Threatening letter sent to Donald Trump's son, Eric

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Last Updated Mar 18, 2016 7:35 AM EDT

NEW YORK -- The Secret Service, FBI and New York Police Department are investigating what sources tell CBS News is a threatening piece of mail sent to Donald Trump's son, Eric Trump.

The mail, sent to Eric Trump at his posh Manhattan residence at 100 Central Park South, also known as Trump Parc East, was opened by his wife Thursday.

A source close to the investigation said the letter had a Massachusetts postmark and warned that if Donald Trump doesn't withdraw from the race for the Republican presidential nomination -- paraphrasing -- harm will come to the kids.

A source familiar with the matter said the envelope contained suspicious white powder that's been sent to a lab for testing. The source said a preliminary field test indicated the substance didn't appear to be hazardous.
This is first Presidential election that I can remember where there are protests and threats against a candidate. Makes me wonder why. I believe they are all corrupt and self-serving, so why this one person is being singled out to protest against? Makes you go hummmmm.
(03-24-2016, 06:23 PM)Goldengirl Wrote: "Taylor" has coughed up some interesting associations:

Taylor rule, in economics, a proposed policy stipulating how interest rate should be changed

Taylorism, the theory of scientific management

AMD Taylor, alternate name for the Turion 64 X2 computer processor

Taylor KO Factor, measure of the stopping power of rifle bullets

Taylor sept, one of several Clan Cameron groups (a branch of a Scottish Surname)

Taylor series, in mathematics, a way to represent any function in power series

Time to go back and see if anything here fits with surrounding phrases.

I don't know if anyone has brought this up yet, but "Taylor" could mean Tailored.  As in:

Tailored Elections,
Tailored Wars,
Tailored Weather Events,
Tailored Terrorism,
Tailored Economics....

“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

― Mark Twain
(03-26-2016, 10:13 AM)Julie Wrote: This is first Presidential election that I can remember where there are protests and threats against a candidate. Makes me wonder why. I believe they are all corrupt and self-serving, so why this one person is being singled out to protest against? Makes you go hummmmm.

Because Donald is the Anti-Christ! A new Hitler, who wants to use Nuclear bombs in Syria, he talks without thinking, and he is the big bully on the blockhead?!?!

Yeah maybe that is it....

Donald is right, it feels good to speak without thinking!
This came up in news today
it supported the dream I had a few weeks ago on a dirty bomb
and it steps in tandem with what is going on over there.
Nuclear fears of a bomb planned that would stop electric service and so much more-

Also consider this the day after the bot-
subconscious wanting lesson lounge target comfortable pair essentially amazon inspired electronics python bodies

neurons are bio-electric pulsing bodies - inspired electronics python bodies
"class remove taylor" is encouraging with today's run such a bummer, today being March 26th. of '16. "class" I'm convinced is all of us collectively, as life is the classroom in this realm we're now in.
Good to see you back Windy!!! Love your input on here on NDC!

(03-26-2016, 12:56 PM)Windy Wrote:
(03-26-2016, 10:13 AM)Julie Wrote: This is first Presidential election that I can remember where there are protests and threats against a candidate.  Makes me wonder why. I believe they are all corrupt and self-serving, so why this one person is being singled out to protest against?  Makes you go hummmmm.

Because Donald is the Anti-Christ! A new Hitler, who wants to use Nuclear bombs in Syria, he talks without thinking, and he is the big bully on the blockhead?!?!

Yeah maybe that is it....

Donald is right, it feels good to speak without thinking!
(03-24-2016, 04:59 PM)twiceblessed9 Wrote: Whenever I see strong overlaps over a few days worth of dreambot runs, I take notice.
I am taking notice!!

Both runs from yesterday and today have many overlaps so I am putting them both here to compare.

Are possible "events" on the horizon being predicted?  Here are 3 possibilities.

1-  An Amazon hacking job or malfunctioning electronics sold through Amazon
(* note:  python is a computer language program)
3-23-16-essentially amazon inspired electronics python bodies mustang melted burning
3-24-16-: amazon python melted electronics mocking

2- A ship fire/bomb
3-23-16-ocean card essentially bleeding inspired glow class identify stuff attack
3-24-16-islands via effort afraid hitting language ocean put horizon flames

3-  A letter bomb or mail bomb?
3-23-16- card essentially bleeding inspired glow class identify stuff attack
3-24-16- melted burning dry opened card gives eye bleeding

*Additionally, I am not ruling out something happening in the Amazon region, like a meteor or volcano eruption, which causes some sort of fire or pulse which fries electronics.  Something BIG!


I love this #cametrue!
Yes, there was a volcano eruption but there was much more to the botrun which spoke of the eruption.
 islands via effort afraid hitting language ocean put horizon flames eggs pat viewing 
The eruption happened on Easter which  is represented by the word eggs.  It happened on an Alaskan island.  It hasn’t fried electronics but planes need to avoid the area because the ash can disable jet engines, pit windshields and create havoc. This first link explains the trouble a plane can have if it flies into ash.

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