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5/8/15 Spy Camera
[Image: 20150508%20spy%20camera.jpg]

[ltr]UP Words:     spy camera review resume roller ron yesterday theory longest demon example warm exploration attractive verify represent strange paranoid cave attempt entire fireflies joining mafia congrats welcome virtual lion entry necessary avoid graph ram [/ltr]

[ltr]DOWN Words:   song wild parts become dogs important style putting crush save definitely hospital mirror laying spoiler monster aware experiment tall center often smile bedtime april maybe meditation paint vision consciousness position failed today eye class series [/ltr]
Here's my first intuitive splits/groupings of the day, will apply some graphs and post once I get into the office today: 
spy camera review resume

roller ron yesterday

theory longest demon example

warm exploration attractive verify

represent strange paranoid cave attempt

entire fireflies joining mafia

congrats welcome virtual lion
entry necessary avoid graph ram

song wild parts become
dogs important
style putting crush
save definitely hospital mirror
laying spoiler monster aware experiment
tall center often smile
bedtime april maybe
meditation paint vision
consciousness position failed today
eye class series
I'm personally curious about FIREFLIES. Its such a weird word to be constantly remaining in our runs. 4 days now? I'd call this run a very paranormal one....lots of support.
If we look back to see how often April has shown up in the May runs (or since April 20) and now Ram appears even as April is in the DOWN words, which is the astrological sign for March 21 - April 20, we may do well to keep next April (2016) and the connotations surrounding the word 'April' in mind.

Beginning of CHANI conclusion, anyone?? Cool

And/or perhaps something happened in April that we are supposed to be considering. Gee, what could that have been? :-)

Second day for Mafia so there is more to this than one Mafia daughter having a baby. Ya think?? *L*

The entire group of UP words smells of Jade Helm/Isis/drug cartels/spying/computer hacking/hiding/virtual reality.......

Who is Ron? Being interviewed about a theory?

What are fireflies attracted to? Oh, they hang out in caves, like terrorists.

Sorry, I actually don't see anything 'paranormal' about the UP words.

My $2.00 worth. Note the inflation..... Wink

(05-08-2015, 10:24 AM)NADW Wrote: Spy Camera Review Resume....

Both Still and I (It would appear) had work related stress dreams. I would love to know if Sherriann would pull her cards and see if she gets anything from this.

Would that be resume as in restarting or résumé as in applying for a job?

I've been under a constant barrage of personal dream crappola since the May 4 full moon. It's like a brain cleansing. I can remember very little but just enough to know what's happening.

I would but I need to know what you need to know. Huh Didn't catch on to that very well..... What does NADW need to know about __________ ? If you fill in the blank, I'll have a peek tonight.
Is "resume" a verb or a noun? there's also "review, verify, represent."

Do the "fireflies" go with "joining mafia congrats welcome virtual lion entry necessary?" Is it "necessary" to "Join" the "mafia," or specifically for the "virtual lion" to do so?

What event or purpose is this "spy camera" in need of being "reviewed" for?

This is beautiful! "meditation paint vision consciousness" can only hope that this indicates that more folks are meditating, presented with the suggestion and considering doing so.

"monster aware experiment tall center" sounds like CERN.

I have questions and few hunches.

I immediately thought that "fireflies" was metaphoric, looked online and all I got in my impatience to find something was that they are "bright and shortlived."
Sounds like comets, actually nuts that wrap themselves in bombs and other types of terrorist things, knowing they'll die in the crime, and types of bombs/weaponry.
What am I forgetting fits the description?

Oh fart! I hope this doesn't mean what I am considering! Yesterday's botrun started with

"mafia wind class bedtime" and today's is
"fireflies joining mafia congrats welcome virtual lion entry necessary"

I hope this doesn't mean that citizens must be brave and join the mafia, succumb to those that are taking away all rights, hand over their guns and join the subversives, or be part of the re-education class that loses their lives.

MAYBE....hoping not...

"Mafia wind" = the power of the subversives
"class bedtime" = those being killed that refuse to be re-educated/acquiesce
"mafia congrats welcome the fireflies" = the brave *(brave because subversives kill their own like mafia does, most often) folks that surrender and join the subversives are of course welcomed/heralded by the haters for giving-up
"virtual lion" = those brave, knowing they can die either way, joining or not
"entry necessary" = yes, if they hope to live or live to resist at a later date

Hoping to live and joining the mafia and avoiding the re-education classes/camps, or being in the camps and joining from within them in hoping to live?

If true at all then the words in these two botruns cover this however it plays out for citizens, individually.
Here's a quick few charts attached for today's words. One is an overall scatterplot for both up and down sets of words, then there's separate ones for the up and the down. Apologies for spots where all the datapoints came out on top of each other. I've got them in Excel and can mouse over them so see what words are in a concentrated grouping...Hopefully this triggers some various intuition with everyone. I'm at the beginning of playing with different modelling types to see what patterns I can visually find from the daily runs, so if anyone has suggestions for ways to graph things out, I'm all ears.

checking after I posted...Please let me know if you can see the pics...because, I'm not seeing them!

Nanny I think you are right on with the fireflies there...representing citizens and their individual lives. I was listening last night to the Caravan To Midnight show, and the guy from the Arc Light institute was on and had made an interesting comment of "Those who adapt early survive". that totally resonated with this morning's run. there are indeed movements afoot at the grassroots level where people are trying to figure out new and different ways to live with the current chaos in the system, or live around it or outside of it as much as possible. My household is a prime example of that, trying to cut the ties of dependency to the state, be they represented by the industrial food and pharmacy complexes, traditional jobs, reliance on the utility companies etc.

The class bedtime portion is interesting because of the shifting of traditional social classes in the western world that is currently happening. things are coming unglued at the seams. The 1 percenters likely won't recognise the new environment once society reorganises itself away from the shrinking middle class and the vastly expanding lower class. Those 2 items appear to be morphing into a bunch of different things. It could very well be that the 1 percenters regard the new emerging classes/groups as being like a mafia, because the members of the new groups are pretty disenchanted with the old system. I don't know that a critical mass has yet been reached to fully let us see what the outcome is going to be whether it's the mafia is a good thing and the major part of the population has self-sorted into progressive groups, or if things fall on the negative side and the mafia concept isn't a good one, where the joiners get eventually ground into dust. I really hope it's the good version of it and society can forge ahead.

The spy camera reviewed stuff could be day residue from the courts ruling that the spying on of the citizens by the us government is unconstitutional news stories that surfaced in the past couple days. Snowden is vindicated!

(05-08-2015, 03:40 PM)Nanny Wrote: Is "resume" a verb or a noun? there's also "review, verify, represent."

Do the "fireflies" go with "joining mafia congrats welcome virtual lion entry necessary?" Is it "necessary" to "Join" the "mafia," or specifically for the "virtual lion" to do so?

What event or purpose is this "spy camera" in need of being "reviewed" for?

This is beautiful! "meditation paint vision consciousness" can only hope that this indicates that more folks are meditating, presented with the suggestion and considering doing so.

"monster aware experiment tall center" sounds like CERN.

I have questions and few hunches.

I immediately thought that "fireflies" was metaphoric, looked online and all I got in my impatience to find something was that they are "bright and shortlived."
Sounds like comets, actually nuts that wrap themselves in bombs and other types of terrorist things, knowing they'll die in the crime, and types of bombs/weaponry.
What am I forgetting fits the description?

Oh fart! I hope this doesn't mean what I am considering! Yesterday's botrun started with

"mafia wind class bedtime"     and today's is
"fireflies joining mafia congrats welcome virtual lion entry necessary"

I hope this doesn't mean that citizens must be brave and join the mafia, succumb to those that are taking away all rights, hand over their guns and join the subversives, or be part of the re-education class that loses their lives.

MAYBE....hoping not...

"Mafia wind" = the power of the subversives
"class bedtime" = those being killed that refuse to be re-educated/acquiesce
"mafia congrats welcome the fireflies" = the brave *(brave because subversives kill their own like mafia does, most often) folks that surrender and join the subversives are of course welcomed/heralded by the haters for giving-up
"virtual lion" = those brave, knowing they can die either way, joining or not
"entry necessary" = yes, if they hope to live or live to resist at a later date

Hoping to live and joining the mafia and avoiding the re-education classes/camps, or being in the camps and joining from within them in hoping to live?

If true at all then the words in these two botruns cover this however it plays out for citizens, individually.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Shadewolf, yes!! "Class" could also be a segment of society, not a classroom type or even "re-education" classroom though at this time I still think it is. (dang-me when I have tunnel-vision I sure miss yet another possibility! Thank goodness you're on it cuz you just woke me on this.)

(05-08-2015, 04:56 PM)Shadewolf Wrote: Here's a quick few charts attached for today's words. One is an overall scatterplot for both up and down sets of words, then there's separate ones for the up and the down. Apologies for spots where all the datapoints came out on top of each other. I've got them in Excel and can mouse over them so see what words are in a concentrated grouping...Hopefully this triggers some various intuition with everyone. I'm at the beginning of playing with different modelling types to see what patterns I can visually find from the daily runs, so if anyone has suggestions for ways to graph things out, I'm all ears.

checking after I posted...Please let me know if you can see the pics...because, I'm not seeing them!

Nanny I think you are right on with the fireflies there...representing citizens and their individual lives. I was listening last night to the Caravan To Midnight show, and the guy from the Arc Light institute was on and had made an interesting comment of "Those who adapt early survive". that totally resonated with this morning's run. there are indeed movements afoot at the grassroots level where people are trying to figure out new and different ways to live with the current chaos in the system, or live around it or outside of it as much as possible. My household is a prime example of that, trying to cut the ties of dependency to the state, be they represented by the industrial food and pharmacy complexes, traditional jobs, reliance on the utility companies etc.

The class bedtime portion is interesting because of the shifting of traditional social classes in the western world that is currently happening. things are coming unglued at the seams. The 1 percenters likely won't recognise the new environment once society reorganises itself away from the shrinking middle class and the vastly expanding lower class. Those 2 items appear to be morphing into a bunch of different things. It could very well be that the 1 percenters regard the new emerging classes/groups as being like a mafia, because the members of the new groups are pretty disenchanted with the old system. I don't know that a critical mass has yet been reached to fully let us see what the outcome is going to be whether it's the mafia is a good thing and the major part of the population has self-sorted into progressive groups, or if things fall on the negative side and the mafia concept isn't a good one, where the joiners get eventually ground into dust. I really hope it's the good version of it and society can forge ahead.

The spy camera reviewed stuff could be day residue from the courts ruling that the spying on of the citizens by the us government is unconstitutional news stories that surfaced in the past couple days. Snowden is vindicated!

(05-08-2015, 03:40 PM)Nanny Wrote: Is "resume" a verb or a noun? there's also "review, verify, represent."

Do the "fireflies" go with "joining mafia congrats welcome virtual lion entry necessary?" Is it "necessary" to "Join" the "mafia," or specifically for the "virtual lion" to do so?

What event or purpose is this "spy camera" in need of being "reviewed" for?

This is beautiful! "meditation paint vision consciousness" can only hope that this indicates that more folks are meditating, presented with the suggestion and considering doing so.

"monster aware experiment tall center" sounds like CERN.

I have questions and few hunches.

I immediately thought that "fireflies" was metaphoric, looked online and all I got in my impatience to find something was that they are "bright and shortlived."
Sounds like comets, actually nuts that wrap themselves in bombs and other types of terrorist things, knowing they'll die in the crime, and types of bombs/weaponry.
What am I forgetting fits the description?

Oh fart! I hope this doesn't mean what I am considering! Yesterday's botrun started with

"mafia wind class bedtime"     and today's is
"fireflies joining mafia congrats welcome virtual lion entry necessary"

I hope this doesn't mean that citizens must be brave and join the mafia, succumb to those that are taking away all rights, hand over their guns and join the subversives, or be part of the re-education class that loses their lives.

MAYBE....hoping not...

"Mafia wind" = the power of the subversives
"class bedtime" = those being killed that refuse to be re-educated/acquiesce
"mafia congrats welcome the fireflies" = the brave *(brave because subversives kill their own like mafia does, most often) folks that surrender and join the subversives are of course welcomed/heralded by the haters for giving-up
"virtual lion" = those brave, knowing they can die either way, joining or not
"entry necessary" = yes, if they hope to live or live to resist at a later date

Hoping to live and joining the mafia and avoiding the re-education classes/camps, or being in the camps and joining from within them in hoping to live?

If true at all then the words in these two botruns cover this however it plays out for citizens, individually.

Attachments have been a problem lately. I'm now in the code trying to see what the heck is going on here in terms with un-displayed pics.
OH MY GOSH! I FIXED IT! How in the world did that happen? I tried several times before and even opened a trouble ticket with the hosting help anywhere.

Then, just now, since Shadewolf posted those attachments, I guess my subconscious was in-flamed enough to be determined to fix the issue.

Okay, that being said,

SHADEWOLF: Talk to me! Are you envisioning a multi-day graph that would look like the various graphs you produced? Now we're getting somewhere! Smile Outstanding!
Also, I can now see how my previous archetype tracker would be extremely beneficial in a multi-day graph output like this. However, I was forced to abandon that program because excel was on the verge of total collapse, even on the upgraded x86 version.
This has been sitting in draft since this afternoon and now that 'class' has come up....

If we look back to see how often April has shown up in the May runs (or since April 20) and now Ram appears even as April is in the DOWN words, which is the astrological sign for March 21 - April 20, we may do well to keep next April (2016) and the connotations surrounding the word 'April' in mind.

And/or perhaps something happened in April that we are supposed to be considering. Gee, what could that have been? :-)

Playing around with this April business:
'April' last showed in the DreamBot on April 20 after appearing nine times before that date in April.
It next appears on May 3 -
DOWN Words:   effect earth style ahead looks mon ram bar daughter ending probably elevator blank image weekly bird crazy parking female spirit wed figure hiding film camp hide symbol garage fat annoying room April giving farm necklace

May 4 -
DOWN Words:   reading giving garage thank hiding police mirror alive ride hole laying married crush dreamed seat pocket animals often truck fat shared Taylor April partner worst son pregnant teeth underground class wed fri crystal days Barry

May 5 -
DOWN Words:   dream portal song yellow test snakes boss shop god john accident rift surprised hour drunk shoes dad cousin reality character save lake jumping detailed plane doll virtual dare schedule class march desert April thanks

May 6 -
DOWN Words:   doll spirit definitely awesome interesting creating idea fairly visual perhaps float daughter April cat mirror style knife situation portal reality save brain test teeth ship action creature wild rift class wow virtual sun persistent invades

May 7 -
DOWN Words:   focus save super sometimes girlfriend sun April corner speaking hide important garden enough woman weekly snow interesting arm war roof blank teeth love wild request thanks met monster journal test sent hope shared invited mon

May 8 -
DOWN Words:   song wild parts become dogs important style putting crush save definitely hospital mirror laying spoiler monster aware experiment tall center often smile bedtime April maybe meditation paint vision consciousness position failed today eye class series

'class' has been in every DreamBot except May 1 since April 22 with a red alert 'class cheating bolt' on April 30 and shifting between the UP and DOWN linguistics.

Someone mentioned noticing how a name will show up consistently and then take a break and showing up again later with a different context. The same holds true for words.

What was the most significant event in April? What was NDC talking and dreaming about the most? Jade Helm 15. Right? What is the most significant possible societal change that could come about? A class change. Right? Could something like Jade Helm cause that? Yes.
Sherriann, that brilliant work needs it's own thread in the MEMES forum. I was thinking today that we may need a special project here pronto. I'm not sure the name of the project, but the incubation would be something like this: WHEN will the next global catastrophe take place?

Right now, we're passing the May 2015 signpost, but we have Jade Helm (summer 2015), late September 2015 and now April 2016.

May need to start a calendar.
There are a number of predictions out and about for around the 22nd of May - like my dream. There is also November 14.
Interesting! "daughter" is in two of the runs, May 6 and May 3rd. yet in May 4th. botrun it's not in there, but the word sure is a big part of a headline that May 4th. run pointed to.

(05-08-2015, 08:38 PM)Sherriann Wrote: This has been sitting in draft since this afternoon and now that 'class' has come up....

If we look back to see how often April has shown up in the May runs (or since April 20) and now Ram appears even as April is in the DOWN words, which is the astrological sign for March 21 - April 20, we may do well to keep next April (2016) and the connotations surrounding the word 'April' in mind.

And/or perhaps something happened in April that we are supposed to be considering. Gee, what could that have been? :-)

Playing around with this April business:
'April' last showed in the DreamBot on April 20 after appearing nine times before that date in April.
It next appears on May 3 -
DOWN Words:   effect earth style ahead looks mon ram bar daughter ending probably elevator blank image weekly bird crazy parking female spirit wed figure hiding film camp hide symbol garage fat annoying room April giving farm necklace

May 4 -
DOWN Words:   reading giving garage thank hiding police mirror alive ride hole laying married crush dreamed seat pocket animals often truck fat shared Taylor April partner worst son pregnant teeth underground class wed fri crystal days Barry

May 5 -
DOWN Words:   dream portal song yellow test snakes boss shop god john accident rift surprised hour drunk shoes dad cousin reality character save lake jumping detailed plane doll virtual dare schedule class march desert April thanks

May 6 -
DOWN Words:   doll spirit definitely awesome interesting creating idea fairly visual perhaps float daughter April cat mirror style knife situation portal reality save brain test teeth ship action creature wild rift class wow virtual sun persistent invades

May 7 -
DOWN Words:   focus save super sometimes girlfriend sun April corner speaking hide important garden enough woman weekly snow interesting arm war roof blank teeth love wild request thanks met monster journal test sent hope shared invited mon

May 8 -
DOWN Words:   song wild parts become dogs important style putting crush save definitely hospital mirror laying spoiler monster aware experiment tall center often smile bedtime April maybe meditation paint vision consciousness position failed today eye class series

'class' has been in every DreamBot except May 1 since April 22 with a red alert 'class cheating bolt' on April 30 and shifting between the UP and DOWN linguistics.

Someone mentioned noticing how a name will show up consistently and then take a break and showing up again later with a different context. The same holds true for words.

What was the most significant event in April? What was NDC talking and dreaming about the most? Jade Helm 15. Right? What is the most significant possible societal change that could come about? A class change. Right? Could something like Jade Helm cause that? Yes.
that first chart of Shadewolf's made me instantly think of a club! all those words make an idea that they will use to club us to death!
They will spy on us, assemble a resume, review it,postulate a theory, suggest how to make an example of us and make it a long time memory, use our bodies for exploration of some place warm (Mars?), verify our use and present an attractive corpse to the world.

Sometimes I get carried away!
Seriously, I tried to move the Tarot draw I did for NADW to somewhere more private and lost the whole damn thing.
That'll teach me, again, to keep backups.
Like, is there a remote chance you can retrieve it, Eagle? Hmmmm..... ?? Pretty please?

Th short of it is.....
"résumé and work related in the dream bot run...." Yes
".... and between the dreams Still and I had last night/this morning." No, except for the dysfunctional aspects.
Thank you for the laugh, NADW. I needed that.... Big Grin
spy, verify, attempt (it is not paranoid if they are after you!)

May 7, 2015
Divide And Conquer - Who Are The Puppet Masters Behind The Attempt To Destroy Alternative Media?
Will you be amazed when you find out who has sold you down the drain?
By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

each of these Alt Sites owners were informed by their trusted associates that "friends" or "colleagues" or "sources" have informed them of (insert false claim here against the site owner), and in each case it has caused strife between the site owner and the trusted associate. Some issues were resolved through open communication, but others left lasting scars.... aka dividing them, separating them from each other.
Ah, back online now after the evening's parental responsibilities. Yes Eagle, I'm envisioning morphing multi-day graphs, and I'm exploring various different software means to see what will work best to handle it over time. I started with excel 2007 today and had to write/find a macro that would apply our words to the data points. Over the next week, I'll play with the daily runs and turn out various sample visuals and see what speaks to us. I've got a bunch of software to play with, things like R and Power Designer, and whatever else I can find and mash up. It's a case of finding an app that will accurately draw the sorts of models I see in my head!
(05-08-2015, 08:22 PM)Eagle1 Wrote: OH MY GOSH! I FIXED IT! How in the world did that happen? I tried several times before and even opened a trouble ticket with the hosting help anywhere.

Then, just now, since Shadewolf posted those attachments, I guess my subconscious was in-flamed enough to be determined to fix the issue.

Okay, that being said,

SHADEWOLF: Talk to me! Are you envisioning a multi-day graph that would look like the various graphs you produced? Now we're getting somewhere! Smile Outstanding!

Another thought popped into my thought stream just now... Are there enough spawned instances now of software like the web bot, the dream bot, nostracodeus, arc light etc, that we might be able to use them all to triangulate a clearer picture of what is coming, and what is already before us but previously hidden? This is the same short of way you can use cell phones/towers to exactly triangulate a person's physical location....
(05-08-2015, 08:22 PM)Eagle1 Wrote: OH MY GOSH! I FIXED IT! How in the world did that happen? I tried several times before and even opened a trouble ticket with the hosting help anywhere.

Then, just now, since Shadewolf posted those attachments, I guess my subconscious was in-flamed enough to be determined to fix the issue.

Okay, that being said,

SHADEWOLF: Talk to me! Are you envisioning a multi-day graph that would look like the various graphs you produced? Now we're getting somewhere! Smile Outstanding!
(05-08-2015, 08:45 PM)Eagle1 Wrote: Sherriann, that brilliant work needs it's own thread in the MEMES forum. I was thinking today that we may need a special project here pronto. I'm not sure the name of the project, but the incubation would be something like this: WHEN will the next global catastrophe take place?

Right now, we're passing the May 2015 signpost, but we have Jade Helm (summer 2015), late September 2015 and now April 2016.

May need to start a calendar.

... WHAT, WHERE, WHEN. Project Upheaval? :-)

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