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Hurricane Danny and the Future of Dream Linguistics
How about we begin this blog with an understatement: DreamBot linguistics can predict future events. Of course, this comes with absolutely no surprise to all the DreamForecasters, as we have been using Dream Linguistics for over a year now to accurately predict the future.
The understatement above initiates the topic our conversation in today’s blog. That is, if the linguistics phrases can predict the future, how do we do it without the help of dreams and the bigger triangulation process? How do we identify pure gibberish in the linguistics versus day residue versus future events? How do we consistently interpret the future based on just the linguistics? It’s one thing to accurately assess that the lingo is pointing to the future and then it’s a completely different challenge to accurately interpret it.

The latest Hurricane Danny prediction is a phenomenal case study in helping to answer these vital questions. For our analysis here, we will be assessing the amazing prediction from TwiceBlessed9, who somehow extracted a stunning prediction from a recent DreamBot run. That thread is here:

Basically, TwiceBlessed was calling for a Hurricane / Tropical Storm to be named Danny in the Leo timeframe (July 21 – August 20) and predicted a location near St George Island, Florida and/or St. George, Grenada. The linguistcs phrases she used were from a single DreamBot run and they were as follows:

1. "whirlwind collecting linked dang water represent Daniel"
2. "george bench heavy rush background burning swam feed comparison falls eventually great wild wave row"

Based on these phrases, she wrote the following: This is about Hurricane or Tropical Storm Danny, the next name on the official Hurricane list. There is a St. George Island in Florida. Look out for Daniel doing some damage in St. George, Florida, and other places likely. I couldn't find any other beach named George but perhaps there is one somewhere. As of this date and time, I have seen nothing mentioned in the news about Danny forming yet. (Source: )

By August 18th, 2015, Danny was officially declared as a Tropical Storm. This was 2 days before the end of the Leo timeframe, so TwiceBlessed’s prediction was spot on as far as the WHAT (tropical storm Danny) and WHEN (in Leo). Furthermore, Tropical Storm Danny’s winds reached 115 mph and thus it was upgraded to a Category 3 Hurricane on the last day of Leo, making it “the first hurricane of 2015” (Source: )

By Monday, the 24th of August, it had weakened back to a Tropical Storm, so in essence, TwiceBlessed accurately predicted both the Hurricane AND the Tropical Storm Danny!

DreamBot Predictions: The Recipe
So how did TwiceBlessed make this amazing prediction? What follows may or may not be TwiceBlessed ultimate keys to success. However, there are some basic procedures that make anyone able to replicate what she did here. If we were to lay out the recipe for DreamBot predictions, it might go something like this:

1. One-quarter-part Research/Reasoning/Rationalization
2. One-quarter-part Eliminate Day Residue
3. One-quarter-part Intuition
4. One-quarter-part Interpretation

The first part requires Research and Reasoning. In this amazing prediction, TwiceBlessed made a key effort to research the Hurricane list, which made her realize that Danny was the next label for a hurricane. She obviously then connected Danny from the bot run to the next name in the hurricane list. This put her in the basket for a successful prediction. It helped increase the odds of coming true, just doing a little bit of research and using some basic rationalization.

Next, Twice had to rule out day residue from the dream content. In this case, she needed to figure out why people were dreaming so heavily about Whirlwinds, George, Heavy Rush, Swam, etc. Certainly there might have been some recent headlines to match with each individual word, but there really wasn’t anything that covered all the linguistics she had identified. Thus, ruling out day residue in this case was a cinch.

The next two areas are by far the hardest….Interpretation and Intuition. She need intuition first, because in order to see those linguistics as a possible future headline took a LOT of intuition. Furthermore, the interpretation process requires even more intuition because “Daniel” needed to be changed to “Danny” and “George” to a city or island (i.e. location) rather than a person’s name. Furthermore, “Bench” needed to be changed to “Beach” and all the water references needed to be combined (Water, Row, Swam, Wild Wave, etc.)

And the missing ingredient: CONFIDENCE. It’s one thing to correctly do all the prior steps, and then it’s a completely different ballgame to have enough confidence to publish an official prediction like what TwiceBlessed did. Confidence is essential!

Why is this prediction so important to the NDC?
What makes this prediction so profoundly important is because it demonstrates that Dream Linguistics, by themselves, can be very accurate indeed. DreamForecasters and regular ol’ dreamers alike can take bot runs, analyze them, and then produce accurate predictions to include all three components (the WHAT, the WHEN, and the WHERE).

TwiceBlessed conducted this process perfectly. From the raw DreamBot run, she began posting her analysis. Then, with enough confidence in her own abilities, she created an official predictions thread in the official predictions forum (linked here: )

Since predictions and precognitive dreams are the central theme at the NDC, the aforementioned predictions forum should become a regular and central destination for NDC visitors. Obviously we strive for frequent and accurate predictions, as these will make the NDC more important for humanity and our eventual Paradigm 3 process. TwiceBlessed just made history with her prediction and gave us DreamForcasters something to really think about. Well done, Twice!!
Bravo Twice. Learning by trying and teaching by doing.

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