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1/8/25 Gnosis
Forum: DreamBot Runs
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01-08-2025, 10:38 AM
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1/1/2025 Winds of Change
Forum: DreamBot Runs
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01-01-2025, 10:45 AM
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12/24/24 Great Awakening
Forum: DreamBot Runs
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12-24-2024, 12:10 PM
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12/18/24 Really?
Forum: DreamBot Runs
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12-18-2024, 09:48 AM
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12/11/24 Winning the Lott...
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12-11-2024, 09:40 AM
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12/4/24 Where Mind Goes.....
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12-04-2024, 10:04 AM
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11/27/24 Mercury and the ...
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11-27-2024, 09:50 AM
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11/20/24 People and their...
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11-20-2024, 09:58 AM
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11/13/24 WWG1WGA
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11-13-2024, 09:20 AM
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11/6/24 Cosmic Bonfire
Forum: DreamBot Runs
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11-06-2024, 02:31 PM
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The farmhouse |
Posted by: Maysea - 07-17-2017, 01:03 AM - Forum: Public Dreams
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I am with a small group of survivers. We see a old truck, like pre 1980's. I run to it hoping I can get it to work as traveling on foot is exhausting and slow. I lift the hood only to see that all the insulation is gone from the wires and the wires are melded together just like every other vehicle we have found. We continue walking and come to a old farmhouse. Water flows nearby and there are thick willows overgrown. We enter the farmhouse made of stone with a large landing wth stairs made of concrete inside which you walk down to the main room. As we look around and assess the buildings damage and structure to determine if it is a good place to call home I am very disappointed for there is water flowing down the stairs and through the house. The nearby creek had breached the home. As I am turning to leave a older male calls out to me saying, "It is not enough to see what is, more importantly is to see what can be, through vision." I than look again at the concrete stairs only now I see transformation. The house is dry now, solid and good, and there on the stairs sit perhaps 12 to 15 children attending "school."
The Guards |
Posted by: Maysea - 07-17-2017, 12:21 AM - Forum: Public Dreams
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Napped...dreamed again, seems a continuation of the "Wild Ones"...I am a older matronly type of woman in the dream. There is a group of us, "normals". We have been wandering and stumbled upon a small group of buildings, still standing, made of concrete. All other structures lay in ruin, plants growing over and through them. The earth taking back any signs of what had been. I find that I am a scavenger of sorts...my job? I carefully look through buildings and debris. In a concrete building that had been "cleared" I find clothing, mostly children. I will make a large pot of water over a fire later and boil the clothing and small toys to clean them...for we are very afraid of viruses and the Rabies. Though we only have a few children with us I daydream of other folk joining us and hope some will have children who will be happy with these items. Snapping myself out of it, I know we can use the items for barter also. I leave the building and am outside. Suddenly, one of our guards comes and swiftyly jumps on a wreck of a car, with his gun searching in, under, around for anything, or anyone, prepared to shoot and kill in a quick second. The car and area around it is now, "clear." He is a large man, the guard. Dirty, and wild looking, like a animal hunted, though he is the hunter. We are fortunate to have the " guards" for we would be killed fast without them. They are dangerous people though, mercenary or military types. We common folk love and fear the Guards. A guard with a dog is worth 3 dogless guards, but we dont have one of those yet. Dogs are rare as they are eaten. A boy comes running with his gun waving it wildly around. I yell at him to stop and drop the weapon. He continues running. The guard yells at me, "Stop, I got this!" Than a explosion, and the gun in pieces. I turn back to my task, sad. Harsh truth, there is no second chances here. The guards will kill instantly a member of the group as well as any outside threat.
The SpaceCraft Armada...WAR! |
Posted by: Maysea - 07-16-2017, 04:56 PM - Forum: Public Dreams
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Dream...just a normal sunny day. People doing their usual daily stuff...suddenly, in the sky...like in a instant, appears a massive armada of spacecraft...it seems they have chosen to turn off cloaking and fully reveal their presence. Total chaos insues, people running, screaaming, crashing vehicles, explosions, horrific scenes...the armada, triangled in the sky, poised for...WAR! They have found the human race to be a germ to be cleansed from the very bowels of the Earth!
The Wild Ones...zombie...ish folk |
Posted by: Maysea - 07-16-2017, 02:10 PM - Forum: Public Dreams
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Dreamed of the "wild people"...which is what they were called in the dream. They lived outside of the "safe zones". They were similiar to zombies. They had been normal humans until something happened. They were feared, and it was common knowledge that they were cannibalistic...preying on folk outside the "safe zones"...however, they were tricky and would "act normal" sometimes coming into the safe zone to barter as money held no value in this reality. All people were dirty, wore rags as clothing, hair a wild mess...so you couldn't tell who was "normal" by appearance and folks did travel and barter between safe zones though highly risky...well someone had just traded with a woman accompanied by a couple kids...once they had walked a couple hundred yards from the safe zone they began running crazily arms and legs moving unnaturally...shreiking high pitched somewhat similiar to hyennas on a kill...as they ran back into the wilds. People in the safe zone were very distraught they had been fooled yet again...and very afraid of the "wild ones"...oddly as I dreamed this I was thinking I must report this to N.D.C...dream setting...future, event...apocolyptic, nearly wiped out human race...two types of human beings remaining, few normal...the rest...changed to "wild ones"...which were zombieish...cannibals, cunning, could trick normals...language, almost distroyed...normals and wild ones used non verbal methods alot...
Zombies and Mr.Bubbles |
Posted by: Elyse - 07-15-2017, 04:46 AM - Forum: Public Dreams
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I had another steady stream of different dreams last night, but unlike last time, I was able to remember a bigger chunk of these.
First I had a dream about building walls and a structure for this massive zombie hoard that was reported to be coming my way. I guess what made this weird was that I was doing it with my grandmother. I haven't seen her for some time since she has been living with my mother which I don't get along with, but in the dream, we were working very well together. Anyway, I am NOT a fan of zombies or this whole zombie culture thing that's been making its round the last few years, so I was working very hard to build up SOMETHING to keep these zombies away from us. I felt a bit stressed because in spite of all of all our hard work, we were not going to be anywhere near ready for what I was expecting to unfold. Much of our preparation consisted of very tall cobblestone pillars which I thought we could wrap barbed wire around short term and reinforce with cobblestone walls later. There was also a very cute cobblestone cottage that I had plans to reinforce as well and maybe build a bunker underneath. My grandmother didn't have much in the way of plans or ideas but was great with moral support and getting minor tasks done so that I could devote all of my time and energy to the more heavy tasks.
After working for some time I got overheated and tired and and needed a short break and to wash up. The home that my grandmother shared with my grandfather was within a short walking distance, so we went there. I went to the wash room to wash my face and on my way back out I spotted a washing machine with a pink sign with white border and lighter pink bubbles on it. It didn't seem like my grandmother's style so I went to take a closer look and the sign said something along the lines of "Wash your filthy hands. Scrub your dirty butt. Leave out of here cleaner than you were when you came in!" And I thought this was the most hilarious thing. Icing on the cake was that there was a service number listed below, but it had nothing to do with the actual washer. It was the number to the Mr.Bubbles company. I lost it when I read that and just started laughing so hard. My grandmother came in to see what I was laughing at and I pointed to the sign and said I knew who had done that. It was my deceased Paw-paw! She laughed and said that it had been him and that he thought I would get a kick out of that. When he was alive we teased and pulled pranks on each other a lot and I would often bring home things like this for him to find and laugh at. I was tickled that he had done the same. When I left from the wash room I saw another sign on a washer in the kitchen and laughed more before making my way outside to do more work.
Night fell before I could finish preparing but I wasn't so worried about things because I somehow had this device that fit over my hand. When activated it kinda formed a sort of semi-mech suit over me which allowed me to fly a bit. I wasn't very good at using it yet, but I could hover a bit and shoot laser like things from the part that fit over my hand and thought that at the VERY least I would be able to defend the area I was trying to protect this one night by hovering over the hoard and shooting down into it and maybe get more done as far as building up defenses before the next hoard made its way there.