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1/8/25 Gnosis
Forum: DreamBot Runs
Last Post: Eagle1
01-08-2025, 10:38 AM
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1/1/2025 Winds of Change
Forum: DreamBot Runs
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01-01-2025, 10:45 AM
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12/24/24 Great Awakening
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12-24-2024, 12:10 PM
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12/18/24 Really?
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12-18-2024, 09:48 AM
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12/11/24 Winning the Lott...
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12-11-2024, 09:40 AM
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12/4/24 Where Mind Goes.....
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12-04-2024, 10:04 AM
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11/27/24 Mercury and the ...
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11-27-2024, 09:50 AM
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11/20/24 People and their...
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11-20-2024, 09:58 AM
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11/13/24 WWG1WGA
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11-13-2024, 09:20 AM
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11/6/24 Cosmic Bonfire
Forum: DreamBot Runs
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11-06-2024, 02:31 PM
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Midday Dreams of Dates and Explanations |
Posted by: Skeetersaurus - 06-13-2016, 05:26 PM - Forum: Public Dreams
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Very tired, I laid down after morning coffee – just had no energy today at all. What I thought would be a nap, turned into sleeping another 7-hours! As I had laid down, the nagging feeling of mystical numbers and dates bothered me, but I tried not to focus on any certain thing, only wanting to rest.
I seemed to immediately enter into dreaming, as what happened seemed to last throughout my sleep time.
It was like a constant slowly-rolling ledger of dates, simply written, with explanations beneath some. Some are past, some are obvious, and yet others had no clear meaning.
October 9, 2009 + 1260 = March 22, 2013
{this was blacked out, like redaction, so I do not know its real meaning still}
December 22, 2012 + 1290 = July 4, 2016
First day after Mayan Baktun end to US End
September 9, 2009 + 2550 = September 20, 2016
Start to end of final seven years (1260 + 1290)
This is what you know as ‘Tribulation’
{other than a date of '9/9/09', I don't know the justification for that start date}
March 22, 2013 + 1290 = September 21, 2016
From the Abomination to the Completion
322 is number of Skull and Bones (March 22)
They don't fully understand what its significance is
MABUS is 'Meso-American Baktun about the U.S.'
Nostradamus saw it as a ‘calendar container or bucket’
He was not given to understand it to be the span-of-time that it is
{referencing C2, Q62}
MABUS spans a period of 1290 days, and when it ends,
sudden death comes, but not all at once, more as a
sword through the heart as life ebbs away
When I awoke, I felt like I was 'torn away' from asking more questions, as more answers were desired to be given' {like being drug away in the middle of a conversation}
The last word I heard, though I have no idea how it ties to any of this, was 'mycotoxin'.
{I mean, I don't think I have black mold around here...mice die of dehydration where I live, I don't see black-mold making it, although I think I'll go check the swamper AC now that this came up}
EXCELLENT Dream Software |
Posted by: Skeetersaurus - 06-13-2016, 04:41 PM - Forum: Miscellaneous
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As most know, I'm a real advocate for Linux systems (My favorite is Ubuntu, but other kinds are out there). Think of it as 'a free operating system that is nearly virus-proof, more stable, far less nosy, and a lot more secure than Windows.
That said, most aren't comfortable with the idea of change (FYI, if you've ever used an Apple computer, it's a lot the same for Linux...easier than you think).
Within Ubuntu, there is a place called 'the Software Center', where you can go and browse for free software (a lot like an APP store for Android). Some really, really good stuff is there, too. I happened upon a 'DIARY' program there that I thought I would try out, and started using it a couple of weeks ago. I could never imagined how powerful it was!
The program (is FREE), and is called 'RedNotebook' (one word). You open it, it goes to your current day. From there, you can key in your notes, memos, etc. for that day (basically, an active directory), HOWEVER, if you also use the TAGS and WORDS option, it can ALSO give you the 'most significant' words from across your diary entries, etc. (kinda like a BOT). With the calendar at the side, you can easily go to any given day, search for what you want across all days, etc.
you can download RedNotebook for free, too! go take a look at:
It is now available for Windows, Linux and Apple iOS
Its FREE...what's to lose?
6/13/16 London's Weak Corridor + False Numbers |
Posted by: Eagle1 - 06-13-2016, 06:42 AM - Forum: DreamBot Runs
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Trending: london intern weak corridor short throw count magical feet spread figure aspect stabilize gathering sun early daughter room area cool amazing false numbers light sea series gab begin really constantly
Waning: nice died site future hey lucidity teeth kill dead shelf kinda shop less beating repeated likely hours haunted wed anymore
<----- DISCUSSION ----->
Can this be possible? I did a search for London this morning to see if any big day residue was happening there. The search word was “London,” and the top result was http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/13/world/...lator.html
“A London Subway Experiment….Please Don’t Walk Up the Escalator.” Basically, they found too much congestion in the subway escalators (these are people on FEET and in a WEAK CORRIDOR, and they were able to STABILIZE the GATHERING). Anyway, I find this weird….of all things that the bot would pick up on, why this? Sees so mundane. Personally, I view this article as yet another way that individuals have to give up their rights to appease the collective. According to the experiment, if no one walks up the escalators and they force doubling up the people on each step, they reduce the traffic jam below the escalators.
Moving on, Group 1 is highlighted because I noticed the amazing overlap between this lingo and Skeetersaurus’ recent numbers dream. Pay attention to MTB’s analysis and link, as we might be able to extend Group 1 upward to include GATHERING SUN (i.e., SON based on MTB’s link). http://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/T...bers-Dream
Keep in mind that this lingo at Group 1 is talking heavy about COOL, AMAZING, and LIGHT all “BEGIN REALLY CONSTANTLY”
For more details about these DreamBot runs, please see: http://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/T...amBot-Runs
Fighter theft? |
Posted by: ybul0229 - 06-13-2016, 03:29 AM - Forum: Public Dreams
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So I was dreaming about being sent out on a reconisence mission taking my time on getting my plane aloft when a car pulls out in front of me. I try to shoot it but all arms are missing. I turn the plan around trying to escape another direction. I have people hanging on the plane and me as I wake.
I tried to dream of a July event, though this just seems random.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Resignation of the president |
Posted by: big dog - 06-12-2016, 06:05 PM - Forum: Public Dreams
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Im sitting in a group like a reporter and the president explaining why he resigned. Does not want to go to war or make that decision against isis but agrees the issue has to be dealt with. His wife and kids are happy. Gone to hawaii.
3 dreams about my grandson |
Posted by: ThePaladin - 06-12-2016, 02:11 PM - Forum: Public Dreams
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12 June 2016
No intention set
Three separate dreams:
1) I'm living in a place that backs up to an enclosed space marked off by a chain link fence that's about 4 feet high spanning the open side. It's like a room with one wall missing, walls on three sides and the fence across the open space. It even has a tile floor. The guy who lives there has a medium sized dog with white fuzzy fur clipped close, making it look like a large fluff ball. The dog's name is Marshall. I don't know how I know that, I just do. The dog stays in the space all the time. It's mostly no trouble, it doesn't bark, but it has a tendency to jump the fence when it sees my cats or my grandson. My son goes to talk to the dog's owner but the owner is unresponsive to the situation. When the dog jumps the fence again, going after my grandson-I'm able to grab my grandson before the dog reaches him and my son grabs the dog-my son calls Animal Control Services, which comes and picks up the dog. I want to tell the owner what happened so I go and knock on his door. He answers and it's obvious he's been sleeping. In that instant, I decide not to tell him what happened, that he'll find out soon enough anyway. Instead, we chat for a bit. I ask a question and he repeats the question to someone I can't see. A woman answers, her voice sleepy. I apologize for waking them and leave. Later, he discovers the dog is missing and wants to know what we did with his dog. My son tells him we did exactly what we said we would do the next time the dog jumped the fence and that the guy could find the dog at ACS.
2)My grandson is playing outside, wearing just his diaper(he's 16 months). We're out there, too, sitting around and chatting with one another. I glance over at my grandson and am horrified to see that he's covered with mosquito bites. I don't mean one or two, I'm talking dozens of red welts all over his bare skin. OMG! I say to my DIL, Look at the baby! He doesn't seem to notice the bites but my DIL snatches him up and rushes him inside before he gets bitten any more. I check myself for mosquito bites because the damned things tend to like me and am surprised that there are no bites. I wonder why the mosquitoes focused only on my grandson.
3)There's a knock on the front door. I answer and see a girl about 12 yrs. old standing there. She has long light brown hair, slender, wearing shorts and a t-shirt. She's barefoot. What catches my attention are her eyes, which are solid black. There are several younger children behind her, all with black eyes. Yes? I say. She tells me the boy who lives here sold her a baseball bat and she was here to collect it. I tell her she has the wrong house because the boy here is a toddler and doesn't even talk yet. She insists he sold her a bat. I firmly tell her no. She wants to talk to him. I reiterate the whole toddler who doesn't talk yet bit. Then she takes out a playing card-an ace of spades-and folds it in half while looking directly at me. She begins to chant while slowly tearing the card in half on the fold line. I don't know what she's doing but I know I don't like it. I grab my bag of black salt and begin spreading a line of salt across the threshold. She stops tearing the card and looks up at me. I'm silently asking for guidance and protection for me and mine as I continue spreading the salt. She says, We were unaware that an adept resided here. I don't tell her she's wrong, I'm not an adept at anything but I do tell her that the boy is under my protection, as is everyone under this roof, and I will not take it kindly should anything be done to him or if anything happens to him. She says, Interesting. I close the door and wake up.
I didn't realize all the dreams focused on my grandson until I woke up. Then the theme-my grandson needing protection-became clear.
I hunted for a photo of a dog that looked like Marshall and the closest I got was a Bichon Frise.
http://www.vetstreet.com/dogs/bichon-frise Now imagine the dog being bigger, about the size of collie.
More of the black-eyed children. The kids behind the girl didn't speak at all. They didn't fidget, didn't move around, just stood there, arms by their sides, and silently watched the interchange between the girl and me. As for the girl, she came across as way older than she looked.
I have no idea what the card thing means but I knew it wasn't good. That's all that mattered.
Mosquitoes, for me, tend to represent bloodsuckers. Energy vampires, too. What it means for my grandson, I'll have to check when my DIL and he get home later this afternoon.
Storm, trees and Hallowe'en party |
Posted by: Dreamcat - 06-12-2016, 01:23 PM - Forum: Public Dreams
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Set an intention last night: What next?
I dreamt that I was in a house that was in an area very like where I live - field behind me with grass that is mowed and trees and theres a small hill directly behind us that rises up to the field. In my dream it was a sunny day and I looked and saw that a big tree we had (in the dream, not in real life) was damaged. I saw a man come up to the tree and start cutting it down.
There had been a big storm (like the hurricane we had 2 years ago in rl) and there was a notice saying they were going to be cutting down damaged trees. While I watch that my spouse asks for the membership card for a club we belong to because he needed to go there, I tell him it's in my purse.
The man finished cutting down the tree then knocked on my door. I opened the door and my big black lab rushed out to the man. My daughter (dream daughter not rl, looked to be about 12) ran out, apologized to the man and grabbed the dog and brought him back inside. The man was fine with it. He told me not to worry about losing the old tree, they would be providing us with a new one to replace it.
Later, I'm walking up a hill path to the club (I'm thinking it is like a ski hill membership club that holds events all year round) with my two dream children. There's the daughter aged about 12 and my son aged about 8 and we're dressed up in costumes for a Hallowe'en event and party. The kids are all excited and then it dawns on me: did I get the membership card back from my spouse? I tell the kids to hold up, I need to see if I can find my card. People are passing us by while I search through my purse, trying to find it. I wonder if maybe I can tell the people at the front checking cards that I left it at home and could they check the members roster? I tell the kids that if I can't find the card and they don't let us in we'll have to go home - there's no time to go home and come back with it and still be part of the events.
I wake up.
Series of words, 6/12/16, am |
Posted by: Cassandra - 06-12-2016, 10:09 AM - Forum: Public Dreams
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Before I was fully awake this morning heard series of words and clearly heard only the last two. North Dog Star and Antonin Scalia in that order. Thought I would mention it here in case this is a piece of a puzzle someone else is working on.