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# Stadium Disaster Meme |
Posted by: twiceblessed9 - 10-06-2015, 01:29 PM - Forum: Memes, Interpretations, and Headline Formulation
- Replies (6)
For over a month, possibly 2, we have had botruns which are pointing to a incident happening at a stadium.
Stadium Disaster Meme
10-6- dimension baseball class situation barry
-possible daughter bomb moon fighting yellow control
-orange laugh giant sat hours scary fri
10-4-threw including beginning baseball eating stand within related drinking often shadow mon actually note ride sound become journal lying final stadium fully reality request lucidity wed bar mention september focus scenarios skill blur inline hint
10-2- stadium feminine feed danger focusing killer impossible
10-1-bus travel box decision campus categories deck possibly room football advice
9-25-man insane people placed actions amusement tears lately assistance might think stadium riding let badly toilet rest
9-24-shadow premonition system toddler insane wed tube stadium ticket die design fair jealous lily events holding record
9-7-sinking knife gab tree women hug wed brain proper camera few august july fighting crazy music baseball
9-5-camera baseball jazz fighting fixing music proper crazy band tree vampire
8-2-dreamer team mate recording bridge fun son inspired vegan adventure baseball skydiving today july wed
8-1-baseball composite fair last influence specifically unable lucid driver remember bus snakes opposite recording
7-31-piss blanket baseball mission thanks escaping calling recording lady directions app ghost removed check blue awareness trip request monster typically raised clone route life remembered badly climb anyway interest bus
What- a large incident "situation" at a baseball stadium,
When- during the playoffs or World Series, possibly the final game of the series or play-offs.
- could be at the beginning, near the opening pitch, around the time the banner is played
Who- a woman will likely be involved, either inspiring or helping with the execution of the event
Where- a stadium which likely has a "tube" or subway stop nearby,
possibly The Mets which have orange as one of their colors, are located by a subway and they play in Flushing Meadows, (toilet reference 9-24). The stadium is new, a "final" stadium. (10-4)
What to look for in dreams and botruns?
(I could not find dreams which matched this meme, perhaps they are there and I missed them?)
Look for location clue words, corporations that have naming rights to the stadium, team symbols or mascots.
Look for what the actual event will be, shooting, bomb, natural disaster. This could be tied into the blackout/ power grid meme.
Look to hear whether the President throws out the first pitch.
Look for bands/singers who might perform the National Anthem.
Cyber attack and financial crash |
Posted by: metadream - 10-05-2015, 05:48 PM - Forum: Public Dreams
- Replies (1)
Dream time: October 5th, 2015 during the morning.
Dream content: I was at the checkout line of a grocery store. The guy ahead of me picking up his bags was Mitt Romney and Steve Forbes (shifted between them). He looked rushed and implied he had inside information on a crash to happen soon, so was stocking up on emergency items and food. His time frame was somewhere inside a week.
Some dream time passed and then I was outside the grocery store. It was bedlam, with traffic jams and cars lined up at gas stations and grocery stores, people honking. Reminded me of a sudden hurricane evacuation or preparation.
I went into a bar/restaurant and people were discussing what was happening. They said that a massive cyber attack had occurred on the financial system, investor confidence was shaken, stock market was crashing, banking system frozen, just general economic chaos. The attack was officially blamed on ISIS, but I knew that was a cover story. I then regretted not pulling cash out of the bank sooner, and tried to call my parents but the cell networks were overloaded.
In the corner of the restaurant were some well-informed financial guys in their 50s wearing suits. I asked them what would happen next. They said certain sectors would profit from this and listed off a bunch, and in a joking way said "security" several times in that list as if to say security firms and the police state apparatus were the primary beneficiaries, implying they were the orchestrators of this.
The subtext of the dream was that this cyber attack was serious, but that the financial crash wasn't any kind of society collapsing event. It was more a financial equivalent of 9/11, with a similar psychological, political, and societal impact. There would be recovery, but not without certain permanent changes made that restrict freedom and way of life.
mass firing |
Posted by: esholars - 10-05-2015, 12:45 PM - Forum: Public Dreams
- Replies (3)
10/05/2015 AM
No Intent
Mood: busy and tired
Location: Washington DC
I am standing in a hallway with a large bundle of folded letters. I have been assigned to pass these letters out to each head of each department of each of the alphabet agencies and to every person working in Congress. I am trying to figure out which office is next to receive these letters.
I had spent the last evening with a group of official helping to compose these letters and deciding just who would get them.
This is some of what they said:
Dear Sir/Madam:
This is your official notice that according to the new law you must dismiss all persons in your office, division or department other than one office manager, one secretary and one errand runner. You have until the end of the month to pass out your pink slips and write your letters of recommendation for your staff.
Your budget will be cut on the first day of this next month and you will need to also find a new office that follows the new regulations that have been instituted. You will be allowed to keep such furniture as needed to use in the new, smaller office. There will be no new furniture bought; you can use what you already have. Please let the communications office know where your phone needs to be set up.
As you should be aware all Government employees will now be required to follow the laws as they have been written the same as the general public. Please pick up a copy of the new rules and regulations booklets at the main door of Congress as it contains the method of dealing with any questions you may have and a contact numbers for the unemployed and soon to be unemployed.
Remember the people’s words: You’re Fired!”
There was more but I had handed a letter to a congress person and they were, red in the face, screaming at me about this whole thing.
The phone rang and woke me up.
Wheat Skirt Dream |
Posted by: Cassandra - 10-05-2015, 08:21 AM - Forum: Public Dreams
- Replies (5)
Sometimes I feel like there are code words I need to remember from dreams. And I wake up feeling irritable thinking, I hate "code word" dreams.
Start of Dream: I was riding as a passenger in a police patrol car. We were stopped by what we thought was a woman with long blonde hair. She turned out to be a he. He asked if we had a landline he could use. When I asked why he did not use his cell phone he said, I need a landline. I asked why he was in such a hurry he said, there is a Yves Saint Laurent wheat skirt, somewhere in the city for $15. He said, I need to find the skirt. When he said what he was looking for I saw the skirt in my minds eye. End of dream.
Afterthoughts: I woke up thinking I need to remember these words: Landline, Transvestite, Wheat, Skirt & $15.
Martial law, city being bombed |
Posted by: MTB_forums - 10-05-2015, 01:07 AM - Forum: Public Dreams
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I don't remember a specific intention for this dream. As I recall, I had noted I hadn't seen many dreams posted and had an intention along the lines of "is something coming up that we're not supposed to see that is preventing people from getting dreams?"
In my dream, I am in a residential suburb; in the distance there is a city with large buildings. In the dream I believe I'm myself, so I am assuming the city I was seeing was Los Angeles, but the houses and area really didn't look like the suburbs of Los Angeles. I am looking toward the city, and see that there are planes flying over the city. Others come out and join me in looking. Many of them have phones and/or cameras so they can take pictures and video. There are explosions in the city; I can't see bombs actually dropping, I'm too far away, probably 10+ miles. One exceptionally large plane (a B52 I believe, which are still in service) flies over; there is a very large explosion.
The others with me don't know what to do. I am thinking they'll be declaring Martial Law, will it really be possible to post any of these videos, they'll lock us down and confiscate anything we could show. The sense is that this is not an enemy attack; this is our own government attacking us. I start to head back to my house, which is near but a few roads over through the square road neighborhood setup, but wonder if there's any point.
Acknowledging the existence of Aliens |
Posted by: Redtailhawk1 - 10-04-2015, 08:23 PM - Forum: Public Dreams
- Replies (7)
Hi all. I haven't posted recently because of a stressful time personally and all of my dreams seemed to revolve around that. I did, however, want to mention a dream I had last night about our government acknowledging the existence of aliens. In my dream Jimmy Carter was the one who finally speaks out publicly and confirms this. I saw this happening just before his death. I had a sense of him passing away in November. I also drempt that this really upset the presidential race and most of the candidates called President Carter a quack which ended up backfiring on them. I really hope this doesn't happen for many reasons, but the dream seemed very real.
Air evacuation |
Posted by: ThePaladin - 10-04-2015, 05:15 PM - Forum: Public Dreams
- Replies (4)
4 Oct 2015
No intention set
This was a short dream, a vignette. I stood outside a chain link fence. There were others with me, a line of people all silently watching planes landing at an air field on a military base. One plane after the next. They would taxi to the terminal, offload their passengers, spend a few minutes refueling and checking the planes, then head back out to the runway and take off again. Both military and commercial planes. I recognized Southwest Airlines and United Airlines planes. There were some commercial planes, I didn't recognize their logos. Big planes, little puddlejumpers. All coming and going in a steady stream. I looked skyward, and there were more planes circling the field. Off in the distance, the sky was going grey and dark. I knew it wasn't nightfall. Something was happening. Some sort of natural disaster. I knew this was a desperate attempt to get as many people to some sort of safety before it was too late. But they were running out of time. Soon the planes would have to land and that would be that.
No one spoke but there was a feel that we all knew that what was being done only bought time.
Had a strong feeling of urgency tinged with resignation. Whatever was happening was unstoppable and any measures that were being taken were nothing more than stopgap. It's difficult to describe since I didn't know what was happening.
No clue where this was taking place but the terrain was hilly around the airfield. Grass/brush. Everything was brown. Dusty. Sunny and clear, except for the section of the sky that was dark grey. Don't know which direction it was. I didn't recognize any of the people standing with me. It was like we were all there as observers. Aware of each other but not having any contact.
What really got my attention about this dream was I jerked awake and was ice cold. I was shivering I was so cold. My extremities were blue, as if I'd been walking barefoot in freezing temps, and I live in Texas, where it's still quite warm even at night. I was so cold I pulled a blanket from the closet and threw it on the bed so I could go back to sleep.