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1/15/25 Motivated by Feel...
Forum: DreamBot Runs
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Yesterday, 12:23 PM
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1/8/25 Gnosis
Forum: DreamBot Runs
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01-08-2025, 10:38 AM
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1/1/2025 Winds of Change
Forum: DreamBot Runs
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01-01-2025, 10:45 AM
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12/24/24 Great Awakening
Forum: DreamBot Runs
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12-24-2024, 12:10 PM
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12/18/24 Really?
Forum: DreamBot Runs
Last Post: Eagle1
12-18-2024, 09:48 AM
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12/11/24 Winning the Lott...
Forum: DreamBot Runs
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12-11-2024, 09:40 AM
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12/4/24 Where Mind Goes.....
Forum: DreamBot Runs
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12-04-2024, 10:04 AM
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11/27/24 Mercury and the ...
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11-27-2024, 09:50 AM
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11/20/24 People and their...
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11-20-2024, 09:58 AM
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11/13/24 WWG1WGA
Forum: DreamBot Runs
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11-13-2024, 09:20 AM
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About the National Dream Center |
Posted by: Eagle1 - 05-23-2015, 09:49 PM - Forum: About the NDC
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First off, welcome to the National Dream Center™!
In general, the National Dream Center™ collects and analyzes dreams primarily for their predictive characteristics. Dreams are well-known for mirroring back our true selves, helping us determine what kind of world we are actually creating. Additionally, many of us have one, many, or a continuous stream of undeniable, precognitive dreams (those that accurately predict the future). In short, our dreams are our future!
Therefore, we need your help. We need your dreams so that we can better piece together where humanity is headed. What is our vector and will we like our destiny? Our publicly-searchable database is the special place for all our glorious and not-so glorious dreams. Even those dreams that don't seem to apply to anything in the real world are still helpful to us because we also linguistically analyze the collective dreams to identify trends across the broader world dreamscape. These bigger trends sometimes show us what humanity has been watching on TV, but sometimes these themes play out in future headlines.
You can help us in several ways.
First, we'd like you to log your dreams with us…it’s free! Simply register for an account, log in, and then head to this forum: http://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/f...php?fid=34
As you get more comfortable with the daily DreamBot runs, you might enjoy helping to interpret the results. The DreamBot goes out on the web daily to look at what everyone has dreamed throughout the night. The words high on the list are typically considered "Hot" trends in the collective dreamscape. The obvious questions to ask is, "Why are so many people dreaming about that word?" Sometimes our discussions bring salient awareness to possible future events. Not only are these theoretical discussions fun but they are also enlightening to most readers because of all the hidden (but mostly important) news and events happening around the globe.
Third, once you get well-established in the two items above, you might consider becoming a full-up DreamForecaster™. DreamForecasters (DFs) look at actual dream content and compare that to the daily DreamBot results in order to better predict what is going to happen in the future. Ideally, our DF predictions should have the following components: WHAT (a main subject and verb), WHERE, and WHEN.
As always, you can always have the option of just sitting back and casually providing your two cents whenever your intuition encourages you to do so. Relax and enjoy the dream journey!
Disclaimer & Privacy Statement |
Posted by: Eagle1 - 05-23-2015, 09:14 PM - Forum: Terms and Conditions
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Short Version
This forum provides educational information on various dreaming topics and attempts to guess the future based on actual dream content and Dream
Linguistics™. All the information contained at this site should be considered ENTERTAINMENT ONLY. Nothing in the forums shall be deemed "therapy" or "therapeutic" nor with there be any relationship in this forum that is deemed "therapeutic" or any sort of professional service. You are 100% responsible for what you do with the information gleaned from the NDC Forums.
This website is also a depository for peoples’ personal dream experiences. Although this website will not release your personally-identifiable information without your consent, we cannot guarantee that other users will follow the same ethical standards. Whatever dream accounts or other personal information you wish to share may be subject to public disclosure outside of our control. Therefore, you must only submit the information that you feel comfortable sharing in a public forum.
Guests are reminded that any dream and any discussion comment or post may be deleted at anytime by the NDC staff for any reason!
Guests are reminded that any user account may be deleted or suspended or banned for any reason at any time!
Long Version
This website is intended to provide educational information related to various dream topics, and we also attempt to predict the future based on dream content. The publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, medical, or financial services. If expert assistance is required, please seek the services of a competent professional.
Those who participate with this site realize that The National Dream Center does honor your privacy and related information. However, because of the various shills and hackers in our world, we cannot guarantee that all your information will remain in our hands. Therefore, you agree to only provide information that you are comfortable sharing with the general public. The NDC will take reasonable precautions to prevent security breaches, but each patron is ultimately responsible for the information they provide.
Guests are reminded that there are two different types of dream forums. The PUBLIC DREAM FORUM is a publicly-searchable dream database, and its main goal is to simply document individual dreams from around the world. The dreams can be searched for, read, analyzed by anyone in the public domain. The NDC also hosts a DREAMS SUPPORT GROUP, where only support group members can see the dreams input into this forum (note that dreamers must request to be included in the NDC Support Group before inputting private dreams to this forum.)
Once the dream is input into the database, the staff at the National Dream Center analyzes various characteristics of the dream description for informal research purposes. By submitting a dream report, the dreamer/guest agrees that the staff may use that dream for publishing their informal public blog.
As such, the blog and forum posts may copy verbatim your dream and include a link to your dream. You agree that any of our guests can talk about and analyze your dream. If you feel that someone has violated you emotionally or defamed you, please either report that infraction to the staff via the Contact Us page, or press "Report" at the bottom of the negligent party's post.
Guests are reminded that any dream and any discussion comment or post may be deleted at anytime by the NDC staff for any reason!
Guests are reminded that any user account may be deleted or suspended or banned for any reason at any time!
If you do not wish to be bound by the above, do not use this website.
Hotel Robbery |
Posted by: XeeMaye - 05-23-2015, 11:55 AM - Forum: Public Dreams
- Replies (9)
I was substitute supervising a hotel front lobby. Really fancy hotel, somewhere in the west, but not in Vegas. Marble floors, tall ceilings, lots of windows, chandeliers. Lots of employees.
The neighboring hotel employees are our buddies, we lunch with them. All in good spirits, we laugh a lot together.
Back to work, it's nighttime now. I'm behind the front desk and one of the employees from the other hotel comes in all dressed in black and armed. He has a mask on, but it's clear to us who it is. He doesn't say anything, just points the gun. My employee sighs, rolls his eyes and says "not again....". Then he pulls out this huge drawer of cash. Stacks and stacks of cash, probably 100k. He hands it to the robber friend. I am appalled, "WHY isn't that money in the BANK?? You can't keep cash like that laying around!".
He informs me that the money isn't safe in the bank anymore, we have to keep it all here to keep it safe. Even if the robber takes it, it's safer than in the bank. He tells me I should never put any money in the bank. I'm intrigued...but skeptical. Where would I keep my cash? wouldn't the hotel people come and steal it?
I'm left with a confused warning feeling when I wake up.
Lack of dreams |
Posted by: ThePaladin - 05-23-2015, 11:54 AM - Forum: Miscellaneous
- Replies (12)
Over the past month, since the last eclipse really, my dreams have pretty much disappeared. I know I dream, there's always a sense of having dreamed while asleep, but when I wake there's nothing there as if I didn't dream at all. This is kind of unusual for me, in that I've always dreamed and quite vividly at that.
Anyone else noticing a change of some sort in their dreaming of late?
hellfire and brimstone |
Posted by: still - 05-23-2015, 08:06 AM - Forum: Public Dreams
- Replies (8)
I saw a massive storm with flooding and hail stones falling that were 2 feet diameter. In another place there were lava stones falling that were 2 feet diameter from volcanoes. I saw a mom and her son running into a cave. I saw Jerusalem. They were building the temple of God right next to the dome of the rock. The temple construction had a light blue flag. I saw gates all around the city. Every road into Jerusalem had a gate like a toll booth and was guarded by swat teams – black uniforms, machine guns. The gates had the light blue flags.
Overlap dreaming, take 3 |
Posted by: ThePaladin - 05-23-2015, 03:51 AM - Forum: Code Intentions Project (CIP)
- Replies (5)
In our admittedly limited runs, I've noticed something: When the location is a place the dreamers recognize-even if they have no idea where the location is-the incubated dreams are quite accurate in terms of details. If they don't recognize the location, the dreams aren't very accurate, with bits of details.
So I'm going to add a twist to this whole experiment(there will be others as results pique my curiosity). I'm going to randomly choose locations that are well known even if people haven't been there before, for instance, New York City, with places not well known, for instance a village in Turkey. I'm also going to toss in an occasional topic, just to shake things up occasionally. However, no matter whether a location or a topic is chosen, it will be identified with a number.
I'd like to see if the "known/unkown" factor continues to affect the resulting dreams. That would be interesting in itself, at least to me.
I'm having way too much fun, I think.
Going to make a request of the dreamers: Please PM your dreams to me so I can post them all at once in their own thread. That way someone who posts their dream before others won't influence the other participants. Thanks.
Next up: 6412.
Denver airport and underground bunkers |
Posted by: theylive333 - 05-22-2015, 11:38 PM - Forum: Public Dreams
- Replies (6)
Actually, this is from two different dreams. God told them not to go into the bunkers where one scene is from the people at the Denver airport where they are being transported around in the tunnels but are sprayed with a poison from the sprinklers above and all of them are found dead at the Denver airport bunker due to dirty money having financed it in the first place. The second dream is where those in those underground bunkers who survive and those who went off world come back and are not given any type of warm welcome back whatsoever.