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Thought I posted this about a week ago |
Posted by: Sunatta - 03-18-2015, 05:55 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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As this is from memory over a week ago but hits on the possible cern topic.
I was hovering in the air watching air traffic when I noticed a plane being carried piggyback on another. They dropped in altitude and separated. The lower plane entered the ocean withou a crash.
The plane re emerged from the ocean, but in a different form. Kind of ufo ish. It appeared to be searching the sky for us but then shot off to the hovering base where unknown research was going on. There was a scene at the base, where I think that those running the experiment wanted it for themselves and no longer wished to share with others, I think. They were packing up stuff to move there experiment elsewhere. One of the last ones on the base expressed that their experiment went awry. I then was in a city after this and Gravity seemed to be faltering for me immediately and the system overtime. There was also major upheaval/ the whole fabric of reality being torn apart in the distance.
Any way the dream seemed to have meaning. Which is why I posted it initially and now again.
More Visits. |
Posted by: KimSpirit - 03-17-2015, 12:35 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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(Note: I am experiencing yet another prolonged absence of dream recall, accompanied by very disturbed sleeping patterns. Nonetheless, this from last night.)
My mother and father appeared, location not familiar to me. Both had passed on years ago. I was in a bedroom unpacking (continuous theme), and I could hear them bickering in the kitchen. I remarked to myself that some things never change; and they are still bickering "there". I walked out to the kitchen, and my mother said that "she had left my father in Leachville" and needed to go get him. I said the name of this place twice, in case I misunderstood what she was teling me. Emphasis LEACHville versus another possible name. I am not familiar with this area. We hurried to go. We arrived first at a bazaar type of open market area, containing gourmet stores and restaurants, a market place. I looked at the food items in bins as we walked through. We "popped up" in Leachville next, at a motel (continuous theme), and I got a key out, struggling to fit the key into the special lock. As I did so, it set off an alarm.
Initiation of the Project |
Posted by: Eagle1 - 03-17-2015, 10:37 AM - Forum: Discussion
- Replies (15)
Project ConCERNed originated as a combination between very alarming and significant dreambot memes that seemed to directly overlap with revelations from outside the NDC. The complete history that led up to Proj ConCERNed can be found here:
Until further notice (i.e., until I get my act together), this post serves as our draft guide for Proj ConCERNed. This is a very mysterious meme that has developed so suddenly, and I have so many questions that need to be answered just to get the ball rolling. I'm sure I'm speaking for everyone on this.
My first question is this....how authentic is CHANI and all the transcriptions? But is this question even relevant? I mean, some really bad things can unfold from these experiments, right? Or is that all just conspiracy?
Others might wish to just focus on the future events and how they unfold. Maybe catastrophe doesn't unfold with CERN, but we have an economic disaster? Maybe all the CERN stuff is nothing more than a diversion of the more important world events going down?
No matter your orientation, I think you'd agree that SOMETHING is coming. We really don't know how big and how significant it is, or whether it has anything to do with CERN, but I do find it very mystical / magical in a way, very synchronistic how the dream language matches what CHANI has apparently said. And then it's even more enchanting when we get the verbatim verbiage in the bot run the day after CHANI's transcription was posted.
Rough draft of directions for PHASE 1, Proj ConCERNed:
In this phase 1, our goal is to hammer out relevant questions that we need our dreams to answer. Should we look for a specific timeframe, are we to ask about specific people and names, what about locations and whether an event will take place that will affect everyone on the planet.
There are so many questions out there, so let's just leave this project WIDE OPEN. So, here's what I've got so far:
Participation: Anyone may join our project, but they have to be signed in (registered in the forum) to see the information or post a discussion item or dream.
Expectations/Procedures: Before going to bed, please sit quietly and reflect on what needs to be asked for this project. Let intuition be your guide about what to incubate. Then, once that is settled, make a very strong intention to incubate that particular topic in your dream. Then, upon waking, please go to the Project ConCERNed dream input forum (right here: http://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/f...php?fid=35 ) and input the following:
- The dream details
- Your precise intention
- And any other relevant info. For example, something might have really stood out for you in this dream. Extrapolate, interpret, fill in the blanks for us.
Discussions: Discussion will be in three different places for various reasons. First, there will be this forum where you can start any new Proj ConCERNed discussion thread that you want. Simply start a new thread as appropriate. Second, you may of course, discuss people's dreams, and you may do that inside their individual dream thread. Lastly, a separate DreamForecaster forum will be available for those with access. If you want to discuss anything, please do so in the most applicable forum, but please try to keep all Project ConCERNed topics inside of the aforementioned locations.
Questions/Suggestions: Since this is a curve ball project, I expect lots of questions and suggestions. Go ahead and simply reply to this posting if you are compelled to do so.
After Phase I: Once we begins seeing where collective dreams are taking us, we'll go ahead and build additional structure for the project. If no trends are happening, we'll simply continue with Phase 1 until CERN is complete or we establish that nothing big is coming.
Small plane crash |
Posted by: ShadowSoul - 03-17-2015, 08:26 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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A two-seater plane crashed into a church through a giant window. It was on fire, but the people inside were still alive and made it out. People were gathered in the street, aimlessly wandering or sitting and talking to each other. If they had any agendas, there were small, like getting up an escalator...
3/17/15 CHANI Appears! + Damn Awful Sun + more Israel |
Posted by: Eagle1 - 03-17-2015, 08:20 AM - Forum: DreamBot Runs
- Replies (7)
This run initially looked rather useless compared to the potentially disastrous times we see ourselves in. But when I calmed my mind down and slowly read from the top, it started to make sense. The key phrases today are at the polar extremes of the run.
Obviously, the bot was picking up some administrative type words, and as much as I can’t stand including those words, I believe they actually provide meaningful contribution. In the case of Group 1, the lingo might be encouraging us to realize or remember that our DREAMS will have the RESOLUTION to SAVE our HIDES. What I’m thinking here is while we are correct in looking for accurate predictions in our Project ConCERNed dreams, we can also be looking for solutions. Why stop at just merely guessing the future?
For example, some of the speakers at the IASD conference will be discussing how dreams can warn us about coming health issues. In my own personal experience with this, when my family members are given health-related warnings, the dream will also provide a solutions (even if that solution isn’t right out in plain view). So, let’s consider that in the dreams to come over the next few months, start looking for solutions as you also scan for predictions.
Now shifting gears, we head to the Biggest Loser section and see Israel dropping off and giving us a parting linguistics phrase. Apparently, whoever the “COOL GUY” is, he will win the election and be SHOWERED.
1. Group 3 resembles yesterday’s run. It says, SUN VIEW DAMN AWFUL. Yesterday, it was just “awful sun,” but today we are given an explicative descriptor. Damn doesn’t show up very often, but when it does, I think it’s best to heed it.
2. This one is curious. Higher up on the Biggest Loser section (you’ll have to look at the text printout because it wouldn’t fit on our picture), there are two words in perfect order as what was presented in the CHANI project…. http://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/s...53#pid5653 For example, the entity apparently said, “wen yor line time colide our line time we cee u first time.” So on today's linguistics, please mathematicians tell me the odds that we'd have this phrase the very next day from the CHANI post: "LINE TIME LITTLE GARDEN START POSITION BEGIN." There you go….perhaps a solution from the dream language. Is this random coincidence, or perhaps ol’ CHANI is attempting to speak through the dream bot? (!!!)
UP Words: dream resolution loading save hide submitted ivory march potion months mon dreams rating sorry yet reaction wolf voted notified multiple interpret truth rated longer dictionary successful wrapping love had generic been being chased
DOWN Words: line time little garden start position begin party swimming river goes classroom draw nurse yes structure apartment got spoiler exploring size israel shower guy cool there progress sun view damn awful fri gab sequence
Random stuff that's occurred |
Posted by: ThePaladin - 03-16-2015, 04:55 PM - Forum: Miscellaneous
- Replies (6)
Since this is the area where we stick stuff we don't know where else to post, a couple of events that have happened over the last few days:
This morning, as I woke, I heard a voice say "July 15, 2015." Not quite awake, I brilliantly said, "Huh?" The voice repeated, "July 15, 2015. The day when everything changes."
That's it, the whole exchange. Nothing else.
I've also been having interesting experiences with a red light right the last few nights. We have a fan sitting on a bathroom vanity counter and it has a red light that indicates it has power. When I go to bed at night, that red light is in my direct line of vision. Three nights ago, as I laid there, right before falling asleep, the red light rose a bit and then slowly arced down towards the counter. I chalked it up to my lying down and my equilibrium settling, even though that had not happened before. The next night, the red light jiggled a bit but I decided I was imagining the movement. Last night, after I'd settled into bed and was lying there, the red light shot towards the ceiling, arced down, then seemed to bounce around the counter like a ball that had been dropped. I closed my eyes, told myself I was imagining things again, and then opened my eyes. The red light moved back and forth like a pendulum. Ok, this was starting to creep me out. I told myself I wasn't seeing what I was seeing, that there had to be an explanation(this coming from someone who regularly sees weird stuff she can't explain ). I shut my eyes and told myself I would see no movement the next time. I cracked one eye open again. The light zipped up towards the ceiling again, then floated lazily back down, like a leaf from a tree. It meandered back and forth, then settled back into place.
Tonight I plan to unplug the fan so there's no red light. I'll see what happens.
3/16/15 Awful Sun sets on Israel |
Posted by: Eagle1 - 03-16-2015, 09:58 AM - Forum: DreamBot Runs
- Replies (2)
Israel shows up for the first time, coincident on a day where the archetypes are wildly negative. I’m not really sure how many words are involved in Group 1, but I thought Rude Corridor might apply to the Gaza strip. Heck, TAXI might even be implicated here.
I think most people would see “AWFUL SUN” as a sort of synonym to something like this: “The sun sets on Israel….” But I’m thinking of something a little different. I get the sense that AWFUL SUN is an event marker. The Sun will certainly be awful if it spits out an xflare or equivalent, but it will also be “AWFUL” when it goes black the full solar eclipse set for March 20th, 2015 (which is also a Jewish New Years for Kings). Thus, 20 March is to be known as the Jewish New Years for Kings Eclipse, and only a few countries will be able to see this “Awful Sun.” Israel just happens to be one of them.
That whole sequence of linguistics sounds very serious and important. But now we shift to a lighter fare.
In Group 2, if you replaced CIRCLE with UNCLE, you’d have a direct match to Travolta's creepy behavior at the 2015 Oscars. http://www.hollywoodtake.com/john-travol...2015-74566 That sequence of words would mean about 2.5 week lag time (day residue). I’m not seeing a whole lot of other material, but I did notice that MARCH is finally dropping off. I’ve got to say that this has to be the biggest dream month on the linguistics charts, but not in terms of the number of dreams, but rather the consistent frequency of the month that we're currently in. MARCH has remained in the top for almost the entire first half of the month….pretty impressive.
UP Words: awful sun israel containers progress kick mini draw cage rude corridor gab damn spoiler taxi cool elevator mon pressed mirror sat layout carpet creepy circle sharp flip putting sounded halfway occurred sized bed
DOWN Words: gold invited type remove modify read interpretation years reaction rated dictionary rating class interpret been longer chased sorry voted yet were march months dreams had save hide submitted loading dream