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The metal globe seed story... |
Posted by: twiceblessed9 - 03-01-2015, 02:48 AM - Forum: Miscellaneous
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Not sure who posted the metal globe seed story a few days back but it has finally gotten picked up, by George Takei on his FB page.
Here is the link for those who did not see it the first time.http://higherperspective.com/2015/02/space-seed.html?utm_source=cleo&ts_pid=2
Earthquake 8.0 Oregon/Idaho Border |
Posted by: DWood - 02-28-2015, 04:09 PM - Forum: Public Dreams
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I live on the southern Oregon coast and in the dream I am in the area where I live and there is a short quick jolt. A couch flipped over onto me but it is light and I just push it off aside from things having fallen off the shelves there is no real damage tot he house. The scene switches and I am over looking a hill to the north where there are several houses built on the hillside and there has been a slide there which seems to be the only severe damage in our area. I am playing with my cell phone trying to get to the USGS to find out the magnitude of the quake and my phone is just slow and I can't bring up the information so I ask a woman nearby, "do we know the magnitude of this quake?" She says "8.0". I think to myself OK good we've had our 8.0 and it is over with and I ask "do we know the epicenter?" She says "Oregon in the corner where it meats Idaho". I think that's an odd place for an 8.0 and I wake up
The swarms that have been happening in that area have actually been in Nevada not Oregon but close to that area and of course that is the area that is the pathway over to yellowstone where previous hotspots moved across Idaho.
Friends service station |
Posted by: ShadowSoul - 02-28-2015, 10:50 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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These are the same friends from last dream, however, they are not billionaires in this one. We visit them in an old beater, and help them with something inside the house. When the time comes, we pull around the corner to get the car serviced. They have some pumps there but I get the feeling they don't contain gas or even oil. There are other things they are pumping into the car that seemingly work very well.
Billionaire friends |
Posted by: ShadowSoul - 02-28-2015, 10:40 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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Our friends had some kind of special vending machines that literally garnered tons of money. These coins were bundled up in bags, which were put on pallets. We knew they were multi-billionaires, yet they wanted to hang out with us lowly workers. My husband ended up betting $5,000 in a horse race and I feared that he was or would become addicted and gamble away everything we have.
Mathematical test with drunken driving as a problem |
Posted by: MTB_forums - 02-27-2015, 10:29 PM - Forum: Public Dreams
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This seemed a bit out there, definitely with "symbols" and vivid enough so I'm submitting it with the thought that it may piece in with other dreams. I did not do any intention for the dream. I graduated from college roughly 25 years ago, so I don't know why I wound up getting a dream like this, and can't think of any day residue that would have yielded this.
In the dream, I am apparently in a class. I'm not sure if it was a math class or a physics class, but I was doing a test that involved very high level math. We were given the test; it was stapled together, the questions were on one side of the sheet, we were meant to show our work so we could get partial credit for answers. The pages were in a reverse order; instead of flipping from top out to the left, the staple was on the upper right corner and the pages flipped out to the right, in reverse of what was normal. I do not remember what the first question was; I remember I was sweating, thinking I was going really slow in answering the question. I finished it and flipped the page to the second question.
I had read the question, which was something about determining the speed of a car that had hit another car. There were equations that had been given; one was a rather odd one, some sort of a gamma shaped thing which I had interpreted as being a symbol for doing a multiplicative integration of a function between the given numbers (e.g. x from 1 to 5, total is f(x0)*f(x1)...). I started to write out my answers; I had written down the symbols for partial derivitives and some other stuff. I got the feeling like I was taking way too long. I started to think I should make it a point to get partial credit, and look ahead to see the next questions. There were 3 more questions; I turned back to the second question so I could finish it to a point where I'd get something for it and then move on.
I noticed then there was some fairly fine print around the question. Looking at it, it noted to give the student partial credit for the moral insight into the question. At this point I wrote onto the test paper "In my opinion, if a drunk driver kills somebody while driving, they should be found guilty of murder". I can't remember if I finished with writing " and be given the death penalty", but that is my general opinion. I was writing with a sharpened, very light brown colored crayon. I had been doing the whole test with the sharpened crayon.
Travels in other realms. |
Posted by: KimSpirit - 02-27-2015, 09:20 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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Experience #1) I had a reunion with an old friend and former co-worker Audrey B. We embraced each other warmly, happy to see each other after not having had any contact in thirty years. Note: I will Google her to see if she is still among the living. Audrey appears to be still among the living. I, then, told her about the passing of Doug L., whom we both knew, and how he reached out to me after transitioning, to say good-bye. I said his wife, Nancy, had been a good wife while he struggled with cancer toward the end. Audrey said that Doug's passing had not had such an effect on her as Diana P.'s. She said that Diana had fought cancer, and actually returned to work, then, falling victim to the disease. I will Google Diana P. to see if she is still among the living. Note: she is not; she passed on 2007. Audrey and I went together into a quaint shop selling collectibles, and I pointed out a Madeleine themed bottle of wine to her which was priced at $12.99, brandishing a picture of the famous Madeleine in Paris children's book on the outside of the bottle. The theme throughout this experience was Christmas or forgiveness.
Experience #2: I was in a large unknown contemporary house. I was in the master bedroom, which was painted bright peach, with bright white trim work and chair rails, noting areas where someone had punched holes through the sheetrock above the one dresser. The holes were small, around 3" in diameter. What a shame. The rock had a rough orange peel texture on it, before painted. In an instant, my husband appeared, crouching down, wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt, with a paint brush in his hand. Suddenly, there were also white drop cloths everywhere. He said, "Kim, look what they did to our house?". And, "We sold it for $154,000, they destroyed it, but we got the money!". In other words, whoever "they" were destroyed the newly renovated house, abandoned it, and we got the house back to renovate all over again. I looked up at the master bedroom's ceiling, which was also painted peach (note: this was the prominent theme of my husband's NDE, as he saw brilliant sunset colors). However, I noted that the ceiling was designed to appear as the universe, with bright white symbols of planets, comets, and stars affixed everywhere, with an almost oil slick appearance to the symbols. It was quite beautiful, same time, it was out of place or "wrong". I wondered if he planned to remove this universe theme from the ceiling. Puzzling, I found myself back in my "real bed", with the covers up to my eyes. However, I was watching myself from above. My husband had appeared above as well, seeing if I would ever "awaken" from this sleeping state. As he watched from physically above where I slept "in real life", I too watched myself where I slept in "real life". I noted in my notes, "I was as I was". Both places, same time.
2/27/15 Arab Boss in the Deer Spotlight |
Posted by: Eagle1 - 02-27-2015, 09:10 AM - Forum: DreamBot Runs
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After reading 3dub’s remarkable post this morning, I’m now just about completely weirded out by today’s run and the similarities/overlaps it has with my yellow alien sphere dream AND the information he presented in the post. By the way, Sherriann make a wise choice to establish a new thread in the dream overlap section to talk about the colorful sky objects (a specific dream overlap). You can see that thread here: http://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/s...hp?tid=691
Okay, now for today’s run. The Arabs don’t really have deer where they are do they? So the fact that these are the #1 and #2 words today could mean a few things: 1) perhaps they are completely irrelevant of each other, 2) perhaps we start seeing more arabs where deer are (north American continent?) , 3) OR the big Arab Boss gets a ‘Deer in the Spotlight’ moment. Personally, I like the last option, but who would be arab boss? Uh Oh, BARRY?! Taking that orientation, the caution section of the run makes sense to me: The Arab Boss Survey Names (CIA Spying) and Rocks the Spotlight, but then has a Deer-in-the-headlight moment.
Somewhat related, there’s a mini-overlap here with Arab and Palace (see blue arrows). I almost want to say that a tornado hits either the Taj Mahal or the White House, which would then get the arab boss complaining.
BUT THE MEAT OF THE RUN is down lower. When reading Groups 1 and 3, does anyone think of the yellow alien sphere dream and 3dub’s contribution? I sure do. If nothing else, Group 1 indicates that Greece might be the next country to publicly talk about ETs or perhaps geologists locate an ancient mummified species in the ancient Greek rubble.
In closing, Thank Medical Democracy because that’s what you have now, and it ISN’T a good thing. Democracy has been driven into our psyche as a 100% great thing, and nothing could be further from the truth. In a Democratic election system, the most votes wins, which seems to be a beneficial way of electing people. BUT when you have a Democratic society, the individual loses their freedom at the hands of the majority. This is the reason you have special interest groups clammering to get their freedom. They have to convince the majority that they are worthy of their freedom. Our founding fathers knew this actually, and knew that the dark side of a democratic election system is a whole society ruled by the majority. So YES, we are all ruled by medical democracy, and by using propaganda, you can see how just a few corporations can rule the society. You don’t have to control everything, you just have to sway 51% of the people. So, enjoy your tyranny and enjoy the new medical system. Also, enjoy the new internet that will disallow you from looking up the REAL treatment for what ails you. Oh no, we can’t have that. You must go ask the doctor, who will go look it up in a textbook, which was written by one of the Rockefeller-owned publishing companies. Well actually, let’s start over. You go to the doctor who will not know anything about HEALING the problem, but they will know how to get a kickback from the pharmaceutical company if they prescribe a drug that will suppress your aliments’ symptoms. So enjoy the new Medical Democracy...
UP Words: deer arab boss survey names rock spotlight academy palace tornadoes turned complaining memorable meal wow introduced greek 2015 determine aliens lucid thank medical democracy dude up obscure invasion reverse ancient analytics into elevator
DOWN Words: laugh much church police lady lesson nearly bigger ride bad shop candy told basement funny boyfriend guy goal self were say bunch male thanks had cities astral god embarrassment days mon california