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Watching the cave |
Posted by: ShadowSoul - 02-19-2015, 11:31 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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I was visiting with a VIP from the resistance who lived underground. My husband and I were honored to say goodbye to him as he was heading out and we stayed behind to guard his cave.
Alligators, a Mobile, and an Angry Ghost |
Posted by: Elyse - 02-19-2015, 01:45 PM - Forum: Public Dreams
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I had a few weird dreams last night. I can't remember all of them, and I remember little of the ones I CAN remember, but here's what I got:
In the first dream, my family had moved to this apartment complex. The front door to our home was in this big building, but we had a back yard that we shared with a neighbor. They had split the back yard in half by rolling some red tape across it. I thought this was weird, but I suspected that if they didn't want us on their half of the lawn, that they wouldn't come on our half. I was discussing that with Jon when he called me over to the window to show me that our neighbors children were all in our yard. There was jumping on a pogo stick, a couple of others playing ball and another kid digging around in our garage. The whole time their parents are watching with big smiles and folded arms. It didn't bother me. In fact, I thought I might go bring them some juice and snacks, but my husband was very upset... especially since they made a big deal about things by stretching out that red tape. I tried to get him to calm down by reminding him that it wasn't the kids that had stretched out the tape, and the yard was very small, kids like to have plenty of room to run around. Besides, maybe if we let their kids play on our half, they would return that favor. Jon mumbled something before pointing to some bags of groceries he had brought home. He had bought me some coconut water in this very interesting balloon-shaped box. When I tried it, I didn't like it. My oldest son begged me for it, so I gave it to him but made him promise to share it with his brothers. Later in the dream we had decided to get a dog. We found it in a shelter and brought it home. It was a lovely golden retriever and we all loved him. The dog started acting funny though, and ended up peeing in our home. Jon started to get angry, but I asked him if he had bothered to take the dog out to go potty. He looked down and explained that he hadn't. So I let the dog out to go potty. The dog, however, ran away. It was early in the morning before the kids got up that I realized the dog was gone, so I went out to find the dog before the kids could wake up and find he was missing. I walked down a busy street calling for the dog and was very upset when I could not find him. I felt horrible when I had to come home empty handed. Jon had to go to work and he could not leave the kids alone, so I had to hurry. I was thinking of how I would explain the situation to my children on my way home. I knew they were going to be heartbroken...
The next dream took place at my childhood home. The underground springs had caused all of these little pools of water to form and I was watching Jon trying to fish in these pools using a fishing pole and hook - no bait. I told him that was silly. First, there would be no fish in these pools of water and secondly, if there were any, he'd have a hard time catching them without bait. He just sort of shot me a dirty look and kept doing his thing. As he fished in one of the bigger pools, I noticed a small alligator swimming and rolling around in the water. It reminded me of a dream I had years ago. A dream where I had been fishing in a river a few miles up the road from where I lived. In that dream, however, the particular fishing spot I mentioned was littered with alligators. We are talking HUNDREDS of alligators of all sizes! But in this dream I remembered that dream and told Jon about it. I even offered to take him to the spot. He said he wanted to see it, so I began kicking up leaves. I knew that I would find plump worms in the damp soil under the leaves that we could use as bait. While I was doing this, Jon caught something. It was like a humanoid-alligator body with no head. The body was built like that of a body builder and it was blue. It was wearing these tiny pinkish-purple speedos and had fin-like things on the back of its legs and arms. I was a bit repulsed by this and asked Jon about it. Apparently, you had to catch all of the pieces of it and put it together. I felt like it was like a prize from a cereal box for some reason... I imagined that if you found the head and put it on it would likely come to life and kill you. I didn't want any of that. The sooner I could get him fishing in another spot for FISH, the better. While I'm hunting worms, I come across this thin brick of gold. Just a 6 inch brick of gold that is about half an inch thick. I can't believe what I'm seeing, so I dig it up, brush it off and stuff it into my pocket. Then I look up to see another one. I stuff that one in my pocket too. About that time, Jon comes up to see what I'm doing, so I motion my head at him to look down and see the gold bars. We are surrounded by people now, so I didn't want to draw alot of attention to what we were finding because the others might freak out and either beat us to a lot of the gold or even harm us to collect the gold we had. My brother came up to see what I was doing. I haven't talked to my brother in many years and the two of us don't get along, so I pointed him into the direction of a half buried crystal ball. When he leaves, I start collecting these gold bars again. I follow the trail of gold bars to a burn pile. Right on top of this burn pile was this gold wind-up mobile of the solar system. I fell in love with this thing and called dibs on it. Then I noticed that there was this beautiful canopy bed near the burn pile too. I thought that I could sleep there while I listened to the mobile. So I wound up the mobile and it began to play this very lovely music. But then this angry ghost in 16th century clothing (I think) appeared and started singing along with it. A song about him hurting people and hurting me. As he sang, the music from the mobile began to distort. I began emptying my pockets and throwing the gold bars down hoping that it would somehow appease him and he would stop threatening me and maybe let me keep the mobile. After all, the mobile had just been sitting on a pile of leaves and trash waiting to be burned... so maybe it wasn't as important to the ghost as it was to me...
Rampaging Bears |
Posted by: Elyse - 02-18-2015, 07:54 PM - Forum: Public Dreams
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I can't remember much of this dream at all and I'm having a hard time staying awake long enough to put it in, so please bear with me.
I remember was my mom suggesting that I move to Britain. I ended up going there I guess, and it was divided into three different parts. The part I saw was filled with all these cute little houses all different shapes and colors. It was pretty cool, like something you would expect to see in a dream. Then I went somewhere else and it was snowing, like, alot. There was this little town built in a wall. When I entered the town, alarms when off and everybody ran and hid. I tried to run and hide too. I found these big balls of moss and dove into them. The insides were hollow and there was nothing inside, save for a big, red, spotted mushroom. It sort of looked a super Mario mushroom had been brought to life. Also, it had a face on it. A big happy, smiley face. Anyway, as I'm hiding in this moss, I hear something moving around me. It is a bear. The city had bear problems and every once in a while bears would storm in and kill anyone they came across. I worried that the bear would find me, but instead, I heard it eat something and knew it was a mushroom... then it left.
When the bear was completely gone, everyone came back out of their homes and went back to their business. I was standing on this small decorative bridge looking out at the village when the alarm went off again. I ran back across the bridge and jumped back into the moss balls. Just like before... the bear started sniffing around me and this time he didn't seem to want to leave. I worried that somehow, he new I was in there and meant to kill me. The little mushroom in there smiled at me and tilted out towards the bear, and I saw the bears mouth come in and snatch it up. After the bear had eaten it, he left. I was upset because it felt like the little mushroom sacrificed his life for me.
When I left out of the moss again, I was being shown all these different security barriers that were being built to keep the bears out. These glass walls that were being made to come up whenever a bear was nearby. It seemed like the guys showing me were high rank military officials. Anyway, after a while, the alarm went off again, this time there were several bears, and this time they began busting into homes and killing people. They killed the entire little village. The military men pressed a large button to activate a test barrier. It seemed to work at first but we didn't think it would last, then they had me follow them into a room to use something they were sure would save us. It was this spinning glass thing. You were supposed to climb in and the bears weren't supposed to be able to get you... but the hole at the top and way it spun made that impossible. It was clear glass... so it wasn't even a good hiding spot. This was the stupidest thing ever! I couldn't believe that it had been funded and created by/for the military! They had me climb in, and I rolled my eyes as they excitedly told me about it. Then I climbed out and told them why I thought it was dumb.I told them,that to me, this seemed like a spinning treat dispenser and I thought the bears would think so too. Anyway, right as the military men began to agree with me, the bears broke through the barrier. Another alarm started going off, and we ran into another room. One of the men pushed a big, red button on the wall, so I expected some great and wonderful life-saving thing to happen. This big futuristic door opened and there in this super awesome, super high-tech room was... another glass treat dispenser... only just a bit bigger.
Horrified and disgusted, my shoulders fell and my head dropped. The guys gave me this "what's wrong" face and I told them "You realize why this won't work...right?" They all swapped these slightly embarrassed glances not saying much of anything. We could hear the bears ripping and tearing through things to make their way towards us. We were all going to die! Then one of the guy says that they need to use "the last resort". This guy... all he has is a glass jar with these long, tiny white strips of paper. He hands me one and I raise my eyebrow at him. These tiny white strips of paper had been soaked into something that would absorb all of your human smell and make you smell like bear. The theory was that the bears would not attack if they thought you were one of them. I did't know how this would work since I thought the bears could SEE that you weren't a bear... but I really didn't have anything to lose by taking a strip. There weren't enough strips for everyone, but I was given a strip. Those of us with the strips left out of the room and the village holding the strips tightly and trying to walk as casually as possible. There was a large group of bears leaving the city too, and we had to walk near them. Some of those with strips walked right next to the bears. Touching them and mocking them... I prefered to walk as far away from the bears as possible. I thought the others were testing fate...
2/18/15 "Flag Necessary Nova" |
Posted by: Eagle1 - 02-18-2015, 09:55 AM - Forum: DreamBot Runs
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Nova continues, but…
Really it shouldn’t be there if you ask me. It’s hovering at a high, and the only reason its in this run is just because nothing else has come up to replace it. Total weirdness. Other words are displaying this same behavior, so I may need to consider making an adjustment to the algorithm. We also need to see more dreams, which is something I hope will be fixed when the new site comes online.
Something else that’s bizarre is the connection of Ben with water. Yesterday, he was campaigning for an aquarium. Today he’s out at sea (DEEP sea, if you go 3 words further down). So, now that we have a mini meme on Ben and water, what does it mean? There’s a band called Ben Folds Five. Maybe they go campaigning for something. My first impression, however, as that Ben Affleck somehow gets involved in The Five. Either option might go into the “Who Cares’ category.
Okay, so now the big lingo about Nova: FLAG NECESSARY NOVA. Uh oh. Almost feels like the Hadron Collider could be a false flag....a world-ending false flag? Never heard of such a thing, but they are attempting a Big-Bang in March: http://yournewswire.com/cern-to-attempt-...v4JR4.dpuf
I suppose I do need to mention something about this run’s top word: Infested. Check out this strange story: http://www.katu.com/news/problemsolver/C...43871.html
UP Words: infested model ridiculously step being consciousness ben sea five brush deep campaign knock skip engage aquarium exploring refer spinning mentally bug flag necessary nova faced wolves rare daytime instructions string really harry peace
DOWN Words: bill planet moon bag energy mon 2014 healing worlds worth number story killer daughter power exercise shot source birth reading critical class enemy elevator grandfather visit journey sun fail doll
Dock Slowdown/Contract negotiations.... |
Posted by: Nanny - 02-17-2015, 10:17 PM - Forum: Miscellaneous
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There are news headlines and have been off and on for the past few weeks and probably months, but I'm relatively new to paying attention to this.
Today I found this radio host's blog about the issue. I don't have time right now because of multi-tasking at my desk but hope to search bot runs for clues to some of the recent headlines about this.
I hope someone else will look if they have time, also.
2/17/15 Fail Indicator and a False Captain at the helm! |
Posted by: Eagle1 - 02-17-2015, 09:40 AM - Forum: DreamBot Runs
- Replies (17)
Talk about a talkative run. Doll and Rooftop both seem important to me, but together they don’t mean much. The groupings start with FAIL INDICATOR RESISTANCE CRITICAL. What this means is that the eventual FAIL of the system has been INDICATED (Greece perhaps?), but more importantly, RESISTANCE IS CRITICAL.
Group 2 talks about a FALSE CAPTAIN who is also a DRAGON. Interesting how BOAT is also nearby, but what’s more interesting is that GEMINI is close by. Twin boats, twin dragon captains, or perhaps we’re back to the May-June timeframe, as the sun transits Gemini in that period.
All of these groups are meaningful in my opinion. Group 3 is a FIST DETAIL and ENGAGE….all in 2015. The question is….how big is the Fist? How big the engagement? War? Or just total chaos from a broken economy?
Okay, you got me here….Group 4 may not be meaningful at all. Ben (Afflick?) Campaigns an Aquarium? Highly unlikely.
The most significant lingo in the bottom side of our run is Group 6. It appears that we’re being warned about a FANTASTIC DANGER for people who FIGHT against using the HEALING POWER OF THE MOON. I looked up moon healing and found that the waning phase is a time for rejuvenation, hibernation, cutting habits, etc. It sounded much like a YIN period of just being, which is exactly where I found myself today. By body is overstressed from recent workouts, and already decided to take time to rejuvenate and let my tendons heal before getting back into it.
Good to know that we have a NICE AWESOME GOD in group 7, but what about the competition?!
UP Words: doll rooftop fail indicator resistance critical fault daughter visit boat mon dragon false captain gemini taste zone neat 2015 fist detail engage ben campaign aquarium faced theory woman skip necessary success instructions nova
DOWN Words: sing dare sky teeth style thanks boy sick music snake dreamt dad 2014 fantastic danger who fight moon power healing sat competition nice god awesome appreciate five flight semi
Volcanoes and Beetle Stew |
Posted by: Elyse - 02-17-2015, 08:13 AM - Forum: Public Dreams
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I had some pretty wild and vivid dreams last night/ this morning, so I decided to get up extra early so I wouldn't forget anything. I'd like very much to know what other people make of these...
I can't remember much of the first dream...I was in some kind of real life video game. Everyone had on some kind of helmet (like some sort of football helmet) and were in a virtual reality that effected real life. I know that these killing games are all the rage now, but they have never been my cup of tea, and the whole point of this game was to survive while killing off everyone else until there was no one but the victor remaining. And worse, once you had that helmet on (at birth I guess), that was your world. There wasn't supposed to be a way to just up and log out. You forgot that you were in a game. Somehow I knew, though, and instead of struggling like everyone else to survive the game, I ran away and hid behind a huge roundish boulder and put every ounce of energy I had into breaking free from the spell of the game. It was particularly hard to focus with all of the screaming and gun shots, and it was hard to not want to run back into the game to try and save the children that I saw lost in it. But I had this thought that if I could get out of the game, I could go around and take off the virtual reality helmets of anyone I found stuck in the game, so I had to take deep breaths and try and block out everything going on around me while somehow still paying very close attention to it, then use every ounce of spirit/ mental energy I had to break through the virtual illusion of the game. At the time, I took notice of a man who was 'winning' the game nearby. He was getting closer to me and I was fairly sure that if he found me, it would be game over. If you died in the game, you died in real life... This man was a ridiculously tall and crazy buff black man. (We're talking 6 1/2 - 7 feet tall here!) He looked like a body builder AND he was armed with these massive guns. Machine guns maybe. (Can you say overkill?) I, on the other hand, am around 5'5" or 5'6" and had no weapon. After he had killed everyone else in the area, he made his way towards me. JUST before he could peak around the boulder, I managed to break through the virtual reality's spell! When I snatched my helmet off, my eyes adjusted to real light and I saw the man throw his arms up and cheer for himself. Then he paused. He looked to his left and then to his right and let his arms down and slowly walked off. I had to imagine that he was thinking "what now"?
Anyway, not knowing what to do, I decided to visit a place I had known in the virtual world to see if it really was what I had been made to believe it was in the virtual reality. I decided to visit the house I had grown up in. On my way, I kept passing by these little volcanoes. I kept getting the feeling that they were going to erupt at any moment, so when I came across them, I would try to hurry past them. But then I came across a little cluster of 5 foot tall volcanoes. Right there on the cluster was a cardboard box of tiny, precious kittens... so of course I had to rush to save them. I mean, just one little spark would mean game over for the kittens... but when I took the box and started off with it, as if it were some sort of glitch or something, another box of kittens appeared! And when I grabbed and set that box down, another box of kittens would appear! It was madness. And being the kind of person I am, this was a sort of hell for me. So then, I put ALL of the kittens into one box and carried that box over to the volcanoes... then instead of picking up the entire box on the volcano, I started pulling kittens out of it and placing them with the kittens I had in my box. Then, before more kittens could appear, I lifted this ridiculously heavy box with probably more than 50 kittens in it and rushed away knowing that I couldn't save anymore if they were to appear. I didn't hear or see more kittens appear, but in my mind, I felt so guilty wondering if they did and if I had just left them all to be burned alive in that box... I would come back and try to save more later if I could. If the box didn't burn up. I thought to myself for some reason "Wow... this must be how God feels sometimes..." Every once in a while, I would have to stop and pick up kittens that would jump out of the box which proved to be SO exhausting. I wished I had the kind of energy the kittens did, but it seemed like my energy was low from breaking out of the virtual world and dealing with that re-appearing box...
Anyway, when I arrived to my childhood home, I noticed a cluster of volcanoes on the back porch. There was a tiny space for a garden build into it, and it made me see that all of the plants in it had withered and died under a small layer of ash. I didn't dwell on the thought too much, because I thought to myself that as long as the seeds were safe under the ash, they would grow back and be even stronger and better than before! With that thought, I walked into the house. In the living room was a rather large cluster of Volcanoes. The tallest was probably around 7 feet and the smallest around 3 feet. Next to the cluster was a couch with my boys sleeping on it. Each of them had those helmets on, so I snatched them off and told the boys that we needed to go "bye-bye" and asked them to get ready by grabbing any one toy they wanted for the trip. I had set the box down to rest my arms... and no sooner did the box hit the floor, one of the mini-volcanoes popped and splattered some lava on me and the boys who were still sitting on the couch and rubbing at the eyes they had never used before. I ran to them and tried to wipe the lava bits off of them. The lava that had landed on us was just a little warm and had the consistency of juice. I was relieved but felt like we had only gotten lucky that time. There was no guarantee that we wouldn't have molten rock splattered on us next time. I woke up trying to get the boys out of the house.
In the next dream, I found myself in my kitchen making different lotions and body balms. I was singing to myself while I threw some coconut oil and beeswax in a skillet on the stove. I even danced a little while they melted together. When everything was melted I turned my attention to a batch of whipped lotion I was making in my beater. The beater was set on the highest level marked by an "8". I turned it off then turned to take the skillet off the stove and place it on the counter. I have a large bottle of aloe vera juice that I use for just about everything and I poured a little into my mixing bowl. I noticed that I was running low on aloe vera, which upset me because it is one of my favorite ingredients... but it dawned on me that I could always just order more... so I turned to my skillet and poured a little in there as well, being sure to keep a little on hand in case of an emergency. The ingredients in the skillet were hardening and beginning to turn a pretty white color, and I saw that the aloe vera had not been blended, so I set my skillet back on the stove and got a whisk. I stood there whisking my little creation and noticed that it was not turning clear as it liquified again, but that didn't bother me. In fact, in the dream I had expected that. My little creation was now the consistency of gravy, and as I stood there whisking away, I recalled that I had been sent on a mission by NDC. (Of course this wasn't the case in real life... I had no intention for this dream...) I was to find out something about "Beetle Stew". I couldn't help but smirk when I thought of that. "Beetle stew". How gross. But in my mind, when I thought about it, I envisioned this vast desert with CLOUDS of black beetles flying through it. They were eating up any sign of life in the desert and I watched them eat this giant cactus in a matter of minutes. When I snapped out of my little daydream, I thought to myself "Man are beetles stupid. If they keep that up, there will be nothing left and they will all start eating each other or eventually starve to death." So now, when I look down at my skillet, it is filled with black beetles. They were beetles I was familiar with because I see them all the time here in Louisiana! (When I woke up, I googled them to find that they were called "June Beetles").
Now... I recognized this disgusting creation of mine in the skillet to be "Beetle Stew". And as gross as it was, I wasn't bothered by it, but rather amused. My intention at this point was to serve it to NDC. So I grabbed a plate and put some rice on it then smothered that with my Beetle Stew taking special steps to make sure that it looked as nice as possible. (Lol! Making beetle stew look nice. Yeah right!) I brought my creation into the living room (the same living room from the dream before) and placed it on the mantle over the fireplace, then I grabbed my phone and tried taking photos of it at different angles. While I was taking photos, the lighting allowed me to see every detail of my dish. I saw that some beetles were dead and some were just barely alive and then there was one that was absolutely clean and trying to escape. I grabbed it and stuck it in the gravy-like stew with the other beetles. I felt like I was using it as some sort of garnish. It was moving it's legs back and forth in the stew and for some reason the thought popped into my head that it was making it's own version of a snow angel and I started giggling. I just couldn't help myself! In the dream, it was SO funny to me. I went back to taking pictures. I wanted the absolute BEST photo to send back to everyone here! There was a man sitting in a recliner that I hadn't noticed earlier. He wasn't a man I knew in person. He might have been just a little over weight and was wearing these horrible blue shorts with a plain white tee. He got up and came to see what I had made telling me he was hungry. "Not for this you aren't! You don't want any of this, I promise you!" But he insisted and rudely stuck his finger into my beetle stew! He stuck his finger in his mouth then took a closer look at my dish and saw the bugs. His eyes bugged out for a minute then he just kinda tilted his head and gave me this approving nod while saying. "Mmm!"
I woke up laughing. I woke up laughing SO HARD!