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1/8/25 Gnosis
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01-08-2025, 10:38 AM
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1/1/2025 Winds of Change
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01-01-2025, 10:45 AM
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12/24/24 Great Awakening
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12/18/24 Really?
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12/11/24 Winning the Lott...
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12/4/24 Where Mind Goes.....
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11/27/24 Mercury and the ...
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11/20/24 People and their...
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11/13/24 WWG1WGA
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11-13-2024, 09:20 AM
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11/6/24 Cosmic Bonfire
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11-06-2024, 02:31 PM
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Planes and Cars in Patty Fields |
Posted by: Elyse - 06-21-2014, 10:15 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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This was a very long dream, but I only remember a tiny fraction of it.
I remember being on a plane but having no idea where I was going. There was a man on the plane who was a complete jerk. He acted as if he were better than everyone else and spoke in a very hateful way to anyone he didn't like up until the plane started to shake and take a nose dive. The guy then started crying like a baby and begging for someone to help him... for whatever reason, I lot of people took this as a last minute opportunity to take his picture while laughing at what a baby he was being. I didn't know the guy, or cared to know him, I was more worried about us crashing! Luckily, the pilot managed to pull us up at the last minute and we survived.
We had landed somewhere close to a school, and I had to go to this school for some reason. I saw what looked like very small, rectangular rice patty fields leading up to the school. There were a couple of white air planes sticking out of them. The front ends of the planes were completely buried, leaving just the tail sticking out. Looking around, I saw some vehicles had crashed in the small fields too. I think one was a dark blue mini van... I wondered how so many vehicles had crashed in those patty fields... it couldn't be an easy thing to do. Maybe there was some sort of super magnet in there or something... also, I felt like a lot of people must have died here and was quick to find someone that I could ask about what happened.
When I found someone, I asked why the planes and vehicles hadn't been removed from the fields, and the person replied that they had become some sort of memorial. I asked about the people who had died there and was told that they were part of the memorial. I got very upset and asked that wouldn't they consider a grave for each of the people who passed away a better memorial? And the person replied "no".
Biscuits Save Lives |
Posted by: Elyse - 06-20-2014, 12:31 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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I got a nap in after I woke up a little before 4am. I had this amazing dream that I was doing further research on energies and the spirit and such. While doing this research, I got in touch with my step sister who I haven't really talked to since I was very little. My family had shunned her for being a "witch" but now I had questions for her.
She did, in fact, study witchcraft. She wasn't a dreamer like I am, but she claimed to talk to "familiars"... she was excited about my research and somehow had managed to put up her house to get me a $7,000 loan to pursue a formal education on the subject, I couldn't accept the money, but when she got upset, I tucked it away to return to her later. I thought I was doing well on my own.
We had gone somewhere and were attacked by bad spirits. I assumed now that this was because I was on the right track and almost effortlessly disposed of them just using energy. I was now pretty confident in my abilities.
After a while, we were attacked by some men. I knew what they were going to do before they ever did it and instinctively how to react. It was pretty awesome. I managed to take a gun from one of the bad guys... but some other guy had a gun that somehow shot bullets much faster than the average gun. I was able to slow down and see the bullets coming towards me and dodge them JUST in time. It was like I was living out 'The Matrix". I only got hit once, then whooped that guy's butt pretty good. Before clearing out some other places where people were being hurt by these bad guys.
Along my way, I found a note. The note was trying to sell me a biscuit recipe and said that it was vital for EVERYONE to know how to make biscuits. They would SAVE LIVES! That I needed to learn to make them for family, friends, or just as valuable trade items. The recipe wasn't fancy or anything... it was just your regular, generic butter biscuit recipe, but I left the money and bought one... even though I kinda already consider myself a pretty decent biscuit chef... (I mean, I live down south where biscuits and gravy is kinda a big deal.)
After I had cleaned house on all of the bad guys, I reflected on what had happened and wrote Chris all about it. I was only able to do any of this because something had snapped while on my journey to learn about spirit energy. He wrote me a nice email and responded to what had happened.
I meditated on what had happened, revisiting everywhere that I had gone to see that Chris had left little messages or mental notes flying in the air where all of the incidents had occurred. One was over a boat. There was a torture device in there that I hadn't noticed because I didn't know what it was. He gave me a name for it, but I forgot what it was. Basically, this device would slowly drip water into a container holding a prisoner and eventually drown them. I wondered what that was doing there... (the dream took place on a coast somewhere...)
I followed the notes which led me back to the biscuits and decided I would buy two more recipes, one for Chris and one for his wife. Then I woke up.
Full moon and 2 UFO's |
Posted by: Purple hazydreamer - 06-20-2014, 10:07 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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Dreamt of being on the edge of some woods in a park at night.It was a full moon...I saw a large triangle typed shape brownish semi metal craft hovering by the full moon wich was low in the sky.I ran out of wood edge and pointed and yelled at the craft."I see you" another friend I knew that was younger than me but had the same birthday was near bye in the park. I asked him to come over by me and look in the sky.
He came by me and a second craft came next to the first one...there were many hundreds of tiny windows in center of these crafts,wich were identical.When my friend verified he too could see what I have,its like we were frozen in time.All of a sudden we we both laying flat on the grass and could not move...could feel that whatever was inside the crafts were like scanning our brains,thoughts,memories,emotions and even soul. It seemed to take only a few minutes for them or it to capture our life time of information. We could sense they were finished as then we were unparalized and stood up looking at the crafts......they zig zagged away at sharp angles and it was more noticable they were triangle in shape as they flew away very swiftly.We both felt odd,but realized we both experienced this occurance at the same exact time. They didnt have to bring us up in to the craft/ship,they just needed to hover above us and keep us still for a minute or so to gather the information they seemed to be curious about.
Lady in a Burkha in a Hole |
Posted by: ablelba - 06-20-2014, 09:09 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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Dream 6/19/2014
6AM DST, 11:40 LST
Lady in a Burka
On 6/18/14 PM, I went to bed intending to dream of August 2014. There were lots of confused images, like laundry and video clips swirling in dark water. It was making me restless, so as an experiment I tried to narrow the focus to August 10.
I dreamed about a lady in a burkha. I was looking down on the scene from the usual dream view position (top corner of the room).
She was stuck in a round hole about 18 inches wide, with her head and left arm on top, and the rest of her dangling unseen out the bottom of the hole. Light was sometimes visible under the hole, as she moved her body around.
She was struggling not to fall through the hole, but could not quite get herself back up through it. Her body seemed to be pulled sharply to the left, right, and back by something. I kept trying to make it to be water, but not water; wind. In the process of struggling, the burkha came off her face. Her teeth were bared from exertion, but she did not cry out for help. No one else appeared to be there.
She had straight black hair, light brown skin, dark brown eyes, a somewhat large nose. She appeared to be in her 30's. The burka was thin fabric with greens and blues on a background of black.
The room was off-white, with smooth walls, and the interior corners were rounded. It looked a lot like the inside of a gigantic utility sink. I knew there was a closed door behind me, but I could not see it.
That's all I've got associated with Aug 10. No idea what it could mean.
Bowe Bergdahl... |
Posted by: Elyse - 06-20-2014, 05:35 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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The last several nights, I haven't had much in the way of dreams to enter. For the most part, I have been dreaming about different individuals "training" me to "see" things like auras, having me look at images and concentrate, then after my lessons I would be sent on a wild, dream adventure to practice what I have learned... but I remember so very little about them that I didn't feel like they were worth putting in...
Last night, however, I was being taught how to see different spirit bodies. Orbs in particular. Someone was teaching me that I could take a sort of mental snapshot of how I felt and where I was before I began so that if things got too wild for me, I could remember and return to my "normal" place. It made sense in the dream. I practiced and watched an orange orb for a while before snapping out of it and having a horrible feeling. I guess it was my adventure time...
I realized that I was sitting in a bed in a small room after my little vision of the orb. I just had a really cruddy stomach-sinking feeling. There were two other men in the room, both were handcuffed. One I didn't recognize and the other I did, but it took me a second to realize just where I knew him from. It was Bowe Bergdahl! The guy that Obama had just traded 5 terrorist for.
Words cannot express just how horrified and disgusted I felt from being in the room with these two men, I felt this way even before recognizing Bowe. Someone had come into the room to escort the men into another room. I went with them, accidentally being caught between them. As if I wasn't horrified with their presence enough, being between the two of them sent what felt like waves of electricity through me and I could feel every one of my hairs stand on end. Something most certainly wasn't right with these guys.
In the other room, there was a dog running around. A very cute dog, and I played with the dog while keeping an eye on and studying these two guys. They smiled at me while I played with the dog. They looked genuine... but I could feel, FEEL all kinds of hate and disgust radiate out of them. They absolutely hated me with every fiber of their being.
When I felt this, I looked Bowe dead in the eye. He was still smiling sweetly. He LOOKED sincere... but I knew better. When I looked in his eyes, it dawned on me and I thought to myself "OMG... he means to commit Jihad!" I don't know how I jumped to that conclusion... but I felt very strongly about it. I just somehow knew.
I was shown by some officer the belongings they took from him. One of the items was a watch, the time had stopped on it and on the back was something scratched in Arabic with a date next to it. I can't remember the date or the time that the watch had stopped working now. I was overwhelmed with the idea of what these guys might be planning to do... and who they might be planning to do it to.
Throughout the rest of the dream, I followed these guys around regardless of how they made me feel... I was hoping to find a way to stop them, but I didn't know how.
I woke up in a panic... thoroughly horrified and told my husband my dream. He said he wasn't surprised by it, but it made him want to get out of bed at 4 am to smoke, so I'm thinking it bothered him a bit too...
Here's hoping this is just a dream...
It's'Too Dark |
Posted by: heavendreamer - 06-19-2014, 12:43 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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I am at a social gathering in a large house, but there are no lights. Light conversation is happening. I'm given a drink. I can barely see the glass being handed to me. I try to see what this large house looks like. Straining my eyes I see a large fireplace and hearth. I ask why they don't light a fire and am told it is too hot and that my eyes will ajust. I ask when the lights will be turned on and I'm told, "It is going to take awhile to get the grid back up." I woke up with an overwhelming feeling of sadness.
Missouri Lottery |
Posted by: jjoy - 06-19-2014, 01:55 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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SOME SONG ABOUT not dying. In Missouri. I have won something like the lottery and I am being given all these gifts/money/property. Then I wake up and song is still playing in my head.
Seattle Real Estate |
Posted by: jjoy - 06-19-2014, 01:52 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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real estate.
paperwork almost didn't; come through.
Banks were at fault.
ordered blinds.
1 old house looked good but they didn't call them blinds they called them something else.
but other did not look good.
staying with family.
space needle.
seattle, washington.
with couple watching singers.
girl lead singer acting like she hadn't sang before.
She was not smiling in group.
I didn't recognize her.
I'm talking about her inexperience to others in the dream and about how she can sing but doesn't have the charisma/self-confidence.
everyone else recognizes her though and they tell me that it is Miranda Lambert. I am wondering why is she acting so scared and not smiling when she's done this a million times before?
Real estate signs.
Families' son that I am staying with gave details to me so I could sell signs.
They wanted to help me out.
possibility unlimited real estate paperwork almost didn't come through. Banks were at fault; ordered blinds.1 old house looked good but they didn't call them blinds they called them something else.but other did not look good.staying with family.space needle.seattle, washington.with couple watching singers.girl lead singer acting like she hadn't sang before.She was not smiling in group.I didn't recognize her.I'm talking about her inexperience to others in the dream and about how she can sing but doesn't have the charisma/self-confidence.everyone else recognizes her though and they tell me that it is Miranda Lambert. I am wondering why is she acting so scared and not smiling when she's done this a million times before?Real estate signs.Families' son that I am staying with gave details to me so I could sell signs.They wanted to help me out.Digital.
Killowatt Crash |
Posted by: jjoy - 06-19-2014, 01:05 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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Las vegas.
driving in car start to slide off road, go off embankment into old neighborhood.
Talking w/ my husband.
he's holding me tightly from behind.
we are going straight up into a tree but it feels like a roller coaster ride.
I am talking about how we almost bought the house we drove by earlier but didn't, thank god, because we would not have liked it if we did.
we know because we lived in a corner house before??
springfield, mo.
I am talking about all the ways that God has been so good to us and I say God is so good.
we get to top.
there is dark sky and clear crisp air.
we start to fall.
My husband is giving a running commentary so I won't be scared and the closer we get to the ground, the bigger the news. He says access hollywood,entertainment tonight, fox news, cnn, etc.
Then he says, "