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3/6/25 Active Still
Forum: DreamBot Runs
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Yesterday, 10:25 AM
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2/26/25 Morning Hustle Bu...
Forum: DreamBot Runs
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02-26-2025, 11:15 AM
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Tanks Attacking Castle/Ma...
Forum: Public Dreams
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02-24-2025, 04:18 PM
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2/19/25 Collective is Hav...
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02-19-2025, 12:04 PM
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2/12/25 Air War
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02-12-2025, 09:53 AM
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2/5/25 February Killer
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02-05-2025, 12:38 PM
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1/29/25 Universal Frequen...
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01-29-2025, 12:29 PM
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1/22/25 Mercury Extremes
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01-22-2025, 12:07 PM
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1/15/25 Motivated by Feel...
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01-15-2025, 12:23 PM
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1/8/25 Gnosis
Forum: DreamBot Runs
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01-08-2025, 10:38 AM
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Constant Movement: Cold and Damp Edition (Now with alien robots!) |
Posted by: Marionette Martian - 05-14-2014, 12:55 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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The dream involved a great deal of traveling and movement. The entirety of the dream seemed to have a dark, cold, and damp quality to it. The plot involved traveling across the state in order to come up with a viable strategy which could be used in hand-to-hand combat against a handful of seemingly random looking aliens. This meant constant trips and driving to various places, including but not limited to; the floral and lawn care departments of big superstores, hardware stores, and gas stations.
Within one of the gas station / lawn care stores I remember taking an inordinate amount of time staring at, almost studying, two flowerpots surrounded in an arrangement of rolled up kitchen towels.
One flowerpot seemed like an ordinary terracotta flowerpot in every single way, while the one to the left of it was tapered toward the bottom and without a hole for excess water to drain out of it. It also had a ripple-like wave pattern running down its body. The rippled terracotta flowerpot was also turned upside-down which is something I considered interesting at the time.
After traveling through the store long enough, when it came time to buy the kitchens towels, I found that they had been removed from the shelves because everyone as waiting for the price to come down on them. This meant more traveling in order to locate another place which sold kitchen towels.
Toward the end, I was asked to start a fire in the fireplace. The fireplace was a rectangular slab of metal with raised edges in order to keep the fuel inside of it from falling out. This fireplace was placed on top of the mantle of another fireplace which also seemed to be working, but the flame within it produced to heat. At the four points of the rectangle were metallic columns, almost like Bunsen burners, which somehow burned the fuel that was placed onto the slab, below the actual flame. The flames were orange in color. I placed large clumps of dried plant material onto the slab to burn for warmth. When the plants burned, they produced no smoke, but a great deal of heat.
When I and two others began to formulate our final strategy before going to battle, I remember looking at a newspaper which showed a picture of one of them. It looked like a stereotypical 50's robot which seemed to wear a sort of hot pink styrofoam as skin and had yellow hair styled into two yellow buns placed side-to-side on top of its head.
Gotu Kola |
Posted by: meghan amber androsuk - 05-14-2014, 12:46 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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Hello I had a dream I was at my grandmothers on Easter on easter morning. Someone was changing a babies diaper in the dream. I woke up and called my mother and told her the dream. She said yes is was your cousins new baby and they did change the diapar in grandmas house!! I want every dreamer to know about Gotu-kola herb and its dreaming benefits. I have no transportation to visit family and yet i still seen my grandma, and met my cousins new baby in my dream!! Gotu-kola gave me vivid dreams and I hope other people will use it for its benefits I am happy to have found this amazing herb!!!
Tremors in March |
Posted by: Lucky_japi_Go - 05-14-2014, 12:35 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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Dream date : October 2012, last dream of night.
Am having a discussion with a familiar friend on a sandhill at at beach ,
and I get up to walk somewhere and I hear in my mind " the tremors begin
in March".
I thought this meant that Earth would experience the begginning of
increased tectonic activity, as a precursor to massive catastrophe on
Earth from the period of March 2013.
It actually came true in March 2014- and I do think that it is a precursor
event "rash" to a catastrophic series of events, now triggered.
conference with Putin and Boxer |
Posted by: nuit777 - 05-14-2014, 12:20 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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was in indiana at a conference, there was a big meeting before the meeting I sat with putin, we talk, we talk about food, but mostly it was a nice feeling of seating next to him. we had sat next to each other for some time talking about different things, Soon we wanted something to drink, I said to him it would be nice to have a beer, and then this server came up and brought us beer, he had to leave but I got him a tequila shot and told him to do the shot with lemon.
I had a husband that was at the meeting he was a boxer a famous boxer I want to say mohammed ali ( David Haye or Lennox Lewis) but it wasn't him, everyone knew him, he look like the english tall black boxer with dreads, but it wasn't him either, he was know for a famous fight. everyone was talking to him, like steven spielerg, and older hollywood types,
I was scared he was going to leave the conference, he want to leave me, and I continue to follow him. I saw rihanna and she was aggressive with a woman like don't mess with my man. I felt that way with the boxer husband, I follow him he was talking to different women and we got to this pool, and he told me that we were going to get a jaguar and what type the the v8 was a white one, I was holding onto everything and I put the phone in my handbag and on top on my head I jump into the pool and swam across the pool when I got out to follow the husband he left me in a van, went across the street and got into a bad car accident, I fought my way across the street but it was too far.
I heard the incident on the radio, and I woke up.
Sick violence on dog |
Posted by: Lucky_japi_Go - 05-14-2014, 12:06 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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Dream date/time : Tues. 05.13.14. 830AM CDTContent:I am walking up to a modest home somewhere in the local area. I know it is associated w/ the area I currently am as I don't particularly like the entire region where I am in waking life..and I knew it was this area.As I am near the front of the house, a younger male joins me on the right (a new/future indicator). We continue to walk and he says he lives in this house w/ another young man both in early 30's by appearance/speech. He tells me he will introduce me to his friend inside. The 3 of us exchange small/talk greetings--the feeling of the exchange and the atmosphere is kind of icky and coarse- poverty or some kind of chaotic feeling to it. The #2 guy shows me he has a young dog- not a young puppy- but not yet 1yr old, either. It's a short-haired mutt-mix , white and tan and very friendly and animanted. I pet the dog and greet it- it is a female about 40-45 pounds , long legs and looks healthy. I notice no collar on her--but that is common in this nasty region where I am.Then I go on through the backyard and I am in an ally or dirt road w/ buildings arround it-same kind of "poverty" feeling to it. I meet a woman w dark hair in her late 50's whom I seem to have met before. This is their neighborhood- all 3 of them appear to know eachother. We are small-talking when the #2 guy comes up to us and he sticks his face into mine and I get a very clear image of his face- I can see his eyes VERY clearly. They are green/hazel, and he is nice-looking.All of the sudden, from the left, which is where I came from (past indicator), #1 guy appears and is carrying the dog by it's forepaws- as in she is dangling, her belly to me. She is limp and appaers to be unconscious , but I know she is not dead. She has been beaten. The 2 guys tell me that #2 beat her... and I am breathless with shock and horror over this sickening sight. Guy#1 lays her limp body down on her back. The dog is splayed out belly up , unconscious- the belly is reddish brown now - was pink before- , and her fur looks roughed up but I see no blood. I can't get my head around how these 2 "okay looking" men could do this to this dog and seemingly had no qualms- in fact were bragging about it by presenting her to me and the other lady.I become enraged- RAGE- runs through me , like massive adrenaline jolts. I want to physically harm guy#2 who is sticking his face again in mine- his face I coud pick out easily if I ever saw it in waking life. I consciously feel myself leave my body and my raging spirit is racing all around this man's head , and I hear in my mind " you must not react with violence- do not react, do no harm". And I feel so frustrated , but I do not harm him in anyway. I start to feel sick and I am crying for this viscious act on this poor creature. The senseless , sickening , extreme violence- seemingly for entertainment purposes on her. It was as if they thought it was just fine- and, even though there are now a few more anonymous people around us, no one really cared about what had just happened. In fact , it did appear that guy#2 was almost provoking me to violence in some way--as in daring me to do something to him.ENDWoke up- noticed that a tear fell when I sat up.
20140506-Dream-Pink Granite Building |
Posted by: ablelba - 05-13-2014, 11:18 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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20140506-Dream-Pink Granite Building
I dreamed I was looking at a large building with three peaked roofs, several stories high. It was made of pink granite, with long, tall windows, columns and a balcony in the middle. It had small trees and bushes growing all around it. It had a lawn in front, but the grass was very long and weedy, longest next to the building. The building belonged in a large city, but it was the only building standing for many blocks around.
I was standing about 2 blocks away next to a gardener. The gardener was complaining that the building was too radioactive for maintenance or even trimming the grass and bushes nearby it. He told me it was made of pink granite, and Edwardian Architecture:
I drew the picture first, then googled 'pink granite', 'rose granite,' and 'Edwardian architecture.' Pink granite buildings looked like the one in my dream, and it does seem to be 'Edwardian architecture,' but I was unable to find a picture of a building that looked like this one. Other descriptors might include 'building like a triptych,' and 'European.'
amusement park |
Posted by: zacheddy - 05-13-2014, 11:17 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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Dream started with seeing a carnival in the distance as I look to my right I see what looks like a hard ware store out door storage shelf s I notice pallets full of yellow caps. At first that's what I saw then at closer look I saw hard hats lots of them. Then the sounds of crowds of people I look in the distance to see a carousel with people around abd other thing s. Then I hear screaming I see three figures the dream is at night the one is holding the other from behind the other it's holding a knife to the one in the middle it's in a parking lot the amusement park is behind them so they are between me and the park. Then I got woke up.
Earth Stops spinning |
Posted by: Shirley - 05-13-2014, 07:20 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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Dreamed of an angel that asked me "what do you feel?" and I said "I don't know but it is deep". The angel then told me "you are feeling an anomaly and it is in the core of the earth". He told me to stoop down and spin so I did and as I reached a 360 degree turn completion he told me to "stop". He then told me, "that is how long the earth will stop". I then realized this was the 3rd secret. I asked him when and he said, "you have less than 1 and 1/2 years. Prepare!"
flight MH370 |
Posted by: Sandy - 05-13-2014, 06:09 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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On the morning of Mar 11 2014, I awoke at 0230 in the am as I would always do for work.
I was in a panic like I had been running and all sweaty and wiping sand out of my eyes. I had a towel beside mme on the bed?
I dreamt that I was in the desert where a sign had read "kasiikstan" it was windy and I was dressed in a long robe with a rope for a belt
I was told by a "local" that I was here on work assignment and that the plane is not in the water like those "fools think.m it's here and he pointed to a "bunker" looking shelter. I could hardly see for the sand blowing very hard around me.
I remember saying, the families have to know!
I felt as if I was running awaay from this man.
Next thing you know, im awake and in my bed with a towel in my hands??
bronx |
Posted by: onepeaceforever - 05-13-2014, 04:12 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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heard the name Bronx and saw a white flash
lucid dream
it was kind of fragmented darkness when I heard the word Bronx and as I waited I saw a fragmented map of some kind and a piece of the map in the east flashed with white light on and off for maybe a second and then it was gone ~ I was trying to take a nap when I was exploring your august subject ~then it happened and I did not fall asleep ~ I saw no one at anytime