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Oprah Winfrey ; special donations |
Posted by: Ridley - 02-21-2019, 10:41 PM - Forum: Public Dreams
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This dream may not be completed yet and I will return and edit and add more later if I have more to share. In the dream I see Oprah Winfrey standing on the beach with her back to the ocean. She looks toward the land. First it seems like a game. But it is serious. She is donating something very important and personal to couples. (30 or monthly?) She is donating 'senses.' Also there is something very personal involved here with Ms. Winfrey, perhaps her health or somehow involving her breasts.
(This is the type of dream that I would go to a friend and talk with them privately about it if it involved them. But because I do not know how to get with Ms. Winfrey I will post it here.)
White Bear Dream, 2/20/19, am |
Posted by: Cassandra - 02-20-2019, 01:08 PM - Forum: Public Dreams
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Last night had walk-about dream of white Bears. I am sitting on bare ground in what feels like a room in a cave. I feel something on my head and back. My Spirit separates from my body and I can now see what is on my head. It's a white bear and I think, hummm is it going to bite my head? Then I get closer and see it's not alive, the head of the Bear is hollow and it's on my head somehow like a helmet. The body part of the Bear is flat so I am thinking it's a stuffed bear or just the skin of it. I get back in my body and think hummm, this is weird, I'm going to leave.
I walk to another cave room. I sit down and see a white Bear again and this one is alive. I think hummm, this one is alive and can bite me. It walks around me sniffing me. I laid down on the ground and the Bear lays down next to me. I am afraid to move, so I decide to make friends with it so I can walk away without being bitten. I try to relax talking softly to the Bear. Then I sit up and see other animals, owl, wolf and crow. They are all sitting around relaxing. The bear isn't completely relaxed so I am wondering just how long I'll sit here before I can leave. Then Bear decided to walk away and I take that opportunity to leave the cave room. Outside the cave room, I see other people walking by. I hear someone say, I wonder what's in that room, pointing to the room I just exited. I said, there is a huge white Bear in there, so be careful. He smiled and said thank you.
Abandoned Temple - Dry Jungle |
Posted by: ablelba - 02-19-2019, 01:30 AM - Forum: Public Dreams
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2019 Feb 07
I am looking out from a second-story balcony on a stone temple, with red terra-cotta roof tiles. It was built for a rainy land, but it is very dry. It has long been empty. The sky is sepia-brown and a wind is rustling the dry, oval shaped leaves of the trees. They were rubbery and green once, but now are brown around the edges. Monkeys are chattering in the trees, and dust is blowing everywhere, dry and brown as the sky.
It's winter where I live. Maybe this is how it is someplace in India? Significance, if any, uncertain.
Googled India Monkey temple drought, and there does seem to be drought in a large part of India.
Hillary Hires a Convict with Convictions |
Posted by: ablelba - 02-19-2019, 01:11 AM - Forum: Public Dreams
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15 Feb 2019
I am in a prison, weary of the same routine, day in and day out.
One day, a guard takes me from my cell.
"You have an important visitor," he says, and I am taken into the Warden's office.
Hillary Clinton is sitting at the Warden's desk, in a grey pants-suit. She lays a .45 cal military pistol on the desk and says, "I've arranged to have you released." She throws a jacket at me. "In return, I need a favor. When we get outside the prison, you will get into the second car. My driver will tell you what to do next."
Wearily, I take the jacket and put the pistol in the pocket. I walk meekly with Ms. Clinton straight outside the prison. She gets into the first car, and drives away. I get into the second car.
The driver says, "Are you ready?"
"Not quite," I say getting out of the car again. "Stay right here, I will only be a minute."
I walk back into the prison, up to the desk at reception. The guard raises an eyebrow.
"I'm checking back in," I tell him. Then I lay the pistol on his desk, and walk back towards my cell.
Lots of unfortunate interactions with the powerful in my dreams lately. I'm sure the real HRC would never do such a thing in real life--But I notice that dream HRC did not ask me if I would do her favor; She just told me and assumed I would comply. May it always be true that we have the power to choose to do right, or at least to choose not to do evil, even if the decision is costly.