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1/15/25 Motivated by Feel...
Forum: DreamBot Runs
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01-15-2025, 12:23 PM
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1/8/25 Gnosis
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01-08-2025, 10:38 AM
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1/1/2025 Winds of Change
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01-01-2025, 10:45 AM
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12/24/24 Great Awakening
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12-24-2024, 12:10 PM
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12/18/24 Really?
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12-18-2024, 09:48 AM
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12/11/24 Winning the Lott...
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12-11-2024, 09:40 AM
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12/4/24 Where Mind Goes.....
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12-04-2024, 10:04 AM
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11/27/24 Mercury and the ...
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11-27-2024, 09:50 AM
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11/20/24 People and their...
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11-20-2024, 09:58 AM
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11/13/24 WWG1WGA
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11-13-2024, 09:20 AM
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strange |
Posted by: esholars - 07-29-2015, 11:42 AM - Forum: Public Dreams
- Replies (12)
Eight Sided
7/29/2015 AM
No intent
I was standing at a kitchen island.
I was told to make this:
Get an "eight sided" apple pie. two large scoops of (any flavor) ice cream.
Put into a blender, blend for "exactly" 13 minutes.
time jump: I was in a large room at a long table covered with a white tablecloth (no other items were on the table) and I was serving this liquid mess to several members of various branches of military officers as they roamed the room and mingled.
I stood there thinking and I got caught in a circle of thought. How can you have a 8 sided pie? It is not possible is it? it has a top, bottom and the edge; that is only 3. How can you have an 8 sided pie? Can't represent the Pentagon,that has 7 sides: 5 edge walls, 1 top, 1 bottom. If I have to count the inside and outside that is 9 sides. If I cut slices out of an apple pie I can get 7 sides but, then it is not a whole pie. Where is an 8 sided anything? (repeat these thoughts several times)
I was getting stressed as I repeated the "could it be" questions.
Phone rang woke me up.
This has left me totally confused!
California Earthquake |
Posted by: d4n33 - 07-29-2015, 08:53 AM - Forum: Public Dreams
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July 29, 2015:
I had vivid dreams this time but only recall a bit, and I recall a quake striking California.
I heard/knew the city, but cannot recall now. The magnitude was around 7.0
Soul Contracts |
Posted by: cathartid - 07-28-2015, 09:31 PM - Forum: Public Dreams
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I had a convoluted incongruent dream. I was with one buddy in a park figuring out where to carry contraband. Then I am driving around with another buddy. We went driving then boating and then stopped at what resembled a camp site. I remember there was puddles and maybe a river nearby but my nighttime notes stated twice, 'couldn't use water.' We had a fire loaded with hot coals and I walked away to talk to someone else. We spoke about soul contracts which is beyond my friends belief system. It was good to talk to someone about the beyond and I was concerned my buddy would start in with his, "You can't prove that." He didn't. What was notable was I explained to the new guy I started talking to that soul contracts were ending. I could see our timeline evaporate and people lost their penchant for this paradigm. I could see these people as souls just passing thru totally sloughing off this life and the workworld we live in. A new perspective was revealed to see our way of life fade for another better way, it was unprecedented. Souls passing thru became elated but were so tired there was not many people voicing their emotions. This seemed near on the horizon, perhaps coupled with the energy upgrade we are supposed to see in 2 months, I ain't holding my breath personally. The guy seemed to understand.
Two short dreams |
Posted by: ThePaladin - 07-28-2015, 02:13 PM - Forum: Public Dreams
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27 July 2015
No intention set
Two short dreams, vignettes or snippets, with no context
1) Driving along a city street. We're in the spouse's truck and he's driving. Hear sirens behind us. He pulls over. Fire trucks go by. We wonder where the trucks are going. We keep driving along until we reach our destination on a side street but we can't park nearby because this is where the fire is and the streets are blocked off. We park the truck as close as we can and get out. Cross the street. Smoke in the air but we can't see where the fire is located. Don't see the fire trucks, either. We walk down a side street. People are there, watching the fire. We join them but still don't see anything. A policewoman approaches us and tells us we can't stay, that it's too dangerously close to the fire. What about them? I ask, gesturing at the crowd. Not your concern, she says. Spouse says, That's okay, Officer, we'll move across the street. Is that good? The cop agrees and we cross the street. Still se nothing so we decide to keep walking to our destination.
2) Sitting in a pew in a very large church, about halfway down the main aisle, sitting at the end of the pew right next to the aisle. All the pews are filled and it's a very large church so there's a lot of people, several hundred at least. A man in a military dress uniform-I want to say Air Force blue but I'm not certain-is coming down the aisle. He has bodyguards around him; they're watching the crowd but not interfering with his interactions. He's shaking hands with people in the pews, quick conversations of the "hi, how are you? Thanks for coming" variety. A meet and greet, pressing the flesh sort of thing. He approaches me. We shake hands, he thanks me for coming. I see his name plate. It says "Ellis". I ask what he's doing. He eyes me, never losing his smile. Says, Whatever's necessary. It's like he's studying me, realizing I'm not like the rest of the audience. Cocks his head and says, I think we'll meet again. I say, Maybe. It all depends, after all. True, he says. He starts to move on. I turn and say, Hey. One more thing. He eyes me curiously. Nods, indication for me to continue. Who are you? I ask. That takes him aback for a second. Then his smile is back but this time it doesn't reach his eyes. Says, You don't know? I say, I wouldn't ask if I did. Quick chuckle and he says, You'll see. Then he continues on his way. I watch him for a few more seconds. No idea who he is or why I'm here but I know I'll find out eventually.
No real emotion, mostly curiosity about what was happening and what the people represented to me.
As I type these out, I'm thinking they were both message dreams.
I Googled "Gen. Ellis" and came up with some names but none of them resembled the man in the dream. Given that dreamtime language is often couched in metaphors and imagery, the man may not be military but he is a leader and his name is Ellis(whether that's first or last name, I don't know). Churches often show up for me in dreamtime, usually as metaphors for gathering places for groups of people. Usually they're not very big churches but this one was huge, like the mega-churches you might see on TV, which says to me that this man will be reaching a large segment of population.
Recent Credit Card Themes in Dreambot Runs |
Posted by: twiceblessed9 - 07-28-2015, 12:45 AM - Forum: Memes, Interpretations, and Headline Formulation
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I noticed very similar linguists in a few dreambot runs mentioning credit and cards. I thought this would be a good place to put them and any other recent financial dreams or dreambot runs we come across to try and understand where this theme is headed.
Please add your thoughts and feel free to include more relevant dreams or dream botruns.
Waning: snake astral boat shared mild meaning connection hours physical dreamt darkness interpretation number june security thank method powerful job group 2015 credit payment icon valid fri generic july added welcome notified wrapping alt card remove
Waning: wild jump look interpretation looks attack request hours security clock husband hour plane flow guide okay grandfather goes method credit added valid generic icon payment welcome whirlwind group notified remove wrapping alt card dream hope
Trending: void glow black grave kyle rate impossible class gray eggs dream relevant spelling notified wrapping actual lightning leo dawn flight group card though alt forever valid payment icon cool frustrated added staying free upright welcome up than hitting lived view
Color coded words are words which are repeated in each of the runs. I included the gray egg part in the 7-22-15 run because it seemed like gray eggs might actually be "nest eggs" and gray seemed to be saying that it wasn't a positive situation regarding the "nest eggs."
Clock and Hour references |
Posted by: twiceblessed9 - 07-27-2015, 08:03 PM - Forum: Memes, Interpretations, and Headline Formulation
- Replies (3)
We have had a lot of Clock references. Why? I also included Hours, in case they might go together.
Is the reference a count down? Time's Up? Time is running out? Likely a few of these.
07-16-2015, (clock)
Trending: form response sydney grandfather pluto event clock up overlay window sign golf frame support registration click path respond link project story need add experience promise keys update transport ref label false aug element confirm unlike thrown select parent logged gender
07-17-2015 (clock)
Trending: dawn broke burial failed casino bad back clock code passing bench welcome look six upstairs nearly hey track shorts pitch color grandfather menu cop notice hook voted share mood notified congrats starting loading funny wrapping added months start wow bottle
7-19-15 (clock)
trending- properly technically sugar okay comparison burning learning driver once attack higher basement perhaps star gab interact coach wave sea use leo alien grave board falls pillow energy sam july distant grandfather doing remove clock grandma poster sat rich sound interest
7-15-15 (hours)
Waning: snake astral boat shared mild meaning connection hours physical dreamt darkness interpretation number june security thank method job group powerful 2015 credit payment icon valid fri generic july added welcome notified wrapping alt card remove
Waning: cover days failed kill rocket fighting lead brown responses self awesome paper drunk ship dictionary yeah moving darkness gonna super energy thank crying calling sounded shoot series mall hours fort naked save wed struggled haunted
7-21-15-( clock and hours)
Trending: palm represent afraid fighter congrats kick glowing possible mon effect book subconscious title skin sam assume picture collect adult missed entries remember though telling thing putting leo glass evil helping falls alarm cross funny north swam ocean mask noticing deep
Waning: wild jump look interpretation looks attack request hours security clock husband hour plane flow guide okay grandfather goes method credit added valid generic icon payment welcome whirlwind group notified remove wrapping alt card dream hope
7-27-15-(clock and hours)
Trending: surely semi lucidity boots taylor lead hidden journey joy sweet hours tiger sunday king bye thus source sad mild evening interesting spiritual thank vaguely watched comeback implied levels lose elements struggle biggest hope frustrated influence pen incredible accepted sun sand
Waning: maybe cover gonna art responses laughing dictionary red note funny office works crying nights drinking super clock bodies amazing glow flew paper dawn gold seriously toilet restaurant hot soul thanks boyfriend darkness wed van flight