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1/15/25 Motivated by Feel...
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01-15-2025, 12:23 PM
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1/8/25 Gnosis
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01-08-2025, 10:38 AM
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1/1/2025 Winds of Change
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01-01-2025, 10:45 AM
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12/24/24 Great Awakening
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12-24-2024, 12:10 PM
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12/18/24 Really?
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12-18-2024, 09:48 AM
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12/11/24 Winning the Lott...
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12-11-2024, 09:40 AM
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12/4/24 Where Mind Goes.....
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12-04-2024, 10:04 AM
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11/27/24 Mercury and the ...
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11-27-2024, 09:50 AM
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11-20-2024, 09:58 AM
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11/13/24 WWG1WGA
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11-13-2024, 09:20 AM
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Replay dreams |
Posted by: MTB_forums - 07-14-2015, 10:41 PM - Forum: Miscellaneous
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Last week I had what I would term a "replay dream"; I've had a few before, they're literally I'm living through something that, in most cases, happens to me in the future. Last week's was typical in that it was nothing earth shattering, although I figure it shows I'm on a path I'm supposed to be on. I received an email from my manager with an attachment, was going to read the attachment and then decided I should respond first. I actually got up the next morning wondering where the email with the attachment was, and then thought some more and realized that the attachment was related to a subject that hasn't been written yet, which is why I couldn't find the email I had had another one of those dreams.
These type of things have typically manifested for me in the space of years away. There are three others I'd classify in the same realm that I haven't experienced yet; one replayed twice and I think won't ever occur (I was a soldier witnessing an airborne nuclear explosion the two almost twenty years ago), the other two would involve young children that haven't been born yet and can't manifest for multiple years based on the ages. And those happened at least two years ago, I didn't keep track of the date.
When I've had these in the past, they run about 10-12 seconds of real time. When they come up, the previous memory merges slowly until its the reality, which I suppose explains why they don't last long because when they manifest I've realized that I've seen it, which I suppose changes whatever actions I might have taken afterwards.
I'm curious how frequent this sort of thing is for others.
April in July? Why? |
Posted by: twiceblessed9 - 07-14-2015, 05:37 PM - Forum: Memes, Interpretations, and Headline Formulation
- Replies (6)
I decided to start an April Meme because that word has been popping up quite often in the dream-botruns recently. Maybe we can use this meme to discuss whether we seen anything of interest or importance in the runs with April recently.
Here are all of the April botruns I found from the second week of May through July 14th 2015. It is understandable to have some May bot runs with “April” in them because it might be residual “stuff” from the previous month. It is interesting however, that April is present so deep into May (the 19th). It doesn’t make sense that April is already listed 5 times in July and the month is only halfway over.
April may be a name or a month or perhaps relates to the origin of the word. The origin is listed below.
“Though April’s derivation is not certain, a common theory is that the name is rooted in the Latin Aprilis which is derived from the Latin aperire meaning “to open” – perhaps a reference to the opening or blossoming of flowers and trees, a common occurrence throughout the month of April. Another theory holds that since months are often named for gods and goddess and since Aphrilis is derived from the Greek “Aphrodite,” one can surmise that the month was named for the Greek goddess of love, whom the Romans called Venus.
Around the 5th century AD, the Anglo-Saxons referred to the month of April as Oster-monath or Eostre-monath, a reference to the goddess Eostre, whose feast occurred during this month. The Venerable Bede, a monk from the Northumbrian monastery of Saint Peter, believed this gave root to the word Easter – most often observed during the month of April.”
Dreambot-runs with the word April.
5-07-15-DOWN Words: focus save super sometimes girlfriend sun april corner speaking hide important garden enough woman weekly snow interesting arm war roof blank teeth love wild request thanks met monster journal test sent hope shared invited mon
5-08-15- Down Words: song wild parts become dogs important style putting crush save definitely hospital mirror laying spoiler monster aware experiment tall center often smile bedtime april maybe meditation paint vision consciousness position failed today eye class series
5-09-15- Down Words- shop crush accidentally nap blank meditation height fight april spirit smaller notice hide step hospital chair woods fighting hours series reality extremely bones ram plan resume cream represent elevator virtual promotion spy henry yesterday ron
5-10-15-DOWN Words: animals flight explain hug doll adventure kiss sometimes college yesterday plane sun pushed nice flew desk van april giant lucid joining spirit character chair mountain smoking heres dreamer boss feather roof lake wow theory class
5-11-15- Waning: actual dad present 2015 meeting somewhat yes super died style april filled race figure mirror vision smile hallway wed child clouds than colors holding daughter dancing dawn sex attractive congrats longest class ghosts demon exploration
5-12-15- Waning: sad couch wonder yesterday path important younger sick trip flew needs wild wandering toilet lady fun april means save camera lucidity edge shower son snake song theater healing taylor crowd theory warm than dawn wed
5-15-15- Waning: missing solid april save number detail daughter sun book making elevator dreamer canyon liked induced amazing reading garage stop boss breaking choose spirit alien backlog yesterday exploration dragon tropical flight longest mon important class wasting
5-16-15- Waning: sound surrounded ice car male snake were silent symbol corner raven great follow took pull sorry golden sun driving soul hide holding april save phone technique giving mum fail important wild view successful class terror
5-17-15- Waning: men hours invited truck time center tree job favorite april play ball hill played glowing step character sent shared mountain request flight lake fly flew river dad today race deep forest yeah path perfectly unwanted
5-19-15- Waning: sitting carrying ever calm sun position sad sorry slightly interested smile hide tired hand daughter happening hanging tiny ball april monsters meditation nap response david awesome endless anger management wed everlasting taylor link significant sessions
7-08-15- Waning: unusual hot yoga days bus shared test sexy pocket highway travel weather tonight cold dictionary father men responses elevator basic assassin nap april taken alien modern band bag june mild snow moon fri class david
7-11-15- Waning: weekly parts perspective teeth boy reality garage hurt journal cake castle natural slow sink mirror had gonna interesting learning sun double steps april audience pain plate motivation rainbow exchange blue pleasure orange yesterday energy equal
7-12-15- Waning: shared sex responses explore fear dancing poor soul public sexy father cloud master continued quick laughing sad symbol travel married april ship beach sent awesome standard tree beautiful june god pairs request android gonna climb
7-13-15- Waning: april surprise missing pills shared responses knowing bag orange giving thanks birth public fear dreamer june smile dictionary beach sexy access climb interesting brain mars brought hour dream guess intense sad baby fan stomach wed
7-14-15- Waning: june responses ice sealed simple book giving hotel nights forgot brain goal stood taylor dream poor were orange police jumping stars pain pizza cut mood afraid april father church sexy numbers wed view barry days
7-18-15-Waning: vision happen wont dictionary girlfriend except pocket god sad river nervous red dreamer dreamt shared base april hotel staring daughter casino women question assassin hospital sun stomach horrible responses married june action baby painting barry
7-19-15- Waning: power time avoid parking bad april take perfectly were wash exam plant bunch class grey very yet mood look back tree broke failed keys start seed around era one days there view up dawn dream
7/14/15 Dolphin, the Bully |
Posted by: Eagle1 - 07-14-2015, 09:32 AM - Forum: DreamBot Runs
- Replies (20)
Trending: surf dolphin bully holiday swim familiar relative robot mild mon wisdom barrel lots upon mall jail learned desire appreciate park edited cart july speak expensive idea perhaps missing silly remove press taking youth hello furniture fire job movements conscious mars
Waning: june responses ice sealed simple book giving hotel nights forgot brain goal stood taylor dream poor were orange police jumping stars pain pizza cut mood afraid april father church sexy numbers wed view barry days
<----- DISCUSSION ----->
Head’s up, CHANI lovers. The DreamBot pulled up a most important post-cognitive dolphin story today! I’ll get straight to the point. Off the coast of southern California, a couple celebrates their 18th wedding anniversary and all of a sudden a dolphin jumps on board their boat, breaking the woman’s ankles in the process.
“I don’t know what was in the water, but something must have scared [the dolphin] out,” Haldeman said. Although sea lions are known to jump onto ships, dolphins don’t have a history of doing this. http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/...California
That happened on July 1, 2015, but this story is what is indicated in the linguistics at Group 1. No doubt about it, and the reason it’s important is because of Chani’s warnings:
me tel u watch dolphin
cee wat yor dolfin is doing
Basically, the dolphin is apparently scared of something in the water!
Although there is much to discuss in this run, let me jump straight to the next no-brainer: Group 2 suggests that Barry’s legacy will be undoubtedly marked by the changes in gay marriage policy.
For more details about these DreamBot runs, please see: http://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/s...?tid=17460
2015.07.13 Dream: The Banking Earthquake - Dark Secret Hallway |
Posted by: belisoful - 07-13-2015, 11:18 PM - Forum: Public Dreams
- Replies (2)
Last dream before waking up in the morning.
Feeling: awe content
I had just been hired by some giant bank institution. (like Goldman Sacks, Vanguard, or JPMorgan Chase & Co.)
It is my first day on the job and I am very excited to be there! I am shown to my office and introduced to all my colleagues. Everyone is very excited to have me there for my capabilities.
Most of them don't do much there. Not only are they bored, they enjoy doing very little on the job and earning a huge pay-check.
The building itself is a new design to maximize efficiency. Instead of elevators, various sections of the building, itself, move up and down to allow easy movement between floors. This design seems like something could go wrong very easily, but everyone tells me, "It's ok, nothing has ever gone wrong."
At my desk, everyone is aloof and oblivious, like they are drunk on something. There is much more going on than meets the eye, given my first day. I am very curious but no one will tell me what is really going on.
I had to go to another floor and the building shifts the floors but my intuition kicks in: Get out! NOW!
I go to my new colleagues and warn them: we have to leave, something is going to happen. My new boss (same as the old boss?) says everything is fine. He says, no need to evacuate... He pushes a button and all kinds of measuring devices, controls, and meters show things in the building and markets are "fine."
So, I just tell him I am going outside. A few others join me but only because I "convince" them to take a break. They want to stay.
I have a difficult time figuring out how to get out and on the way out i find a hidden opaque black glass hallway. In the basement? I don't know for sure because the floors move.
We find the way out and make our way about 200 feet (65 meters) from the buildings complex. We turn around to see the building and wait. Some colleagues light up their cigarettes for their break.
Then the Earthquake hits. It's huge. After 30 seconds, people start streaming out of the buildings into the grassy field before me. Then the ground thrusts big time! All the glass on the outside of the building shatters. We are thrown to the ground and around for many minutes. 5-10 minutes? The car alarms are going off in the parking lot.
Only 10-20% of the people make it out of the building as rumors start circling: Most can't get out- The floors are stuck from damage. Many are harmed inside.
The area is not known for earthquakes, like the mid-west and east coast. It was so unusual to have an earthquake there. totally unexpected.
The black glass hallway is fractured and shattered. The secrets are out.
Then I wake up.
7/13/15 Red Alert: Horrible Movements (Jade Helm or Australia?) |
Posted by: Eagle1 - 07-13-2015, 08:52 AM - Forum: DreamBot Runs
- Replies (5)
Trending: horrible sealed movements careful floating australia days view relevant worry early slight space silly considering up furniture king tracks castle dude poor wakes mixed dog major uncomfortable mum short fun church care close land there moved wow reaching henry belt
Waning: april surprise missing pills shared responses knowing bag orange giving thanks birth public fear dreamer june smile dictionary beach sexy access climb interesting brain mars brought hour dream guess intense sad baby fan stomach wed
<----- DISCUSSION ----->
We have a Red Alert today, considering that Horrible doesn’t have a whole lot of convincing support. I still like the Red Alert here because of the context that the negative emotions provide in this run. Horrible, Worry, Fear, etc. (Blue arrows).
HOWEVER, I’m still trying to discern a group of words at the very top. The first few words sound like Jade Helm (Horrible Sealed Movements Careful), but Floating Australia does not sound like Jade Helm.
Regardless the answer, we have been seeing Australia increasing in frequency lately. Something is going on there. Why is the collective dreaming about Australia so much lately?
Lastly, Group 1 sounds like another Space-related mishap, possibly over something “Silly.”
For more details about these DreamBot runs, please see: http://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/s...?tid=17460
Get your questions ready! |
Posted by: Eagle1 - 07-12-2015, 10:36 PM - Forum: Blog
- Replies (4)
RadOwl, who is the moderator of the dreams section at Reddit.com, has asked me to join his new 'show' this Wednesday. I'm really not exactly sure how this will run, but it's called "Ask me anything."
I believe I sit there for a couple of hours and just answer a bunch of questions about how to predict the future through dreams. The time is at 2 PM EST. I don't yet have a link, but I will post it here in a response when I get it. Should be fun and I expect it to be challenging.
broke it |
Posted by: esholars - 07-12-2015, 01:27 PM - Forum: Public Dreams
- Replies (4)
mood: calm and surprised
no intent
I was dreaming I was awake.
I rose from my bed, went to the window, threw open the curtains and saw a barren landscape. I stood there seeing brown earth, no buildings, no plants and no people. The sky was a dull brown and there seemed to be little division between sky and earth. As I stood there wondering what I was seeing I had this thought "I broke the matrix"! What a surprise for me. Now how did I do that?
The phone rang and woke me up.