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1/8/25 Gnosis
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01-08-2025, 10:38 AM
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1/1/2025 Winds of Change
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11/6/24 Cosmic Bonfire
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11-06-2024, 02:31 PM
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Meteor strike after partial solar eclipse |
Posted by: MTB_forums - 09-29-2014, 11:05 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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In the dream, I am looking up at the sky. I had 3 semi repeats of the same thing back to back. The first time I am looking at the moon, but it appears strange; it has lots of very large craters on it. It is then falling towards the earth; I know its going to strike nearby and look for cover. It does hit and it is a large strike causing a large explosion (ends).
Now I am with my wife; I am telling her to look up at the sky. It appears to me that the moon is eclipsing the sun. There is a penumbra around the outline of the moon. But at the same time I am thinking its a new moon, because its simply a crescent. The sky does not darken. The moon then rapidly moves away from the sun, staying as a crescent. It then proceeds to grow and come towards us. I am telling my wife to look, but she is not looking up. The moon grows and eventually is going to strike near us (ends).
I believe the third time I'm alone. I am looking up at the moon again, it is daylight. The moon is full again this time. Now a large, dark rock simply comes from the direction of the moon towards me. It is growing and I know its going to hit. There is apparently a garage that I take cover in, I go underneath a tool bench. There is a blinding white light, but I'm making a force shield that protects me so I'm unhurt (ends). I was in a rural area, with wilderness like fields, when I took cover in the building. The building and the area is not my house or geographically near me.
Inspiration for the return |
Posted by: ParadiseReturn - 09-29-2014, 10:17 AM - Forum: Miscellaneous
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Ex Big Pharma Insider Ghis Lanctôt: Message To The Youth (17 minutes)
Her statement of our situation reminds me of another great woman, Ursula Leguin, who wrote in one of her books, "Acceptance is the only power." She moves on quickly from there to the responsibility of the individual, all in a very practical way.
"We want the shepherd to be a good shepherd ... well, are you ready not to be a sheep anymore?"
And, reminiscent of Gurdjieff, "We needed to be shocked ... ."
If you'd like to know a bit more about her ... http://www.whale.to/a/lanctot.html
Misc. Scenes |
Posted by: KimSpirit - 09-29-2014, 08:35 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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(Note: I had many more intricate dream-experiences; but kept telling myself (semi-lucidly) "not relevant" or "I will remember", and did not write them down.)
Scene 1: Hypnagogic, drifting off to sleep, and saw a young woman wearing a sleeveless mock turtleneck shell, placing two cans, red and black labels, onto a night stand next to my bed for me. Note: I have no night stand there.
Scene 2: A professor appeared, saying, "The cumulative effects of (your actions? your thoughts? your writings?") will result in your getting CLOBBERED" (quote, per my notes). What the heck?
Scene 3: I am "shown" an older man, waist to upper thighs covered in a copper shield, much like a gladiator. The copper was quite beautiful. I was "asked" questions about a friend's hip replacement surgery..."one hip or both done?".
No further information. I awakened, hypnapompic, to a repeat song, what I call the Cosmic Jukebox: The Promise.
Military man goes to political prison |
Posted by: Eagle1 - 09-29-2014, 08:26 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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I was in a strange gym on a military base. Felt like California, not sure why and not very confident in that location. When I was there, we all had to snap to attention, and strangely we all formed a big square around the perimeter of the gym. The colonel walks up to someone about 2 people down from me. It was a set of papers. I am very curious as these papers.
My wife walks in looking for the keys to our vehicle. I wondering how she missed the fact that we were all at attention, but she comes in and walks past the papers. She brushes up against them and the papers fall to the ground. Since no one else is allowed to move, she picks them up and reads them. She hands them back to the person.
After we were dismissed, we went to my locker to look for the keys, and she explains that the writing on those papers was in red text. It directed that person to a mandatory psychological evaluation. More family members come and we are gathered in the hallway. One person speaks up and KNOWS that this person is mentally healthy but is being directed to this because of his political views. He will become a political prisoner, and he is scared to death.
P1_05 Church Landscaping Thieves Shoot Police |
Posted by: Iris - 09-29-2014, 07:38 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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At night, I was in an older 2-story home, a bit rundown, in need of some maintenance.
A stray dog, yellow lab / German Shephard mix, either came up to me or had wandared into the house. I don't recall the details but I think perhaps I called animal control as the animal was malnourished and I didn't have the means to care for the animal.
Next door was a large, nicely landscaped church. Seems like the area was a bit remote, not many other houses around. During the night, a pickup truck pulled into the church lot, and 2 men dug up and removed large bushes. There were light strands on the bushes, and the men hurriedly ripped off/removed the light strands beore hauling the bushes into the truck. Then they sped off.
I called the police and told them what I saw. Then it was as though I was watching a hidden video camera filming the ensuing scene, in black and white. 2 policemen in one police care stopped the truck. The men got out of the truck and shot 1 if not both policemen. I recall seeing 1 policemen sprawled on the ground. I was concerned the men would come back to find me as they would know who had called the police.
Then animal control came to remove the dog, and shot it with a tranquilizer gun, as the dog was very large and a bit menacing to them. I calmed the dog and pet him saying "you're ok, you're ok". I had the sense I was going to adopt the dog.
Emotions: annoyed, irritated, angry, alarm, calm
I was suffering |
Posted by: esholars - 09-29-2014, 01:05 AM - Forum: Miscellaneous
- Replies (1)
I was suffering withdrawal because you were down so long!
Who gets to transfer all those entries?
So glad you are almost all the way back!
I lost my signature?
Changing View |
Posted by: rebeccaS - 09-28-2014, 11:05 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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I had a dream a week or so ago but had forgotten most of it upon waking. I didn't post it because I only remember the small part below. However, this dream snippet has stuck with me to where I think about it at odd times. Also, it related to a previous dream "Given a gift of the galaxy" that I posted a few days before this dream.
At the end of the dream "given a gift of the galaxy" I was in a dirt parking lot and when I looked into the distance I was shown a vista that reminds me of pictures of the desert in Arizona or Utah. The strange thing was the parking lot ended and it was as if a screen was put up to interrupt the view I would have had so that, instead, I saw the desert scene. They were two separate scenes and yet they were seamless. But, I could tell there was something delineating the two. It kind of reminded me of the old Road Runner cartoons.
Anyway, now the background is set. The dream snippet I remember had the same effect. In the dream I am driving Southbound on Highway 101 from Santa Rosa, Ca to Petaluma, Ca. There is an area of freeway between Cotati and Petaluma that is rural with just hills on one the east side and farmland to the west. Right now, because of drought and regular summertime, the hills are brown. In the dream I saw, as I looked towards the south, another deliniation between one place and another. It was like I was looking into a movie screen except you couldn't see the screen. On one side (the north side) was brown hills but on the other side (the south side) the scenery was verdant green.
AwakenedDreamer's Trophy Case |
Posted by: Eagle1 - 09-28-2014, 10:50 PM - Forum: Precognition Trophy Case
- Replies (9)
The Validated Dreams of...AwakenedDreamer
Validated Precognition #1 for AwakenedDreamer
We verified this precognitive dream with the following justification:
(Score Format = WHAT-WHERE-WHEN)
WHAT: 5 out of 5 -- The title of the dream says it all ("To Vaccinate or Not?") News: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/how-soon-can...ts-tracks/
WHERE: 0.5 out of 5 -- I do recall the dream ‘switched over’ after the family with the very sick son from the tropical area in the jeep crossed over borders and escaped the guards/patrols/military-like troops. The switchover went to the Northwest with the gal I know who has Washington DC connections and the dog she just got that was like a cross between a Siberian Husky (LIBERIA?) and Alaskan Malimute. A country just above Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea is MALI. Not important though, it is a partial association and Its not in America
my friend in idaho has more personal association for me with Washington DC as she once entertained diplomats and politicians in her day,so she has her finger on the pulse of what is going on. I usully sit up and pay attention when she crops up.
WHEN: 3 out of 5 -- Dreamer claimed to have intended Aug 3-8th for this dream, but unfortunately it was not documented. We have to go with what is written in the DreamBase or some other easily verifiable source.
Metaphors or further clarification include:
Russia was
BIG in the news in August also. I don't own a TV, read the newspapers and have limited internet. Not surprised that russia came on strong in my border/deadly illness, tropical/Spanish speaking/quarantine dream-> "To Vaccinate or not?" Not surprised I got it mixed up from Siberian to Liberia or malamute to Mali (ACROSS THE border)...
Links for Documentation:
Dream Link (2014-04-27) http://www.nationaldreamcenter.com/dream..._or_not_to
News Link (2014-08-04) http://www.cbsnews.com/news/ebola-liberi...uarantine/
Therefore, this dream/news combo receives the following score: 5-0.5-3
- Well done, AwakenedDreamer!!
- For a detailed description of how precognition is scored, navigate to http://nationaldreamcenter.com/wp/how-to/score-a-dream/
08-29-2014, 07:12 PM
Post: #2
NDC Elder
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RE: AwakenedDreamer
Validated Precognition #2 for awakeneddreamer
We verified this precognitive dream which predicted: Woman and five children hurt in Texas house explosion
Links for Documentation:
Dream Link (2014-08-21)
News Link (2014-08-26) http://baytownsun.com/texas_ap/article_1...04545.html
(Score Format = WHAT-WHERE-WHEN)
WHAT: 4.5 out of 5 -- Details here, including subject and verb are generally metaphoric, but the metaphors are pretty tight and compelling (although they were unannounced which gets subtracted from the assessment). Subject from news is house of kids explodes. The dream has a school full of kids, so that metaphor qualifies for full points because the metaphor explodes as well. So, we start with a full 5.0 because we have metaphoric subject and metaphoric verb and a literal descriptor (window shatters). Because the metaphors weren't proclaimed as such, we subtract 0.5 points automatically. We don't need to subtract any more from this because the metaphors are clear and obvious.
Dreamer adds comments:
"Then the dream emerged into a school. I saw children ( a young girl in particular with shoulder length blondish hair) insisting on taking out a series of books having to do with a wedding in a foreign country. Suddenly the shelves of books were moved (to act as a shield?) and glass shattering. Window frames falling out of the walls. Teachers were attempting to protect the children."
[my comment- teacher was actually the mother, not a day care center or school but home- see metaphor section] also a few days later on my incubation of this EXPLOSION became apparent to explain the windows shattering and window frames falling out of the walls.
To quote the news article, "Only the charred frame of the home was left standing after the explosion. "Bricks were off the house, glass blown across the street.".......
The time frame was parallel to a tropical storm moving up the coast- so I put August 29 (obviously-too late)-- Its only a fraction of the total dream I had so I scored it relatively low. I am frustrated not to be able to locate in the forum links any incubation data I submitted on this. I'll noodle around some more.
WHERE: 4 out of 5 -- Dallas area. If an event occurs within the predicted city, it's 4 points.
WHEN: 4 out of 5 -- Dream is on the 21st and the event takes place within 7 days, so 4 points.
Metaphors or further clarification include:
metaphor I read somewhere - maybe the forum or the blogsite- or WHEREVER !!! 'dark' oil/gas cause of explosion-
My dream excerpt- " Nothing specific came up. the 'feeling' was dark."
[my comment- the 'dark' feeling could be something yet to come also, I sense Texas/DALLAS meme is not over by a long shot. *There is a comment/meme I just read on the forum about a serial killer that sent bells ringing so I confirmed that with the latter half of my dream, which is yet to come.]
I incubated an explosion but wasn't sure if it was the school or the other part of the dream. Well I see now the unsure part as it didn't happen in a school but a home (could it be the kids were home schooled ?)as in that part of the country kids would be back to school by now- before labor day.
Oak Cliff location of explosion is described as a high violence neighborhood- (dark energy?) here is a link to a local description of Oak Cliff- http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.ph...ak%20Cliff
Therefore, this dream/news combo receives the following score: 4.5 - 4 - 4
- Well done, awakeneddreamer!!
- For a detailed description of how precognition is scored, navigate to http://nationaldreamcenter.com/wp/how-to/score-a-dream/
09-06-2014, 08:48 PM (This post was last modified: 09-06-2014 08:49 PM by Eagle1.)
Post: #4
NDC Elder
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RE: The Validated Dreams of...AwakenedDreamer
Validated Precognition #3 for awakeneddreamer
We verified this precognitive dream which predicted: A man and woman discovered dead in a suburban Dallas home AND the Hindu ceremony of their son's death.
Links for Documentation:
Dream Link (2014-08-21) http://www.nationaldreamcenter.com/dream...ONE_CRISIS
News Link (2014-09-04) http://www.myfoxdfw.com/clip/10555247/fr...wan-deaths
(Score Format = WHAT-WHERE-WHEN)
WHAT: 4.5 out of 5 --
Dreamer remarks: Fox 4 news with video clips of police cars outside the home and photos the family, the mother wearing bright colored Hindu veils. The entire family is now dead.
Event is under investigation. The mother is reported to have been DEPRESSED; in the Police report the mother was under investigation for the son's death.
my dream-pertinent parts:
"I am not certain if 'depression' is related to tropical or the Dallas school/wedding events as it all happened in the same timeline." AND "Next I saw children and people at a ceremony I want to say was a wedding but unusual, like a cultural difference perhaps a foreign celebration at a temple or mosque perhaps. the clothing was colorful, folk-like, women were all covered in bright veils. This event was interrupted by something 'dark'. Nothing specific came up. the 'feeling' was dark.
I saw police cars and then and then a forensic drawing a sketch ...Dark skinned, and He was connected...depressed?"
Dreamer Further remarks: although the family is from India; dark skinned as in the dream, it did not take place at a wedding. The only 'ceremony' could be funeral; the entire tragic event hinges on a cultural misunderstanding of Hindu funeral traditions and American jurisprudence.
No one knows who did the killings so any incubation of serial killer 'feeling' is not a direct hit-yet. So I gave it a lower score.
ADMIN SCORE: There is little doubt that this dreamer "saw" the 'ceremony' of the mother placing kids toys around the bathtub of her dead son in an attempt to preserve the body in accordance with Hindu tradition. This whole event is a metaphoric and literal mix, but we start first with the news. The main aspect of the news is the parents dying.
This dreamer's paragraph is a direct metaphor for the whole story: "Next I saw children and people at a ceremony I want to say was a wedding but unusual, like a cultural difference perhaps a foreign celebration at a temple or mosque perhaps. the clothing was colorful, folk-like, women were all covered in bright veils. This event was interrupted by something 'dark'. Nothing specific came up. the 'feeling' was dark."
The metaphor pegged the news story and so we start with 5.0, but we do need to subtract for the unidentified metaphor. 0.5 is the minimum amount for undeclared metaphors. From that point we determine that no reasonable person could not see this metaphoric connection, so no further points are deducted.
WHERE: 4 out of 5 -- Frisco is a suburb of DALLAS TX. Therefore, 4 points.
WHEN: 3 out of 5 -- Sept 4, 2014 is within the six week incubation period of the DALLAS dream assignment and within 1 month of the dream, thus 3 points.
Metaphors or further clarification include:
ceremony- foreign cultures often are misunderstood with miscommunication, which is all over this news story and the crux of the legal defense team.
As the news articles point out the tragic event has a wide community impact, throwing a 'veil of darkness' in people's minds about the treatment of the parents when the son's body was discovered.. Many are upset with police over mishandling of the parents and their cultural differences.
Therefore, this dream/news combo receives the following score: 4.5 - 4 - 3
- Well done, awakeneddreamer!!
- For a detailed description of how precognition is scored, navigate to http://nationaldreamcenter.com/wp/how-to/score-a-dream/
Ed Montalvo's Trophy Case |
Posted by: Eagle1 - 09-28-2014, 10:45 PM - Forum: Precognition Trophy Case
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The Validated Dreams of...Ed Montalvo
Validated Precognition #1 for Ed Montalvo
We verified this precognitive dream which predicted: New Dinosaur Discovery
Links for Documentation:
Dream Link (2014-08-21) http://nationaldreamcenter.com/dreamdb/B...Discovered
News Link (2014-09-05) http://www.foxnews.com/science/2014/09/0...p=features
(Score Format = WHAT-WHERE-WHEN)
WHAT: 4.5 out of 5 -- Dreadnoughtus Dinosaur vs New Dinosaur Discovered. The article talks about a new dinosaur discovery of a huge new dinosaur. My dream was about a discovery of a new feathered dinosaur.
ADMIN: Just the mere fact that a new dinosaur was predicted and later discovered is strikingly significant. We cannot ignore the difference in features, though, so here's how we proceed. First off, we consider Ed's dino to be metaphoric because of the vast difference in key characteristics between the two dinos. This metaphor receives a full 5.0 because subject = New Dino, verb = discovered, and the metaphor serves as 3rd required descriptor (i.e., Dreadnoughtus Dino). Since Ed did not clarify this metaphor prior to the discovery, we subtract the standard metaphoric "penalty," which is 0.5. No other points are deducted because the metaphor is clear and obvious (Ed dino represented the real dino).
WHERE: 0 out of 5 -- In the dream there was no where but I went to bed with the intention of dreaming about a headline in Dallas. The dinosaur was discovered in Argentina.
Ed is correct here. The dream takes place in a separate continent and thus receives no points.
WHEN: 3 out of 5 -- Ed's dream came true within 1 month. The intention was for an event within 6 weeks, and it took approx 3 weeks to manifest. That is well within the established timeframe for the intention and within the next higher scoring rung...the month. Therefore, 3 points.
Metaphors or further clarification include:
In my dream the head was of a bird. In the article they said there was no head found and that this type of dinosaur is referred to as being a headless dinosaur because the head is never or rarely found.
Therefore, this dream/news combo receives the following score: 4.5 - 0 - 3
- Very great start, Ed!! What a rare event that you caught in your dream!
- For a detailed description of how precognition is scored, navigate to http://nationaldreamcenter.com/wp/how-to/score-a-dream/
09-12-2014, 05:31 PM
Post: #2
Ed Montalvo_P1
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RE: The Validated Dreams of...Ed Montalvo
3 times this week, I’ve had dreams that came true meaning that things that I saw in my dream and either wrote in my dream journal or sketched came true. To give an example, I had a very detailed dream in which I kicked something I thought to be a roast (Conical Shaped Meat) into some water. When I went to see where it was, I saw a steel girder underwater, and I saw that roast resting on the girder. Later that evening, I took my son to dinner (I’m divorced so I get him on Wednesday evenings) and as I was telling him about my dream, I noticed his shirt was a new one of a Boardwalk of some kind.
I’m sure it’s clear to anyone who sees my sketch and the picture of his shirt can see the similarities. As a dreamer yourself, I’m sure you realize the difficulty of having exact clarity when these images are mixed in with what seems to be a complete story.
I have found that I have been dreaming of things that I actually saw the next day with my eyes, and yet I’m seeing this while I’m asleep several hours earlier. As I told Chris, the farthest ahead I actually have confirmation of a dream was 4 months earlier.
It got me wondering how I would be able to predict non-local events if I’m only dreaming what my eyes are actually seeing?
One of the ideas I’ve had is to start to have a habit of reading the newspaper headlines every single day. My thinking is that if I start this habit, the hope is that regular familiarity with the layout of a newspaper will begin to help me know (while I’m dreaming) that I am actually looking at a newspaper. So if I see a while rectangle in my dream tomorrow, and I see it the next night, and I see it the following night, I’ll condition myself to know that if I study that white rectangle I might be able to read the date and the headlines. If this starts to go well, then I can work on trying to dream what is in the newspaper 2,3,4 even a week before.
I have not started this test yet but I wanted to put this idea out there and solicit suggestions for this type of dream enhancement.
09-12-2014, 05:50 PM
Post: #3
Posts: 142
Joined: Aug 2014
Reputation: 20
RE: The Validated Dreams of...Ed Montalvo
How about some new flying creatures.
Ancient 'dragon' beast flew right out of 'Avatar'
I know because I can read.
I read because I want to know.