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Ribbons of road |
Posted by: Pokey - 07-03-2010, 07:15 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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I look upon a highway running through a desert. This is in the United States possibly California. The road is broken and curled upward (like a Christmas ribbon). It is known in the dream that this is the result of a severe earthquake. This is the first dream I have been able to remember in quite some time (months to a year).
internet virus |
Posted by: christo - 07-01-2010, 10:41 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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Tuesday afternoon (6-29-2010) after upgrading some software I decided to give my mind a rest before going to work. So I sat back and began to relax and just as I entered the lucid state (takes a few minutes) I was awakend by my computer screen flashing at me with a virus warning/attack. The virus alarm window that had opened on my computer was flashing the words 'warning' in red typeand hadred flashing/moving symbols that looked like the 'napster' logo but with teeth added into the logo. My sense was that this was a serious virus or attack. Then I really snapped out of my lucid state wide awake and realized that it was a surreal visual and not an actual event on my computer screen. I thought about the vividness of what I saw and pondered possible connections to upgrading software and reading about Obama having the power to shut down the net in case of emergency.... hmmmm, just my imagination or is something on its way?
moon rocket |
Posted by: marc - 07-01-2010, 02:47 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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This is marc's son.I had dream last night weremy siblings and dad and I were in our front yard and it was broad daylight, the trees had no leaves, and all of a sudden i was starring at the moon down the street. it was orange though, like a flame. then i noticed it was night. the moon started turning orange to white and back again as it moved to the north quickly and started growing. when it was directly north and looked the size of a 4 story building, and orange again, it shot off south and over us. then i was in space looking at it go past saturn, with rocket jet emissions coming out the back, when it hit two small astriods and exploded. i dont remember much before or after that part, but this part shot out to me.
India-Pakistan relations |
Posted by: dancingmelissa - 07-01-2010, 12:01 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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I had a dream last night that I was in India. I was in the northern area and there were bombs going off. There was talk of a threat of a nuclear attack. Someone might launch a nuclear weapon. I was trying to get my family out of the area.Now I went online this morning and did a little research about India-Pakistan relations. I had no idea that things were so tense between the two countries and that they both have nuclear weapons.Does anyone know of any possiblities of these two countries starting a war.
Alien Craft spreading across sky |
Posted by: The Anchorite - 07-01-2010, 08:22 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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Had a dream lastnight of seeing a large white ball of light shoot through the sky and then stop directly above me. The large ball then began to disperse dozens of smaller balls of light which were alien craft spreading across the sky. The feeling I had after seeing these craft was one of elation, not fear, as if our protectors had finally arrived.
stirring burning pot - robbers |
Posted by: ablelba - 06-30-2010, 02:02 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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From email
Dreamed 2/10/2003, 2:33 am EST
In the dream, I was living at my parents' house. They were throwing a large party, and many people from our old church were there, talking and laughing. I was in the kitchen that night, trying to make up some punch for the partygoers. I was cooking up some sort of syrup on the stove--A complicated mixture. I thought that if I got this concentrated syrup to the right stage, I could pour it into a large aluminum pitcher that was partly filled with ice cubes, stir it up, and serve it at the proper temperature--lukewarm, just the way everyone liked it. Well, I poured it into the pitcher, and was stirring it around, talking to a young man of the military who had come to the party in battle fatigues. We were having a great time, until he interrupted me, pointing at the pitcher. "I don't think your drink is coming out right." I looked down, and the pitcher was not lukewarm, it was boiling hot. The more I stirred it, the hotter it was getting, and in fact, the bottom of the aluminum pitcher was beginning to glow red from the heat of some totally unexpected chemical reaction. We wove our way through the partygoers (who ignored us, continuing their banter) until we reached an end-table near a large fireplace. The pot felt heavier and heavier. I set it down on the end-table, and continued to stir. "Surely, the ice will cool this reaction off," I thought, "if I can just keep stirring the pot." It kept getting hotter and hotter. The end table smouldered and caught fire, and the young army man had to throw the table into the fireplace to keep it from burning the house down. We took that pot from one fireplace to the next, trying to find a safe place to let it cool (there were three), but all other fireplaces had roaring fires in them. The pitcher was glowing almost white hot at the bottom, and the metal was in danger of melting. With great difficulty, we made our way through the partygoers. None of them offered to help; The young army man had to push some of them out of the way to keep them from getting burned. Finally, we made it to the back yard. I was barely able to get the pitcher set down on the ground in the open. We watched the mixture melt the pitcher, and consume itself. It took a long time for the fire to go out, and the heat was intense. After some hours, the fire went out. The young man said, "I have to go now." It was late. The party was over. My father and the rest of our family had gone upstairs to bed. I walked the young man to his car, a humvee with camouflage paint, and he zoomed away. I was about to close the garage door and go inside, when two men came out of the darkness and approached our family cars. They had already decided to steal both cars, but were arguing about which of them would take the SUV, and which would take the economy car. The short, thin guy took a pry-bar from his jacket, and began to break open the door to the SUV. I said, "Hey, you can't take those cars!" The tall, bulky guy stared at me, and said, "Who's going to stop us--YOU?" "Oh, FINE, then," I said, and quickly went inside to call the police. I tried to lock the door behind me, but the regular lock wouldn't lock, and even the deadbolt just barely made it into the doorframe. I picked up the phone to dial, but it was out of order. Someone had apparently taken it off the hook for the party. The message said to call the phone company on the next business day for re-activation. I looked up from the receiver to see the door boom open. The tall bulky one was coming through the door, looking around, then staring at me as he came slowly towards me. I began to yell for help--and at this point, my wife was shaking me awake as I had really been yelling! While still half asleep, I began telling her that this war was a bad idea; That something totally unexpected, bad, and dangerous was going to happen, like the mixed drink that became an unquenchable fire; And that letting our armed forces go over was opening us to unexpected danger at home. I felt so safe at the party in that dream; but the safety was an illusion-- The pot I stirred became a flame that almost burned down the house. And at the end of the dream, all my technology failed me-- Both cars were stolen, the locks failed to keep the door closed, and the phone failed to work. I found myself alone with a robber, shouting for help.
Walking Into a New World |
Posted by: ElaMar - 06-29-2010, 11:49 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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I had finished working in my greenhouse and was walking back to the house. I walk half way and immediately stopped because I knew that something had happened to me. Although my house and gardens look the same I knew that I was in a different space. I knew that I had crossed over to a place where there was no war or hate and it was totally absent from fear. Telepathically, I asked many questions and knew all the answers. The only answer that I can remember from this dream was that I wanted to know where my family and friends were, and then I knew that all my loved ones were already there or would be coming.
06/28/10 2 a.m. Crazy Dream |
Posted by: thekidhenry - 06-29-2010, 07:33 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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The dream began as just a normal dream about running into people in my past mostly that I had conflicts with. Something about running into a kid I got into a fight with in 10th grade, and for some reason I tried to be friendly with him. That is were the normal side ends when suddenly a bright round light in the sky appeared on the horizon at night and moved quickly over head. It flashed quickly and turned into a spiral exactly like the one that appeared over Norway. It went through the same cycle and disappeared. I remember feeling frozen in fear and awe of what I was seeing. Everyone one who had come outside to witness the phenomenon thought that it was over until what looked like a cluster of stars in the sky started to fall as though they were apparently shot out the sky by whatever the spiral was. It had become animated to space invaders style ships I guess to help my brain understand what it was. It starts to get a little blurry from then on, but I recall being taken along with some of the people who witnessed the event into some kind of space ship but am not sure how that occurred. Everyone seemed to be on edge and were trying to figure out what to do next. I am not sure how it fits but I remember feeling like I could not help my children and felt like I would not be able to answer their questions for the 1st time in my life. Also not sure how it fits but I remember tossing bills on the ground wondering were in the world we go from here. I then woke up sweating and felt as though those events were very real. It took a minute to realize that it was only a dream.
odd wounds |
Posted by: anduin - 06-29-2010, 06:08 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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28 june 2010; I dreamt that i was on a steeply pitched roof (on the order of 30 degrees from vertical, typically found in high snow areas) below me was the back yard, and in the back yard was a pool, a couple of "friends" were on the roof and we were goofing off, i pushed one of my friends in to the pool below, so far nothing out of the ordinary.
when he resurfaced, there was a open wound on each shoulder, and blood was bubbling out (like you see on a vertical fountain under low pressure) is the best i can describe it, the wounds were on the top, and the blood was just recirculating right there on the wound, of course i felt bad for my friend, and went down to try to help him, once down i took a towel and attempted to cover the wounds and apply pressure like your always taught to do. but the strange thing was as soon as i applied pressure to the wound blood started squirting at high pressure all over the place, when i released the "towel" i was trying to use to stem the bleeding it went back to just bubbling and not going anywhere, i remember thinking that this was odd behaviour for the wound, then i woke up, oddly enough i still remember the details 6 hours into the day.