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Calif |
Posted by: Dreamweaver - 06-23-2010, 05:12 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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Every year for years I have an earthquake dream. They are usually set in San Francisco.
Perhaps in '04 I had a dream about being in SF. Everytime I'm there in a dream, I know that I shouldn't be there, that I know 'the big one' is going to take place - BUT I'm there. Sure enough, the big quake does happen and there's chaos and fires, etc. Here's the thing, in these dreams, the earthquake always takes place from a point just of the coast and north of the city, maybe off the coast where Muir Woods is.
I had one in '07, where I was in a different city, which was completely unique as they've always been about SF. This town, I think was in LA. I was there, knew that I shouldn't be, but, once again, had gone. I was attending a meeting and at an old lodge-type of hotel, something historic-looking. I went up the coast for the day, in a car. Suddenly, right off the beach, I started seeing the water bubbling. This was small activity, something you might miss. It was close to the beach and even around some rocks or in tidal pools or something. I immediately got in the car and headed back to the hotel to get my things, but of course, it was too late and the building was collapsing and I was running inside to save myself and people, etc.
As part of this dream, but in a different locale, I watched another hotel collapse. this hotel is built in a semi-circle (maybe a quarter of a circle). It has several stories this way, then a smaller section on top of these floors, following the same arc, but these few stories are set back, so the whole design is like a cake with tiers. I've looked for this hotel because I believe it really exists someplace.
I also saw another very tall, building (like the Texas tower in Austin) begin to collapse, but first there was fire (from pipes presumably) shooting up from the base in areas.
A dream I had sometime during this same time 04-07, involved me fleeing down IH10, going west and needing to get past volcanoes in West Texas. (There are the remains of large calderas here between Alpine and Marfa).
mapofwestcoast |
Posted by: Dreamweaver - 06-23-2010, 04:52 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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In 1991 I was in California and found a job there. I thought about staying, but I had this dream.
I was taken up above the Earth by 'them'. I was looking down at the U.S. and the entire west coast was in red. I was told to be out of this area by 1995. Then I was suddenly in a place like Santa Fe or Taos and there was a line of 4 beings wearing masks, coming out in a ceremony.
After nothing happened in 95, I figured I was told to be out of there because I would end up settling down and would then be unable to leave that life. Later, I realized that the beings with the masks looked a lot like kachinas. There were 4.
BP and The Big Ball of Pink Mystery Meat |
Posted by: Finite Statist Machine - 06-22-2010, 06:17 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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Didn't know what category this dream should go into so I put it in this bucket.
I dreamed America was at the close of the BP oil crisis, but this had a decided macabre ending at the hands of the politicians (people?).
I was in a school cafeteria much like the one in the grade school I attended in Arizona in the 1960s. This cafeteria that was also used as an auditorium for school plays and band practice, There was a stage at the of the cafeteria and was very similar to the one in my youth. Only much much grander in scale.
On stage were USA politicians talking about how they finally brought BP to justice, and everyone was happy about. The politicians announced "we recycled them!"
But everyone was quite surprised at what the politicians unveiled. There was a huge ball of pink mystery meat about 20 feet high made out of BP executives. This wasn't like ground beef but more like the precursor gunk they make chicken nuggets out of. It was hard to tell what was meat, what was fat, and what it was not.
On this big pink ball of mystery meat was a label, and the label said "This meat has been mechanically separated". A woman screamed they've been feeding that to our children!
The politicians looked very very worried as they found themselves at the center of another greed caused disaster with food. And the feeling of anger by parents was palpable.
I'm not sure what this dream means, and I don't know if I put it in the right category but maybe there's a coming food issue that dwarfs the BP oil spill for its fallout politically?
Lots and lots of dead bodies |
Posted by: Ashley - 06-21-2010, 05:14 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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I had a dream that I was in my neighborhood and we were going door to door to find all the dead bodies. We were trying to find the best way to gather all of the bodies and dispose of them without touching them. They were already past rigor mortis and starting to decay. What was startling about the dream was the amount of children still alive - we had yet to come across a child who was dead. So, we had a whole bunch of orphaned children we were trying to keep track of while we were doing this most gruesome of tasks. We were using tarps and old equipment to try and drag hundreds of bodies to a field far away from the neighborhood. It was a gross and disturbing dream. Woke me up out of a very deep sleep. The other thing that stands out to me was that the people left alive were good people. No looting, shooting or evil was going on around us. Other than the shock of the amount of dead people there wasn't really fear or anything in the dream (and I don't live in the best neighborhood - I would imagine if something like this happened chaos would ensue...)
UFOs on the news |
Posted by: Marcus - 06-20-2010, 08:58 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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I had this dream in the morning of June 20th. It was very short. I remember hearing Government discloses UFOs. UFOshave declaired war from space. After hearing this, I looked at a CNN news feed with a newscaster standing in front of the White House at night. The news caster was an older gentleman with a round face, bald or balding, and wearing a black coat. His voice was deep like that of Walter Cronkite or something. I wake up. (I seem to be having a lot of dreams lately).
medical shortages |
Posted by: jberry20 - 06-20-2010, 08:44 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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I was on call as an emergency doctor ina large hospital and discover that there are no lare-bore IV catheters. Some Eagle1istrator decided we didn't use many, so the order was allowed to lapse. As you may know, in an emergency, large IVs are used to give blood quickly...I was going from room to room to try to find even one left over to help a patient who was bleeding to death - none to be found.
You may know that medicine is starting to face shortages in diverse areas - currently it's propofol, a rather ubiquitous drug that has revolutionized anesthesia and critical care - it is down to one manufacturer (for diverse reasons) and will set us back 30 years if we can't get it at all...
Being offered secret island bases |
Posted by: Finite Statist Machine - 06-20-2010, 10:32 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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I had a strange dream last night about meeting this Navy woman who was trying to sell me land on island bases on relatively unknown or known Islands in the Atlantic, Carribean and Pacific Ocean. I saw satellite images of a huge airbase on island in the Atlantic near the Bahamas that is on no map or chart or Google Earth. I saw smaller bases in the Carribean. Some were natural some were man made islands. There seemed to be no area on earth where there was not a naval or naval airbase and the extent of it rather amazed me. Then I was offered a small plot of land on Akau atoll in the Pacific ocean. I couldn't figure out why she wanted me to be on one of these islands and I was under a friendly but slightly high pressure sales effort to buy (or accept?) land in one or more areas. She said the king of the world (who the heck is that?) wanted me to have some land. These all seemed to be pieces of real estate owned or controlled by the Navy. The sense was of it all was they were scaling back operations. Very odd. But then it seems I am always traveling somewhere in my dreams.
Invasion Troops |
Posted by: scipio - 06-19-2010, 02:12 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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Only rarely do I have a repeat theme in a dream. However, I had this dream repeat a number of times over several years. I was always in the same position in the dream with the same exact view.
At first the dream started out as some soldiers in cammies with helmets and weapons patrolling down my street. As the dream repeated, the scenario expanded a bit each time. The soldiers were patrolling down the street and I was now watching from the roof of a nearby building. Then it was night and they were patrolling and I had some binoculars watching for them to arrive. Then they were patrolling and I was on the roof and had a rifle and I now understood this to be an invasion of Chinese troops expanding out from Washington, D.C. into the suburbs where I live Then they were patrolling and I had a rifle and I was watching for them to come as I was expecting them. As I spotted them coming, I turned looking for an exit off the roof before they could come up to me. This version of the dream continued several times as I kept looking for a way off the roof to make a getaway. I finally found a way to start climbing down a ladder off the roof, but NEVER got down the ladder -- the dream always ended before I got to the ground. Then the dream started getting violent. As the troops came up to my building I started taking shots from the roof acting as a sniper. I shot a couple of troops and tried getting off the roof. The scenario got stuck in this loop and kept repeating whenever I had this dream. Then the final version of the dream had a helicopter come up over the troops and as I shot at them the helicopter came over my building looking for me on the roof. Again I tried to get off the roof and the dream ended. This time when I woke up I asked myself why I could not get away in the dream; the answer came into my head -- if I get up on the roof and shoot at the troops, I will get killed. I now realize that this was a message to me that when the invasion comes, I cannot be confrontational with these troops or I will be killed. After this realization, the dream stopped. I have not had the dream again for the past year and a half.
"Yard" Sale and Korean Soldiers |
Posted by: planetgazer - 06-19-2010, 10:00 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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I dreamt that some lady was in a bedroom of my house conducting some sort of "yard" sale. For some reason, I kept seeing shoes. (Note: I actually have very few shoes.) I look out the back window and see an oriental man going over the fence into my back yard from my neighbor's back yard. I call out to him to challenge his intent. He goes back to my neighbor's yard but says nothing. I am concerned for my neighbors. As the dream progresses, I become aware that there are actually three Korean soldiers in my home and that they had come from my neighbor's home. I thin they were in my home to look at what was for sale. Somehow, the yard sale (seemed more like an estate sale at this point) became a very big event. I saw lots of cars and people out front. I look at my neighbor's yard and see a large number of dark-colored SUV's and I am aware that they are connected to the soldiers. While the soldiers were not doing anything overtly threatening, their presence felt very ominous. The show connection was very bizarre, even seemed that way in the dream. It turned out to be a large number of shoes. I also remember several dogs, especially one that wanted to mouth my hand, almost to the point of biting hard. I kept trying to talk soothingly to it so it would not see me as a threat.
Almost as strange as the dream itself was that I was waking up and going back into the dream repeatedly. It was as though the dream did not want to let me go. I felt like I was pulled back into the dream. This happened numerous times before I finally woke up for good.