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12/18/24 Really?
Forum: DreamBot Runs
Last Post: Eagle1
12-18-2024, 09:48 AM
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12/11/24 Winning the Lott...
Forum: DreamBot Runs
Last Post: Eagle1
12-11-2024, 09:40 AM
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12/4/24 Where Mind Goes.....
Forum: DreamBot Runs
Last Post: Eagle1
12-04-2024, 10:04 AM
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11/27/24 Mercury and the ...
Forum: DreamBot Runs
Last Post: Eagle1
11-27-2024, 09:50 AM
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11/20/24 People and their...
Forum: DreamBot Runs
Last Post: Eagle1
11-20-2024, 09:58 AM
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11/13/24 WWG1WGA
Forum: DreamBot Runs
Last Post: Eagle1
11-13-2024, 09:20 AM
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11/6/24 Cosmic Bonfire
Forum: DreamBot Runs
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11-06-2024, 02:31 PM
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10/30/24 Power Comms
Forum: DreamBot Runs
Last Post: Eagle1
10-30-2024, 09:05 AM
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10/23/24 Comms and Willpo...
Forum: DreamBot Runs
Last Post: Eagle1
10-23-2024, 12:32 PM
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10/17/24 October Stories ...
Forum: DreamBot Runs
Last Post: Eagle1
10-15-2024, 07:29 PM
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underwater city ship |
Posted by: dreaminfly - 06-14-2010, 07:51 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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Dream, ca. 2008. Short, vivid. Saw a vast, city-sized alien craft underneath the ocean, hidden in a very deep gorge in the Atlantic off of New Jersey. It is royal blue, translucent and shaped somewhat like a squashed Christmas ornament or a child's top -- elliptical, with points at the top and bottom. I knew it was an alien underwater city, and it has been down there for quite a long time. Probably it can move around in the oceans but I think this Atlantic location is its general neighborhood. I did not see inside the craft at all, but feel certain it's a city ship. Dreaminfly
Teleportation to Arizona |
Posted by: Marcus - 06-14-2010, 02:35 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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I was in my room reading about a giant tree in a magazine or internet. This tree had a name like The Grand Aspine or something simular to that. Then I started thinking about this tree in my mind. Suddenly, I see a flash of light, and I was stretched through the center of the light like a rubber-band. After the flash I was flying around this tree in circles sort of like a bird would. I was flying toward the tree, and I felt the pine of the tree and snow feel off of it. This tree was basically a 10 story tall Cristmas tree with no decorations. Then I decended downward. I then noticed that I was on the side of a freeway. I remember looking towards the mountains, and saw mostly desert covered in light snow and fog. I had no idea where I was at first, but the thought came to me that I should look at the license plates of the cars to see what state they where from. As it turns out, these plates where Arizona plates (and I live in Southern California). Then I woke up.
Strange happenings in IsRae22l |
Posted by: RHex - 06-14-2010, 07:48 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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Well, first of I have NEVER had a dream where I am in IsRae22l before(nor have I ever been to IsRae22l), which made this one stand out to me.
In the dream me and my girlfriend were walking down a dirt road. On the right side there is a small powerline, a field, and on the far side of the field a line of rather shabby looking houses. The area feels urban, I can see buildings and a city in the horizon. Maybe the oustskirts of a larger city, but nothing indicated that it was Jerusalem or any other IsRae22li city I know of.
Suddenly from behind us something very like a rocket comes racing along, horizontal to the ground and as far as I could see directly above the line of houses on the right side. It explodes in the air, maybe 30 meter up. The explosion was small, just a minor boom and some black smoke hanging in the air. I kind of got the feeling that the explosion was deliberatly understated, like to indicate an event that isn't immediatly very interesting.
Then after maybe a minute jetplanes and black helicopters comes zooming in from all directions, first the planes then helicopters. They circle around and after a while one of the helicopters drop some soldiers in black uniforms right next to us. The mood of the dream becomes really stressfull at this point, fighterplanes zooming by overhead and screaming and shouting everywhere.
One of the soldiers comes over to us, tells us to run back to our hotel, and to take off any metal items we are carrying and store them far away from any living thing. He really really makes a big point of this metal object stuff, but he finishes with saying we should be OK as long as we get away and take a long shower once we rach the hotel. Somehow I just know that the rocket was radioactive, "dirty bomb, dirty bomb" keeps repeating in my head.
We run back to the hotel, and the dream ends with me standing by the window looking towards the area where the rocket exploded, helicopters are circeling above and military trucks and paramedics forms a large circle around the place.
Woke up feeling really strange afterwards...
ten dollar gas |
Posted by: lannij - 06-13-2010, 04:13 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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Last night I dreamt that gas was 10-12 bucks a gallon. I'm very aware of Peak Oil, so I wondered if it was my subconcious mind telling me to get an electric car. The rise in gas prices happened suddenly, immediately. It went from 3 bucks to ten, just like that.
Japan vs The Chinese Cyclops |
Posted by: Lorien - 06-13-2010, 04:05 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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In this dream it's like I'm watching the video game Mortal Kombat. On the right is the Japanese thunder god Raiden. He's holding steady in his position after knocking someone into the sky. While in the sky, they morph into a giant and come crashing to the ground with a loud noise. The giant is hairy like a bear (Russia?), has the face of a cyclops (Greece?), and has the name Yuan (Chinese currency?).
Bad Fruit |
Posted by: Out of New Mexico - 06-13-2010, 07:22 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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Last night I dreamed of a tomato plant with a lot of large low lying fruit (tomatoes). I touched one and it was soft and mushy to the touch, no firmness. It was not edible. The day after, I just happened to be reading Jeremiah 24:8-10, "But like the poor figs, which are so bad they cannot be eaten, says the Lord, so will I deal with Zedekiah king of Judah, his officials and the survivors from Jerusalem, whether they remain in this land or live in Egypt. I will make byword, an object of ridicule and cursing, wherever I banish them. I will send the sword, famine and plague against them until they are destroyedfrom theland I gave to them and their fathers". (NIV). I felt very strongly this dream was about America. Back in the day, this verse pertained to Jerusalem.Again, today, this is meant from America.
Far future |
Posted by: WayOutThere - 06-13-2010, 06:00 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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I had a vivid dream many years ago as real as any memory. I had been unconscious in suspended animation on an interstellar spaceship - hundreds if not thousands of years from now, but instead of waking up, I was having brief flashes and sensations as various parts of my brain were activated. I slowly became aware that aliens were probing my brain, like a rat in an experiment. They were not going to wake up me up but simply study, and dissect?, this bizarre lifeform they found on the spaceship they had intercepted. The flashes of activity were disconnected and non-contextualized, like the experiences of infants, but one vision I remember I was laying in a vat surrounded by several aliens - they were "misshapen", like large gray octopi.
Two Lions In The Basement |
Posted by: Kasota - 06-11-2010, 05:46 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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I had this dream two nights ago. In this dream I went down into my basement and the basement was much larger than it is in real life. It was expansive (in real life it is a very small home) and had some spaces off to the side that were about 5 feet high and were built into the earth and yet had about 2 feet above ground. They are partitioned off from the rest of the basement with chain link fencing. There was a patio type awning roof over the top of the side expansions. It is springtime. I can see late spring greenery through the above ground area of the side expansions.
There is a large male lion in the basement. He was not behind the fencing. I was not surprised to see him there and the lion seems both wild and yet ok to be around. There was a couch and I knew he had been sleeping on it. He was very calm and greeted me. After a while I went back upstairs. I was doing laundry and cleaning and was up and down the stairs to the basement. There was a door at the top of the stairs and I took care to close it so the lion wouldn't come into the house.
On the next trip down the stairs there were two lions in the basement. The second one was a female lion. She was very agitated and unpredictable, switching her tail back and forth. The male was still calm but now also was guarded and watchful. I was scared of the female lion and went back upstairs and then thought I had better go back to check on that lion. When I went back downstairs the female lion was in one of the spaces off to the right. I was upset because there was fencing that was supposed to keep lions out of that area and she had gotten around it through a gap in the fence...and I knew she could now get outside. I went back upstairs to tell my elderly mom that the female lion was loose.
The next thing I know in my dream I am standing on a rolling hillside covered with tawny grass. It is Autumn. There is a man standing next to me ( I do not know this man) and we are looking across the rolling hillside, talking about the lions. Both the lions are gone. I think the male lion left to track the female down because he doesn't trust her. I think we should tell someone. That female lion is going to hurt someone. He shrugs his shoulders and walks away.
San Francisco crispy |
Posted by: JValdez - 06-11-2010, 08:27 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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My dreams are always in full colour/sound/cinematography; this one happened just before waking, 11 June 2010--after a day (beautiful, as only San Francisco can offer!) of exploring the City on foot, the three 60's+ women (in excellent shape) with me retreated to a fairly large church through two dark traditionally shaped doors, situated on a high corner, with many trees and much greenery about. It seemed more of a timing decision on their part, rather than any overwhelming urgency. They were dressed in an almost Amish manner, in long grey/faded light blue high waisted dresses, tied snugly with wide ribbon/similar, and long grey hair tied ininformal ponytails so it flowed down their backs. They did not seem out of place whatsoever while this was happening.
I was then standing in my mid-rise south of Market office--light green high walls, with a view towards the freeway to the airport, and to the left, the bay. Through the large open window, I was amazed to see a small bright flash, followed by a mushroom cloud, than another, and than another. My first thought was how could soldiers be firing M388's with an M-29; I interrupted my partner on the west side of the office who was interviewing a young job candidate; the view outside his open window was much more ominous, with a larger, noisy explosion that blocked the sun with debris. He was starting to panic; the candidate had that "deer in the headlights" look and was completely frozen.
I returned to my office and observed that the detonations were becoming larger, closer, and louder; cold chills enveloped me as I realized the true implications of what I was witnessing. I attempted to phone home with my mobile; the message stated that service was unavailable "at this time" but should be up within 24 hours.
I awoke anxious and distressed to another beautiful Southern California morning . . .
So Cal Town Earthquake |
Posted by: Marcus - 06-10-2010, 10:33 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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I had this dream around September '09. In it, I was traveling back to my home town on what felt like the end of New Years Eve night or the beginning of New Years Day morning (I still live in my home town in real life, and have never left it yet). I seemed to have arived back home right after a major earthquake. I was driving up a street (which in real life and in the dream is on a steep hill) which was full of damage and cracks from an earthquake. I remember the sky looked like it does early in the morning, with s mixture of dark blue and orange, with several clouds overhead.However, the sky didnt look quite right in a dream-logic sort of way, almost as if there was a EM disturbance or someting. I finally got to the top of the hill which is also an intersection that you would turn right (in real life) at to get to my house. There where cops there with emergancy lights on creating a blockaide of some kind at the intersection. I sad to myself "dammit! I'm not going home" but apparently, they let me through since I was able to get to my house with no trouble. My house was split in two with cracks everywhere. I went in to look for my parents and my doginsde, but I could not find them. My house looked the same inside as it does in real life except that it was damaged from the EQ, and I could see the sky through a giant crack in the ceiling. I went to the window in our dinning room that faces north, then I woke up.