
If you have ANY precognitive dream, please log it in our database…

If you have ANY precognitive dream, please log it in our database…

Recently we received a suggestion to allow smaller-level precognitive dreams in the DreamBase, so we added a category called “Documented Cases.” If anyone you know has a dream that later comes true (either petty events or earth-shattering), then send them to our database. We encourage small dreams and big dreams alike, but this category is all about dreams that already came true.

When you document your predictive dream in this category, be sure to explain the part that came true. Some events happen exactly the way it played out in the dream, but others are merely metaphoric. Please explain this in detail.

George’s recent dream would be a prime example for this category. Although some of the elements in his dream played out identically, much of the overall storyline was allegorical (but at the same time unmistakably precognitive). If you haven’t yet perused the DreamBase to find his latest predictive head-turner, I’ve pasted the text here:

The Case of the Cruise Ship/Ferry Dream
Wednesday, April 16, 2014 4:49 AM
I have never before started a Peoplenomics report with something from the World of Woo-Woo (WoWW). Our normal fare around here is a tight focus on making money and out-thinking the markets. But this morning’s case is too interesting to pass up. It’s another example of prescient dreaming. People really do have dreams about events just before and while they are happening.   When the alarm went off at 4 AM I was having a most curious dream: Elaine and I were on a cruise ship/ferry boat that was trying to leave port. I say cruise ship/ferry because there distinctly were cars on the lower deck, but it was also barricades so that waves couldn’t get it. There was also something of an open deck due to loading of supplies of some kind up near the bow.   As the dream progressed, my wife Elaine and I were wandering around the inside of the ship and we became separated while she went to the ladies room. Eventually, with the ship still not under way, we worked our way aft to where passengers were supposed to check-in… about 2/3’rds of the way back.   I remember wanting to go ashore to get our bags which were in the car nearby, but the setting was unfamiliar and I wasn’t sure were the car was. And the dock looked like nothing I had seen before: The ship had been backed into its slip and just landward of the stern there was a large steel or metal beam of some kind…like supports for a walkway.   Also, I remember being very frustrated by the whole situation and then awoke; ticked off at Elaine for this whole boat-boarding fiasco…. —- As I got up, I told Elaine about the story..and how she had delayed us from our departure with all of our luggage and I was angry about it. We should have stayed in port and gone on a different cruise. But she had bumped into friends of the ship including (oddly) a suave Frenchman and his wife/girlfriend, though she seemed to be from the US.   It was all very odd, and I didn’t think anything about it.   The rest of my morning routine, as always, was plug & play. I used the bathroom, took the vitamins and a big glass of water, poured half a cup of coffee and wandered into the living room where a big screen is driven by a media server and clicked up Google headlines.   The lead item stopped me in my tracks:   “Hundreds missing after ferry stinks off South Korea’s coast…”   And when you click over to the link, pay particularly close attention to the lines of the ship. Yes, it’s a ferry but it also certainly has the side profile of a cruise ship. —- Oddly, I wasn’t particularly “struck” by this whole sequence; it has been slowly increasing over the past 5-years or so for no particular reason. But I popped open the door to our bedroom and told Elaine (who was still awake) about the head and the appearance of the ship.   “That’s just plain WEIRD,” she exclaimed.   There we left it, except to note that there may be some calendar effects to prescient dreaming. Remember, a few years back, my dream about the Gulf of Mexico disaster came in this timeframe… That dream happened on the 19th of April, ahead of the actually April 20th rig accident.   Go look at the pictures of the Costa Concordia capsizing and compare the picture (slow loading, sorry) on this page with this morning’s pictures of the South Korean ferry.   Definitely more than a passing resemblance… —- In the case of the Deep Water Horizon dream (2006) my dream took place a few days after the full moon. Dream on the 19th following the full moon on the 13th.   More recently, my dream (several hours in advance) of the road closure on our March gambling expedition to Arizona, happened the morning of March 12 – four days ahead of the full moon.   The full moon this month was on the 15th, so one day after with today’s dream.   My personal research has demonstrated – beyond any calculable odds – that there is something “non-local” about human consciousness. It’s a symbolic connection and it seems to be spontaneous and perhaps tied in to the calendar though only very approximately.

By |2014-04-17T17:02:31+00:00April 17th, 2014|Announcements|Comments Off on If you have ANY precognitive dream, please log it in our database…

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