
Proj Aug: Welcome to a Historic Month!

Proj Aug: Welcome to a Historic Month!

Welcome to August 2014 everyone! Today marks the first day of a truly historic month for many different reasons. Not only have our dreams uncovered some truly fascinating firsts for humanity in this month, but just the fact that we are collectively dreaming about something purposeful is a monumental first. Throw in collective precognition, and we have a startling new way to look at reality itself.

Project August kicked off at 12:00 AM this morning, initiating what could be a literal paradigm shift in how we perceive, create, predict, and even assess our waking life.

Some of you will be experiencing events for the second time this month. Some of you have already done this in the days leading up to August. Some call it déjà vu, and skeptics call it coincidence. We refer to it as our God-given gift: Dreams…precognitive dreams, that is.

Never before in human history has anything like this been tried at the collective level. Project August kicked off earlier than advertised in April 2014, and dreamers from all over the world began intending to dream about headlines for a period of time that was months in the future.

We’ve had comedy dreams, scary dreams, cataclysmic dreams, educational dreams, monotonous dreams, and so on. We explored the depths of the oceans as well as many of the planets around us. We learned how to sharpen spears and roast peanuts. We ran from the bad guys and fought off the ugly Orcs.

We watched helplessly as huge tidal waves crashed into cities and tornadoes wiped out towns. We watched as viruses took over other human bodies and witnessed terrorists detaining their hostages. We got indoctrinated in the enemy’s web of mind control operations and observed UFOs flying through the Grand Canyons.

Putting it like this, one would wonder how in the world any of our headlines for August could possibly come true, but our Project August dreamers know that it’s the 3D construct that seems more bizarre than the dreams we recorded.

Life is good, but it’s even better through the mirror of our foreshadowing dreams.

History in the Making

When we find some downtime in the coming days (when we’re not busy documenting manifested headlines), we’ll show you just how incredible this summer’s journey has been for our Proj Aug team. As the team leader and creator of this project, all I can truly say is, “Wow.”

Not only have I been able to really create and hone some much needed techniques for formulating future headlines based off collective dream material, but I’ve frankly just been dumbfounded at how some of these predictions manifested in real life.

You can say that I’m both a creative, right-brained individual, but I’m also very much a left-brained skeptic. I had doubts about how this project would turn out. I still do, in fact. However, the significant number of real, hard-core hits over this summer proved to me that there is something genuinely real about collective precognition and the methods we’re using to attain it.

I’m equally impressed about how some of the dream material that I personally skipped (in fear that the event was too unlikely to manifest later) actually came true in precise detail. There were also situations where the dream unfolded so quickly in real life that I didn’t even have an opportunity to extract a headline from it.

Here’s a perfect example. Just days after this dream came in, I received a notice from the dreamer about how it already came true. I still had 3 days until that batch of dreams was going to be read, digested, and analyzed for possible headlines. Check it out, a full 5.0 DreamSeer dream/event:

Dream Title: Animal Abuse (7/21/2013 10:50am)

I am in someone else’s body, either a veterinarian or an animal police behavioral specialist. The abuse is happening while I am there, these are all fresh wounds.When I go from one room to another room, the abuse has happened to those animals. It is my job to get to the bottom of what is going on. The truth about the animal abuse is more disturbing than one can imagine.

Actual News Headline: Little Silver woman pleads guilty in case of dead birds (7/29/2014 4:00am)

Former volunteer at the Monmouth County Societyfor the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals pleaded guilty to animal cruelty charges that stemmed from the death of hundreds of birds that were under her care. She also agreed to plead guilty to third-degree animal cruelty charges. Dragan, who said she was one of the whistleblowers who informed the SPCA about Rell, said she doesn’t want Rell to be near animals again.

On March 9, authorities reported more than 300 dead animals were found in Rell’s home on Mitchell Place in Little Silver.

 Most of the dead animals were birds that were in cages stacked from floor to ceiling in the basement and garage of her home, authorities have said. There also were some dead rabbits, turtles, mice, opposums and other mammals that could not be identified because of the extent of decomposition,

Authorities said Rell was a volunteer for the SPCA who took in birds and other animals for temporary rehabilitation, but apparently became overwhelmed and started hoarding them.

 She admitted to neglect of the birds, including not providing food and water, that led to their death.

She originally was charged with two counts of animal cruelty — one for the dead birds found in her Little Silver home and the other for the other dead animals — each of which could carry jail time up to five years.

 Due to her plea, the second count of animal cruelty to the dead animals was dropped, including animals found at her other home in Ocean Township.

 Rell’ had applied to the court system’s pretrial intervention program, but was rejected, Falco said. The program affords first-time offenders the chance to avoid a criminal record on successful completion.

According to Rell’s own testimony, she had no prior convictions.

 Rell’s sentencing is scheduled for Sept. 26, when a judge will determine the length of probation. Falco said it could be anywhere from one to five years.


Talent and Even NO Talent!

I assure you that this startlingly accurate dream was not the only one this summer, coming out in real life in near-perfect detail. However, I also assure you that even the “non-talented dreamers” (if there exists such a thing) had just as much success on our project, and this is relieving because one of our early contentions was that everybody can dream the future.

In short, we appreciated literally everyone’s participation. Even the monotonous dreams served their purpose. Even bizarre space travels supplied much needed linguistics for the DreamBot to read. Basically, it was the INTENTION that was the key, not necessarily how much talent we could muster.

What Now?

We are currently compiling all the 130+ headlines from this project into an easy-to-read spreadsheet, and we will display them to the public within a couple of days. In the meantime, you may now review the Project August reports using the dropdown menus above. These used to be passworded documents, only for Proj Aug participants, but we’ve now made them open for public viewing.

Even though the collection phase for Proj Aug dreams is finished, you can still participate in this project. All you have to do is keep your eye on the news, and let us know when you see a major “hit” on any one of our Proj Aug headlines.

You can also sign up for alerts, and we’ll send you periodic updates on all our projects. Thanks for being a part of history….as our dreams converge with destiny!

By |2014-08-01T00:41:53+00:00August 1st, 2014|Project August|0 Comments

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