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1/15/25 Motivated by Feel...
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01-15-2025, 12:23 PM
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11/13/24 WWG1WGA
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11-13-2024, 09:20 AM
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Antarctica |
Posted by: Joschka - 11-23-2015, 10:28 AM - Forum: Public Dreams
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This is just a dream about a place. Can't say anything super interesting was happening.
This is actually the second time I have dreamed about the same place.
The first dream was some time ago. All I recalled of it was a snippet of the dream. I was at an American base in Antarctica. But it was not just a bunch of Quonset huts out top of the ice. There was a road along a kind of river or channel or something. One side closest to the water had a big rail. The other side there was a strip of grass and a sort of sunken cylindrical hole in the ground with a big tree in it. I took the sunken part to be something to protect the tree from the cold. Behind the strip of grass was a big institutional type building such as would have been built in the 50s or 60s. I was sort of standing on the corner of another street looking at this. I saw a Jeep like from M*A*S*H* parked on the side of the road, but no people around.
So anyway, last night I had a dream that I was back in the same area, but it must have been later. It seemed like the present time, whereas maybe the old one was in the past or something.
Anyway, it started out looking at almost the same scene. The rail on the far side of the road was gone, and there was a kind of a narrow beach. Beyond that was some water, and then a kind of sand bar or spit, which I suppose would have been the far side of what looked like a channel in the earlier dream.
I was standing a little further down the intersecting street this time. I turned around and there was what looked almost like an old fashioned road in the center of town. One side of the road had a bunch of buildings all hard up against each other with big shop type windows, and doors here and there. they all appeared to be abandoned.
On the other side of the road, the land appeared to go up very steeply. Almost directly behind me were about 8 or 10 broad steps up from the sidewalk I was standing on. At the top of the steps was a big building. I can't remember what it said on it. It started with an 'H'. Something written in English. Below that was a sign off to one side in Russian, which I knew to be identifying a Russian church or chapel in the building somehow, in dream fashion. This was an area to the left part of the building. The rest of the building was supposed to be affiliated with some university, possibly like some kind of field program or summer program.
I walked up the hill behind this building and there was a grassy area that came to almost a short cliff. It seemed the road along the waterfront ended just after the intersection with this other road that went through 'the center of town'. There were about a dozen young people, maybe college aged, listening to someone talk.
I went back to the university building, and saw someone inside the chapel part. They directed me to another building down the street. When I was going back down the steps, I noticed there was a step with a bunch of impression of mens shoes with squared off toes. I had the impression it was a place where maybe a bunch of graduates had stood in front of the school or something. They were only lightly impressed into the cement. I was wondering how they had come to be there, if someone had put them there on purpose, or if it was really from people standing in the cement before it was dry.
I went down the street, which curved around a little bit, and into a building. Inside it was like a student union, or a mall, or something like that.
There was a kind of cafeteria or food court, some long halls curving around corners, etc. There was something that billed itself as a local history museum. I went inside and it just had some kids toys and pretend ships and things. There may have been more to it. But I went back out. Everything was in Russia and Korean. I got a call on my phone and I said, 'Wow, I even get cell phone reception here.'
Somehow I knew that this town, the logistics were being handled by Koreans, but it was overall under the direction of the Russians. Whatever the work was supposed to be here, it had been taken over by the Russians from the Americans. There were some American observers here apparently still, but they weren't in charge.
Then I was outside in a car going down this same road kind of 'out of town'. We came to the end of the road and there was a 'T' intersection. In front of us were some kind of low hills that were all covered with big tractor tires. The ones that are like 6 or 8 feet in diameter. In one direction the road stretch off away from the water around a corner.
On the level ground before the tires were some straggling plants that looked like wild sun flower, and there were some fruiting plants that looked somewhat like blackberries. I remember thinking at first that the Americans had left a huge mess here, with all these tires piled up. But then I realized they had all been placed there to absorb heat from the sun and make the area a little warmer. Going right at the 'T' intersection you would approach a harbor.
So the lay out was kind of like a capital 'I' or possibly a capital 'A'. It was a little chilly, but not freezing. Apparently it was warm enough for grass and some flowers to grow.
I don't know what the 'point' of the dream was supposed to be. But it was very clear it was supposed to be in Antarctica.
Baby Hybrid & Experiments Dreams |
Posted by: Cassandra - 11-23-2015, 10:05 AM - Forum: Public Dreams
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11.23.15 AM.
Dreamed I was in what looked like a class room, like a science lab. There were 5 or 6 people and 1 professor. The professor was measuring out a liquid that looked like whiskey. As he was handing it to a man in the group, he said, we are going to see if this will effect his cognitive abilities. I thought, oh no, I am not drinking any alcohol, it will upset my liver because my enzymes don't process alcohol. I quietly back out of the room.
The next scene I am standing next to a baby who looks to be about 1 year in age, he is sitting on a table. The baby has no hair and has white (paper white) color skin. When I kissed him on the head I noticed the color of his skin changed to a bluish color and then it went back to white. The baby started crying so I asked the person that was taking care of him why is he crying. She said, his skin is very sensitive to touch, we are working on the issue.
The next scene I am walking in a hallway with another woman and we are talking. Up ahead of us I see a wall with multiple doors. I ask her if she is going my way and she says no I need to go ____________.
I go through a door to my left and see I am in an area with a lot of people. There is one man that is small, about 3 or 4 ft. tall. He is acting funny so I ask the person next to me what is he doing? They said he is trying to lighten everyone's mood and he smiles.
Afterthoughts: This place had the feel of both a science lab and a university. Even though I couldn't see everything, I could feel lots of activity going on. This place is huge.
US Military and Chaos |
Posted by: planetgazer - 11-23-2015, 09:26 AM - Forum: Public Dreams
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I had some dreams that were disturbing in nature. When I woke up I said to myself there's a disturbance in the force. Now I don’t remember the first dream that prompted this feeling. However, one dream was about the military and I'm pretty sure I saw FEMA had closed the borders of Williamson County (I don’t live there now) and I was with someone and I told them how they had done this once before and it was no point trying different roads because they would have blocked all of the roads including the gravel roads that go in or out of the county. Then I was able to walk through the gate at one point and there was nobody there. I had gone up with intention of challenging them to tell them it was an unconstitutional act. The sheriff was there. He seemed very distraught. I told him that he had the power to put a stop to this. There were some squabbles going on amongst some different groups and it seemed like it was a period of general chaos. I remember seeing a couple guys that appeared to be dressed up in some kind of Native American war masks, almost demon-like. The persons underneath appeared to be mestizo in heritage. They look like pretty rough characters.
On a further military theme I was lined up in a lane of traffic going over a bridge and I think it was the Colorado River in the Bastrop, Texas area. I noticed the left lane was open and I was able to pass by quickly. Turned out it was just a bunch of military vehicles lined up and waiting to turn right into a military facility. Someone said something about Fort Hood. I said they should have had a sign on the last vehicle. That they did not would indicate it was not a planned event.
A sole muslim woman is trying to buy clothes and can`t |
Posted by: L.A.S. - 11-23-2015, 01:46 AM - Forum: Public Dreams
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23rd November 2015
I am standing at the Klybeckstrasse in Basel in front of the Social Care, and a Modern Muslim woman wants to buy clothes. She has a dark jacket on, a veil on her head, the face is free, she also carries a handbag over the shoulder But always as she comes close to a stand of clothes the sellers do not want to talk to her. She is alone and it is not allowed to speak with a muslim woman who is alone. As i see this i go to a muslim man in a bright blue shirt and i ask him why the people act like this, and he answers he does not want to have any problems. And this is why he as well did not want to talk to her.
I was thinking often to go in front of the Social care and ask the jobless people if the social workers have told them about the Cantonal temporal job bureau. They normally don`t give the information on that there exists such a Job bureau.
23rd November 2015
I dreamt of a white painted piece of wood with a thorn stuck on its left part. I am thinking of the Thornremover a popular sculpture theme.
Yesterday a Mister Thorn wrote to me if he could work as shepherd.
CERN Major meltdown, nuclear fire |
Posted by: Shadewolf - 11-22-2015, 11:14 PM - Forum: Discussion
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Check out this video, CERN is going to be down and out at least 5-10 years if not for good now. They were shooting lead particles, and now the beams burned through the collider in multiple holes, there's a nuclear fire, beam 2 is stuck on at half power and can't be shut off, a pipeline got cut causing a geyser in a lake and citizens were evacuated. Oh yeah, media blackout on it too: https://youtu.be/ye0Zrqq3Gck
I am riding a bicycle |
Posted by: L.A.S. - 11-22-2015, 09:05 AM - Forum: Public Dreams
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22nd November 2015
This dream i had in the morning as it was already day.
I rode a bike and through the city of Basel in Switzerland. I reached the Freie Strasse ( Freedom Street ), and i saw a police woman. It is actually not allowed to drive through the Freie Strasse because it is in a pedestrians zone. But the Police woman lets me go. I turn left and then to the right and it not anymore an area i know, just an asphalted way with pedestrians. Then i turn right for about 2 meters again, and then left and the way goes slightly downwards. Then i woke up.
I think it is a nice dream to think about the directions i make as i drive my bike in the dream.
I am sure the moving directions of the people in the dream have a message we might can learn something about.
I watched a movie about tax evasions yesterday ( in german tax means steer ), I also got a message about a bike i wanted to barter for 6 beers. If i get it without paying money, but instead in exchange for something, it might be a tax evasion… But it is alright, the police woman lets me go.