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1/8/25 Gnosis
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01-08-2025, 10:38 AM
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1/1/2025 Winds of Change
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01-01-2025, 10:45 AM
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12/24/24 Great Awakening
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12-18-2024, 09:48 AM
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12/11/24 Winning the Lott...
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12-11-2024, 09:40 AM
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12/4/24 Where Mind Goes.....
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11/27/24 Mercury and the ...
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11/20/24 People and their...
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11-20-2024, 09:58 AM
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11/13/24 WWG1WGA
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11-13-2024, 09:20 AM
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11/6/24 Cosmic Bonfire
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11-06-2024, 02:31 PM
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Thoughts and Words Matter |
Posted by: *AD - 12-09-2014, 03:05 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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time to P2 this into a different better time line!
This is something a combo of Steven King, Scorcese, George Lucas would produce---
Imagine not so distant future world in which every word has a price tag.
Like an EZ-pass each person is scanned then billed at the end of the month for every word spoken, sung, recited in a poem, read from a passage.
Imagine having to work somewhere not of choice to PAY for those words? Work camp comes close to that description.
Imagine a world where every speaking person is chipped to record every utterance then billed for it!
In this horror film-like world, the controllers are developing something for exceptions like deaf who would have a special chip for thoughts that might be uttered! Well then, let's bill people for their thoughts too; they already have a tax on the air they breathe and water they consume!
Those that cannot work to pay are eliminated.
12/09/14 Contents + Increasing the vibes in Dec |
Posted by: Eagle1 - 12-09-2014, 10:09 AM - Forum: DreamBot Runs
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We begin with CONTENTS, which is a word that is very expectant today because of the torture papers that no one seems to want to out. To me it looks like another setup for a false flag with a perfect chance to pass blame on someone else. To be sure, the torture papers will IN NO WAY display the truth. In fact, they will probably be about 10% accurate, probably trying to convince the world that we DIDN’T conduct severe torture. Well, the world doesn’t need our “secret” documents because they already know the truth. Let’s move on…
Contents is not just a RedAlert-level word, but its the start to our first grouping. Even though I know “Mon” is up there because of Monday dreams, it is somewhat higher than normal for that word. Therefore, group one, which starts with Contents, might actually be of concern: “Contents Juice Mon Apple Impossible.” Yep, it’s an impossible apple juice bottle. Will it make the news?
Group 2 is great for the positivist who want something beneficial to happen in this disintegrating world of ours. This is huge: “Awesome December creating wave increase ancient incredibly opening meeting” Thus we have a dichotomous December on tap. On the one hand, violent Halloween-ish events and on the other hand, one more step closer to ascension or enhanced vibes.
Group 3: Plant-based killings are on the decrease (aka, overdoses decreasing this month?) Beer is also plummeting.
By the way, the reason CONTENTS wasn't a Red Alert is because the only support it received was "Opening" (i.e. open to see the contents....this was too loose and not enough support).
contents juice mon apple impossible gym com classroom agreement robot awesome december creating wave increase ancient incredibly opening meeting girlfriend apart laugh
character figure agreed haunted accurate colors noise word cards kid plant wild killing van currently beer village crush void wow fri
Things are not what they seem |
Posted by: ThePaladin - 12-09-2014, 03:40 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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Exploring an area with trees and grasses. A nature area but not one I recognize. I'm looking for something but I don't know what, just that it's in this place. There are other people around but no one takes notice of me. They're busy with their own activities, hiking/walking along the trails in the nature area. I'm following an energy trail through the area. A man approaches me. He acts like he knows me but I have no idea who he is. He walks with me as if we're together, chatting with me with a familiarity that has me wondering what his game is. He asks what I'm doing and I say I'm out for a hike. Anywhere in particular? he asks. No, I say, even though I know I'm getting close to my target. But I don't want him to know this so I pretend to keep walking. Once he's gone, I'll come back and explore more thoroughly.
Jump to sitting at an outdoor cafe locate in the nature area. The man is still with me. He bought lunch for me. I'm picking at my food. He's talking. I look at him and somehow I know that he's not human, even though he looks human. I know that he's from another dimension and he's here to cause problems. I also know he may not know who I am specifically but he knows of me. I understand now that he's trying to find out what I know about him. I have to be careful to not give anything away, to not let him know I'm on to him. I look around and see others like him, beings that appear to be human. I realize that what I've been looking for is a portal, a doorway between worlds or dimensions and that it's wide open, allowing these beings to come into our world to do whatever they're planning to do. I don't know how this relates to whatever water disaster that's coming but I know they're the cause.
Throughout the dream, I was calm but wary. Cautious. I knew it was imperative I not let on that I knew what was going on with these people.
2 Choices not 2 Chances |
Posted by: *AD - 12-08-2014, 11:14 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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I felt this should go into Project Ano rather than regular dreambase 2 as the dates were so clear and the deadline hasn't arrived yet. I had no focused intention upon sleep.
Metaphors were apparent even as I dreamed, which I found unusual that I was aware as though it was on a chalk board.
Snippets only-
I saw Putin. He was giving a tour of a plush accommodation not a hotel but a place (palace?) where people can stay. Metaphor popped up that it was more of a negotiation arrangement/event.
He was quite gracious, atypically so for the reasons all were there, which became a marker in the dream. It felt more like a deceptive inention yet my sense was that he was not the cul
I also sawprit, someone else was pulling the strings.
I then heard the word 'Leningrad'.
I was offered a room. I somehow knew it was not for me personally but that I was to be an observer and then messenger.
Again- it felt metaphoric yet was actually an awareness that the dream was not personally directed as dreams usually are. It was odd.
Dream shift-
I saw a spanish style church on a hill. California popped in. I was given directions (instructions?) to be on 9th as the most direct path. The second choice was 27th as an alternative.
There was only one (1) chance to take either the 9th or 27th to get to the destination, which felt like a time frame rather than location. The end point was California.
I heard the following, "If you hit California, you've gone too far" and saw the words as though in a HEADLINE or billboard - "HIT CALIFORNIA, GONE TOO FAR". I was not sure what 'hit' signified however, it felt important.
Then I was shown a piece of paper. It was coming out of the top of a printer. It was a STATEMENT rather than an invoice and the format looked like an ACCOUNTING format with a title- STATEMENT with
lines and columns.
One line was pointed out to me had a date- 1/26/2015 then the word TREATMENT. this felt like another metaphor for behavior or intention rather than a service received.
I was told to attach it to a document, however, it could not be a copy as I suggested, it had to be an original and rewritten in order for a copy to exist. the word document felt like another metaphor for the verb- 'to document'. Hence I am recording this dream in Project Ano.
I saw two doctors. What kind of doctors- PhD's versus MD? One man's name was Cohen, the other had a 'vitch' or a 'witz' at the end. Could be residue. They were present to perform a procedure.
They seemed connected to the reason for the STATEMENT having to be printed and promulgated. They were also connected to one of two (again the number 2 as for choice or chance); choices to hit California or something or someone political like the U. S president or Russian prime minister.
I was IMPRESSED by all of this as I felt NEUTRAL about it all like an umpire or observer/reporter should be.
candy apple red |
Posted by: esholars - 12-07-2014, 02:46 PM - Forum: Miscellaneous
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I have not been posting due to being in busy season. I just had to tell you something interesting that I experienced. I had a dream last week that I was chasing a UFO and was looking up at it as it was very close to landing. It was painted on the underside a bright shiny "candy apple red"! I have never heard of such a thing and it has stayed on my mind. Anyone have an idea? No, this was not the whole dream, just the most interesting part.
OMG: McCain on Native American Land |
Posted by: Eagle1 - 12-07-2014, 11:24 AM - Forum: Miscellaneous
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Feds give away Native American land to foreign mining company. Talk about a slap in the face...
McCain's response: “Of all people, Apaches and Indians should understand, because we’ve gone through this so many times in our history,” Rambler said.
My analysis: This is exactly what happens at the tail end of a debt-based monetary system that is run by a private central bank. The government has to give away everything, tax the hell out of everyone, start new wars, keep the old wars in tact, and lie about it all the while. This is all normal in accordance with what system is in place. Don't blame the government because they aren't the ones ultimately at fault. It's the puppeteers behind the scenes at fault, but that's the beauty of their system....they know that the people will blame the government, but really the psychopathic parasites are the quietly laughing at the beach sipping on margaritas.
Ebola |
Posted by: Sherriann - 12-07-2014, 10:35 AM - Forum: Predictions / Headlines
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I still think it's Ebola in the nearer term than immigration, which I agree is still on the plate but silent right now. I also think that 'agent' could be a computer virus re: cyber attack, which I'm feeling is something to watch for again, as well. Maybe earlier than the Ebola theme because The Interview is about to be released on December 24. It might be worth checking for up ticks in the news about Ebola with each spike of the word 'agent'. There were Ebola Crisis Updates issued on November 7 http://www.msf.org/article/ebola-crisis-...ember-2014 and November 21 http://www.msf.org/article/ebola-crisis-...ember-2014; and an up tick in the news about November 25 and again on December 2, as far as I can tell. There is a lot of news dedicated to the situation in West Africa coming out now, December 5, 6. 7.
Here is the link to the Google search 'Ebola vaccine'. Dozens of companies gearing up to make big $.
December 3 - agent visual; visual ship gotta spell, besides, dry press shot hills; shirt treatment wanting; treatment wanting upon global travelling
Ebola is something visual and it had a spell on the ship (US is Obama's ship) followed by a dry spell. If Ebola appears again, that dry spell will be shot and there will be a need for treatment.
December 5 - Agent [Ebola as a] lower worry [has] climbed
Agent is often used in relation to Ebola. Obama has just asked for $6B to combat Ebola. High travel season is coming up. 21 days from December 24 = January 14.
Headline: December 26, 2014 to January 14, 2015 - Airports and hospitals on high alert as the news reports the appearance of Ebola in the US again. .
December 6 - agent (Ebola) village glad film days [in] December
Headline: January 5, 2015 - A new film about Ebola in West Africa that was completed in December 2014 is released in the US.
December 8 - December American horror; horror grocery dare; grocery dare [a] torn experiment; agreed