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1/8/25 Gnosis
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01-08-2025, 10:38 AM
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1/1/2025 Winds of Change
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01-01-2025, 10:45 AM
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12/24/24 Great Awakening
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12-24-2024, 12:10 PM
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12/18/24 Really?
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12-18-2024, 09:48 AM
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12/11/24 Winning the Lott...
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12-11-2024, 09:40 AM
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12/4/24 Where Mind Goes.....
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12-04-2024, 10:04 AM
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11/27/24 Mercury and the ...
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11-27-2024, 09:50 AM
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11/20/24 People and their...
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11-20-2024, 09:58 AM
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11/13/24 WWG1WGA
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11-13-2024, 09:20 AM
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11/6/24 Cosmic Bonfire
Forum: DreamBot Runs
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11-06-2024, 02:31 PM
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Get across the COLD water |
Posted by: 2togo - 12-05-2014, 02:50 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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I am walking/running through a mountain region with other female "friends" (don't recall who they were) we are having fun, laughing and joking around. Someone said we need to get away from the storm, hurry run to the other side. I turned and looked back. It was a huge storm ball, black/grey with streaks of cloud pulling away from itself as it pushed it's way toward us. I (with my dog that passed away) ran down the side of the ridge to where the ground turned to clay. As I reached the creek i looked down at the water and thought it was VERY COLD and DEEP like the water in the caves. When i turned back to say this someone pushed me, as i had reached down to help my dog across, we made it to the other side of the creek just as the storm ball hit. I woke with a jolt, like i was being pushed.
High School friends and mattress search |
Posted by: raindrop - 12-05-2014, 12:48 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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Third dream of the morning: Cuddling with Noah. We are both young. Still it feels a little problematic as though I am involved with several people. But it is very sweet and nourishing. Patrick is there, and other friends from India as a vague group. R. Lal is there. Perhaps this dream takes place in India. There is a white highrise building in the background—it may be where we live. Family members have gone with mom to help trade in a mattress and bed frame. They come back because they don't have the original mattress that came with the frame on them, and Mom is trying to remember what she might have done with it. I am hanging out on the street at dusk or early evening with my friends. Mostly with Noah and trying to keep the others from really cottoning on to new developments in our relationship.
Open Air Market Dream |
Posted by: raindrop - 12-05-2014, 12:37 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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This was a pretty fuzzy dream with not a lot of standout information:
Once again I'm in a crowded open air market area, perhaps it is a holiday bazaar. I notice young children and mothers, and a group of Southeast Asian men. I talk to one of the men, and I think he lectures me on a topic in which he is fluent. Something occurs with a vehicle out of control. I believe I am the "driver", nominally the one in "control" of the vehicle, but it is a bit berserk. In this crowded market area, there is real potential for damage, but I don't believe any accident occurs. The vehicle does perhaps get stuck on railroad ties, or a railroad track. A very young child, blonde hair, talks earnestly to me in a foreign language while leaning over her mother's shoulder. I have a sense of being in a recumbent position at some point for awhile--oddly since this is a bustling shopping area. I remember looking at a sculpture for sale at one of the artists' booths. The market is open air, but I have a sense of it being partially covered by large swathes of cloth draped up high above the street, perhaps to provide shade from the sun—somewhat like a soukh, but it does not have a middle eastern feel. Seattle comes to mind for some reason, but also it is not very U.S. feeling either.
Vampire Manipulation |
Posted by: raindrop - 12-05-2014, 12:31 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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Vampires whom are like scam artists sitting people down to dinner and plying them with food and drink, discussing haut cuisine and suchlike with them to sort of get the juices running in the meat to soften it up, so to speak. Very genial and bonhomie folk, these vampires, exchanging recipes with us while biding their time. Which we know they have plenty of! The rat-bastards.
See, even now I treat it as amusing, when in fact we are talking about those who want to suck our blood and passions! Have designs upon our very lives! They pretend to be interested in us while they turn the screws on us.
It is a feat of classic misdirection of our energy to keep it modulating between settings that suit their purposes, not ours, i.e., between fear and (the longing for) comfort. Some of the tools they employ are television and advertising and news. They steer us capably away from paying attention to what prospers us the most. Instead of free to feel what we will, we are kept under their control. Right where they want us—under their control and blissfully unaware of it. Very effective.
12/05/14 Red Alert: A Phantom/Halloween Journey for December |
Posted by: Eagle1 - 12-05-2014, 12:26 PM - Forum: DreamBot Runs
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Dark days ahead. We have with us today: 1) a Red Alert with tons of support, and 2) Big surging words that just don’t belong in here, 3) Linguistic phrases to support the Red Alert meme. Breaking it down by the 3 numbers:
1.Phantom has been tooling along at just 1 or 2 hits until this morning and then BOOM, it shoots to the moon. In order to qualify as a Red Alert, it needs support, and it has plenty, as indicated by the series of blue arrows. Might as well also cover the supporting linguistics here: “Regular journey Halloween currently December.” Whatever journeys appear on Halloween is what we should probably expect for “currently December.”
2.In that previous linguistics phrase, we have two words that just don’t belong in this time of year. Halloween is well past, and so for everyone to be dreaming about it is very profound. Even though it’s currently December, this word doesn’t belong either, because the surge-ness should be well spent by day #2 or 3. The fact that it’s surging even more this far into December means that dreamers are indeed infatuated with this month.
More interesting tidbits: Everyone remembers agent, and here he/she is again in linguistics grouping #2: “Physical Violent named agent lower worry.” Interestingly, Ablebla's recent incubation about "agent" netted a seemingly ordinary person driving around in a nicer suburb area. http://www.nationaldreamcenter.com/dream..._fragments
Plus, a surprising slow and steady climb by “Lord” who apparently hates visions??
In the Biggest Loser section, “Alarm rain fail,” which could mean that the CA rains will be ineffective. I find it interesting that Lord is escalating and Sin is plummeting. Thank goodness we have a lack of Sin in the world! HA!
phantom regular journey halloween currently december otherwise pretend film physical violent named agent lower worry climbed lord hate vision bridge
office character dreamed garage shot wow swim bear drunk days word alarm rain fail killer castle request illogical induce sin
What happens in Las Vegas...;( |
Posted by: KimSpirit - 12-05-2014, 08:23 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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(Sixth night using SAM or spacial angle modulation - The Monroe Institute. Complementing binaural beats, SAM is designed to increase phenomenon, including oobe and precognition, among other senses. I awakened once again within full pre-separation state, replete with roaring, mass energy eruption from solar plexus, and incredible vibrations. This shortly after entering hypnagogic state, pre-sleep. However, although I did not freak out, I could not yet achieve fully lucid separation from physical. I will keep trying. I am an adventurer. I want the plain vanilla truth. I keep explaining to people "We are spiritual beings having a human experience; NOT human beings having a spiritual experience." I hope that makes sense.)
After six hours of sleep, and after a brief awakening, from my notes:
Keith (husband, passed on 6/11), came to get me and we were whisked off to Las Vegas. (Notice continuous themes: casinos, having to move and pack quickly, luggage, missing keys, and cats.) We arrived at a resort and checked in. We placed our luggage into the room, and our cat, S, chose to stay outside the door of the room, along with another cat meandering around the hotel. We went downstairs and played two-cent machines, unsuccessfully. Quite suddenly, it was time to leave, and we bolted back to the room, but I could not find the key to the room on my key chain, which contained a dozen keys. Keith became impatient, showing me the room key, and separating it from the others. By the time I got to the door, the key again became merged with all other keys, and I could not open the door. Despite being in a panic, confused, I did so, packed all belongings quickly, grabbed the luggage, and worried I would not be able to find the cat. Then, I did, scooping her up under my arm, heading to the escalator. Beautiful plush carpeting in the hallways there. Keith was no longer with me. I got to the common area outside the hotel entrance, and saw a woman we met earlier. Her husband was playing golf. She and her husband (whom we saw earlier in the day) were in their 60s. She had dyed light blonde hair - ash; worn short; and was a bit on the heavy side, but sweet natured and happy. Her husband was much thinner, with a thin face compared to her broad facial features, brown hair, receding hairline. She handed me a folded up piece of paper, telling me it was a gift so Keith could play golf for free, with her husband. I was excited, although Keith never played golf before. He might be interested! I asked her where she was from, and the reply was Montana! I asked her where: reply: Jasper. ???? I explained we were from Biloxi (???? not true). Keith returned to the scene, and we went back into the casino. Keith, on a whim, bought $25 tokens, and won on a slot. He then went to another bank, and won a little more. We walked to a line of slots, and he gave me money so I could play next to him, to his left. I sat down at the machine, and the Phillipino slot attendant woman, grabbed my coral-colored purse from the floor, saying (in broken English) she would place it in the booth for safety. I knew they intended to steal from my purse. I insisted she return the purse, and she turned around to her older mother, who had it. The older mother was spitting mad, throwing the purse at me, in anger. Their plot had been revealed, and she was furious. Keith and I left there, uncomfortable with the experience.
12/04/14 Illogical Induced Water Event - Red Alert |
Posted by: Eagle1 - 12-04-2014, 10:04 AM - Forum: DreamBot Runs
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This could be one of the most intriguing DreamBot runs we’ve had so far. “Illogical” is one of those words I’d love to ignore because it’s one of those things we see everyday. Much of what we see is very illogical, and so to pin down this word to just one specific headline would be a comedy act. Here’s the deal. Illogical actually has a lot of support in the list below it, and there’s an additional meme threaded throughout the run that I believe we can connect to illogical. I hope my logic makes sense, otherwise, this whole run will be about me making an illogical choice to issue a Red Alert. Here it goes…
BLUE ARROWS (just in the top part of the diagram): These are all the words that can be connected to Illogical. Some words are more correlated than others, but I hope readers would agree that some of them are pure correlates (i.e. realistic and scientific are two words that could be pure antonyms.) Therefore, something illogical might be coming, but not the typical illogical that we see everyday. Also, with a word like Illogical, we must have some context, else this is just become a feeding frenzy of random news articles. Therefore, check out the….
GREEN ARROWS: Are we not back to the ocean meme again? Whale, swim, island, floating, etc. Include in here green grouping #1, which says, “Fail swim amazing island lucky difficult.” I find it absolutely amazing that all this water-type memeing is coming out the days before our highest probability for the coast event. Recall our Hawaii caution, “I would suggest that the very top of the probability curve is December 6th, 2014.” That statement was from the Hawaii caution at this link: http://nationaldreamcenter.com/wp/2014/1...on-hawaii/
Now check out the mini phrases throughout the run. “Incredibly golden whale,” but consider it a Killer whale….the linguistics sorting was a tad bit off, but not too bad. We also have a “Bear December” which to me suggests a bear stock market, which would actually match what our DreamIndex seems to be implying lately. Also, “Weed explore epiphany.”
In the bigger picture context, notice how the Caution section (Yellow arrow) is much shorter today than in recent days. I’ve also noticed that the words just below the Caution line are those words that tend to be near their all-time highs, meaning that they aren’t shooting up like Illogical, but they are quietly climbing and doing very well. It's important to look at these types of words even though their surge scores seem rather insignificant.
Grouping #2: I’m worried that the Planet Chinese phrase is also connected with Alarm. Might that be connected to Hawaii?
Grouping #3: Seems like day residue as we now have the NYC grand jury making the same decision as Ferguson. Gosh, the timing of all this just seems awfully coincidental doesn’t it? It’s almost like there’s a staged attempt to get a big race war started. Ah yes, divide and conquer. Works every time.
Okay, so to put this all together, the biggest memes are undoubtedly ILLOGICAL and Ocean or Water-related stuff. Based on my experience, I really think that the two memes are connected, but here’s the problem: Illogical implies human intervention gone awry, but Ocean/Water seems like a more organic/natural event. Therefore, if this whole meme is future oriented or warning us of something, I would expect something 'natural' to be very illogical, meaning that there’s something too coincidental to be scoffed off as a ‘natural’ event. For example, how about Florida and Hawaii both have similar ‘natural’ events happening simultaneously. That would be ‘illogical.’ Of course, we might see a ‘natural’ ocean event be followed by a very illogical governmental response effort. The word “INDUCE” that we haven’t even covered yet is the key here, I think. It will be ILLOGICAL to think that someone INDUCED a big WATER problem, but I think that’s what’s coming. Either way, keep a look out for illogical, induced, and water-related issues….I think it’s coming within about 2 day’s time.
Important Caveat: If we were to take the words Illogical and Induce and put them back into our old Red Alert qualification model, then these words would just BARELY not make the list. I'm talking just 2 or 3 hits away from making the old Red Alert level. Therefore, if nothing happens for this event, it will tell us just how well-defined that the old line was actually drawn, and we can replicate that into our new system. The reason these words are unusually high today is because they both had such a low hit rate all throughout their history to where this accelerated their surge score significantly, and made them look like high flyers in our new model. Basically the new model values both the hight of their current graph and the velocity, or how fast it's reaching that height, and it also takes into account the basic historical movements.
illogical induce sin incredibly golden whale wed sounded killer favorite sweet fail swim amazing island lucky difficult scientific theme bear december weed explore epiphany realistic interesting power continue floating
robot travelling current alarm dreamt planet chinese mon slept nose gotten chocolate wedding spell cop treatment flight gotta
Agent in suburbs (dream fragments) |
Posted by: ablelba - 12-04-2014, 09:25 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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Dream – Agent in Suburbs (dream fragments)
4 December 2014, 7 AM EST / 11:45 LST
I intended to dream about “agent” last night. Had a dream, but can't remember most of it, only fragments;
'Agent' was driving around a suburban neighborhood in a sedan-style car with larger than usual windows (more like a Bel Air, not like a Prius). It was a green place, lots of evergreen trees and shrubs with the dark green or blue-green color, few to no deciduous trees, green grass on the lawns. Weather was cool, but not extremely cold, sky was overcast. The terrain was hilly, but not mountainous. It seemed to be not far from the sea.
Agent was interested in a billboard at one point, but I could not read what it said.
Agent parked the car several times. The streets and concrete curbs seemed to be very new, and the grass on the lawns was well-mowed and maintained, like an upscale neighborhood with gardeners.
Miscellaneous. |
Posted by: KimSpirit - 12-04-2014, 08:21 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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(Note: Once again, I employed the techniques to project, with mediocre results. I was awakened fully within the separation phase, replete with the shaking, vibrations and roaring, but lost it within seconds. These dream-experiences from later
Experience #1: I was flying through the night sky, looking downward. The night was clear and starry. I came across a medium-sized rural lake. The lake was showing the effects of a prolonged drought, and its bare sides were visible, where there used to be water up to those levels. As I got closer, a red star burst appeared in the sky, hovering just above the lake surface. Fireworks? Well, that did not make sense. This was winter, and this was not the Fourth of July. Suddenly, I saw rural people, Saxons, clustered in small groups around the lake. I thought these people were decent, but "hillbilly" types. As the red star burst exploded, I heard some say, "O-o-o-o-h!". As I was flying lower to see the people, I then decided to go back up to the winding road. In order to do so, I had to negotiate a steep, rutted bank, deeply dried clay,looking much like a mountain as I tried to "climb" it.
Scene #2: I am at a big wooden table, pitted. Seated at the 11:00 position was t.v. celebrity Harvey Levin. I expected him to be nasty. I was trying to be kind. I asked him if he owned any small dogs. His reply was pleasant. He said that he had owned a chihuahua. He mentioned another breed to boot, but I cannot remember it. I then saw a small 3-tier bookcase, and on the bottom level, paint cans. I pointed to one, and he said that was the color of his dog. It was a fawn colored paint.
Split up the Middle |
Posted by: raindrop - 12-03-2014, 12:19 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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My husband woke me getting into bed and I was just left with the phrase: split right up the middle. The rest of it I could not recall but it had the feeling of something much bigger.