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2/26/25 Morning Hustle Bu...
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2/19/25 Collective is Hav...
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02-19-2025, 12:04 PM
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2/12/25 Air War
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02-12-2025, 09:53 AM
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2/5/25 February Killer
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1/29/25 Universal Frequen...
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1/15/25 Motivated by Feel...
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1/8/25 Gnosis
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01-08-2025, 10:38 AM
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Fire dragon |
Posted by: Csatika - 08-16-2011, 02:53 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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This is a dream I had had before I heard anything about the reptilian agenda or anything similar. It is more of a strong vision then a flow of occurrances. It happened after multiple anaesthesias and doctors re-booting my brain as they put it. It is not as nasty as it sounds, it's a part of a rapid detox procedure so your limbic system is back to its original state. Since the dream occured in this window of time before my conscious mind could reconstitute itself, I believe it came from a place of intuition. Sooo, here it is.
I'm standing in front of a castle facing it. It looks like a prison or something similar(official structure). Behind it is a fucking big dragon spreading its wings. It is black. Its wing span is as big as the entire castle. The ambience is dark and has an apocalyptic feel to it. The castle is on fire and the dragon behind it is in a frenzy, enjoying the destruction. It wants to burn and destroy all in its path. An old wise man appears. He looks like some Greek phylosopher. White beard and hair around the ears, bald, in a greyish toga. He hands to me a scroll. He says to take care of it so it is not destroyed along with the rest of the world. I take it. It's a formula seemingly containing only two written words (I don't remember them) I know it is the last of the ancient knowledge. I run.
California is gone...part two. |
Posted by: Delta Don - 08-14-2011, 11:42 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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A woman (whom I have encountered in past dreams/visions) then stopped us and said it would be too dangerous to cross and she tried to stop us from crossing… I pushed her down and away from me… I told her that I would not listen to her… We traveled down the road very quickly and made it through the chaos. There were people everywhere and they were very angry and out of their minds, it was a gauntlet.As we came to the top of a valley I could clearly see that there was a boundary of desert in the far distance, but in the valley it was green and fertile. There was a very defined line between the two.We came upon a building, a facility, people were there and I was still barefoot, walking around in my white bathrobe. I was holding these beautiful gems of many colors in my hands and they were full of light. A young woman approached me and I told her my mother-in-law gave them to me. I was telling everyone that California was gone and they all responded that they knew. The young woman helped me walk into a room through double doors. I could see a gold chain wrapped around her body with gems every eight inches or so. When I walked into the room there was a rather stocky short woman with blonde hair and short thick legs that were almost elephant like. Those legs are shaped almost like obelisks. She was standing at a console or some sort or table examining something. I spoke to her about California being gone and she said that I needed to write about it. I started to argue with her and I said: "Why?" that it doesn't matter as there is nothing I could do about it. She told me you can prevent things from happening if you write about it and told me you that I should write about it. I turned and looked at my partner Scott who was standing behind me, at the doorway, saying something to me… Something that I couldn't comprehend. He then turned and walked to the other room with double doors. There was music and a song playing from the corner of the room. It kept singing my childhood name "Donnie" over and over again. It was telling a story that I could not quite make out. It is a song, a story about my life. Then they started putting wires and things into the crown of my head. As this was happening, I was hearing and feeling a very intense tone and vibration everywhere in my body. I was yelling at Scott asking what was happening to me and I kept repeating this and I could not find him. In my dream it reminded me of when I was a young teenager and they ran tests on my brain in Boulder, Colorado in a hospital that was at the base of the Flat Irons. During that testing they determined that my brain waves were primarily in Delta Wave. I was yelling and screaming I wanted to know what was happening to me. I turned and ran into the other room and Scott was gone and his room was totally empty. At this point, I chose to wake up as this dream was so intense. I did not want to write about this one as it was very powerful, emotional and disturbing for me. I feel like I am going out on a limb in relating this experience.In closing, I encourage people to move to a different place of consciousness because if I can create change though writing about my dreams and visions, then you can create change in your thoughts and consciousness itself.
California is gone...part one. |
Posted by: Delta Don - 08-14-2011, 11:40 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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Sunday August 14, 2011 A.M.It was evening and I was walking outside, I was holding a child's hand his name is Zavier a wonderful, beautiful three year old that I know. While we walked outside, we came across a half a wall of marble and all around it, there was rubble… It was marble stone and it was laying all over the place in disarray. I could very clearly see beings in the clouds and I pointed them out to Zavier. As we looked up at them, sitting on their thrones, I noticed that it was a very large gathering of many, many beings in a specific ordered arrangement. As they were looking at us, Zavier was playing at my feet, on the ground. He would glance up a them while he continued playing with something on the ground. I pleaded with them to help earth and to help the humans, to give us another chance. I could see their faces and bodies sitting on their stone thrones. One in particular, was sitting higher than the rest, he was at the top center like a pyramid choir of thrones. I remember he had a beard and white curly long hair that was barely touching his shoulders. He was holding a large staff. These beings reminded me of the ancient Pantheon of Gods. I turned and walked into a building. It was a bright white light inside and I saw two people that I have known since childhood, Jack and Dixie. Jack whom has been ill for several years, but now looked healthy, was walking around making coffee in the kitchen. Dixie was in the other room and she was ill. I looked at my feet and I was barefoot, I thought I was bleeding, there was a reddish translucent fluid kind of like blood on my feet and also on the floor. My daughter Connor then appeared, she thought maybe it was ketchup or something. Jack and Connor helped me as I washed my feet and realized that it was not ketchup. I turned to looked out the window and I could see a very expansive lake and it was a lush green outside and very wet looking. Still inside the room, we were all standing, then a shorter man with short dark hair appeared just standing directly in front of me and his phone rang. He answered and quickly hung up and said, with a blank look on his face "I don't know how to say this, I don't know how to say this".. "But California is gone." I said "Gone?" He said gone, it had slid off into the ocean. As I thought of all the lost lives and at that moment, coming from the west, there was a shadowy wave of energy that engulfed the house, the lights went out and it became dark inside. . Then I asked, "Who called you?" He said: "I can't tell you who, but it is someone who calls me and tells me things." I said "I have someone like that too." I remembered thinking to myself that they have called me since my childhood in my dreams. That is how they would tell me things. That was how I knew about the tsunami hitting Indonesia since I was a child at the age of eight. We decided that we needed to leave. Surrounded by mountains, we drove north through the water and the water was everywhere. We then came to the top of a valley. From there we could see a long road that was headed to the Northeast. On that road there were many, many people on and surrounding the road.
Dream of Hawaii |
Posted by: California Kevin - 08-14-2011, 05:35 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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A while back I submitted a meditational dream about future Hawaii. I have never been there and mentioned that I thought the area might have been Hilo. I was wrong. I recently used Google earth to survey Hawaii. The lanscape and mts\hills in the background almost completely match if one was to be standing hundreds of feet out in the bay in Honolulu. The upper platau that I had seen with the debris would fit exactly where Honolulu is and the height above. The distances of how far the mountain was to the center, right and left were exact. My mind is slightly blown over this.
Texas Flood (SR Vaughan style) |
Posted by: California Kevin - 08-14-2011, 05:12 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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A recent meditation brought about the seeing of the end to the drought in Texas, However, it was with a flood. Now it seemed as it rained hard, it wasn't biblically hard, just that the dry ground did not soak up water and everything stayed on top. This was seen to cause some places to be in water for close to a month.
what is real? |
Posted by: lnl911 - 08-11-2011, 07:20 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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In 2008, I saw these strange things in the sky for 3 months almost every night. I have to tell someone that may believe me. Let me start from the beginning; In 2008, I heard about this lady on YouTube that said, "There will be a big sighting on Oct 14, 2008," so I was excited and thought, "Wow, maybe so I will see aliens." I waited all night. Nothing--So when I went to bed that night I had a dream. I saw a beautiful rainbow at my back door in San Antonio but in the middle of the rainbow was a large eye. It scared me, so I screamed and tried to get away but could not. Then this passed. The next phase of the dream, we (my family) were eating and something was wrong with the food. It was poison but it did not bother us. Outside the dining room window I saw space ships flying around, almost like there was a war going on, but we were not scared. Well, that's all I remember about the dream. But the next day my son and I were on the computers and he said, "Look, there is a beautiful rainbow outside." I looked and sat out on the deck for a while. Then that night we were looking out the deck doors and saw three lights in the formation of a triangle. "So weird," we thought but after that every day on, I would go outside in a field next to the house and wait. There were little red orbs that would come every night, and white ones too. They would come close to me but I could not get close enough to get a look at them. There was a feeling I had during this whole experience. It was a feeling of just seeing someone that you have not seen in a while. A feeling of familiarity, hard to explain. These white lights would run around the house sometimes, and one even shot past my face so close I thought if it wanted to hit me it would have. My family saw some of the red lights, but I think they were afraid of what was happening or they were made to not notice. But one time my husband called me to the back door and in the clouds was a formation of a space ship. We were very surprised. After about a month or so of this, I went to a psychiatrist to get meds or help me because I thought I was seeing things. Well, I started taking the pills, but I still saw the crafts. So in Jan 2009, I wrote a email to one Robert Shapiro (benevolent magic blog) and asked him for help with this. He said he would help me. I still could not stop going outside to see them. One night, I asked what they looked like. That night I woke up because something touched my eyelid. I thought one of my grandchildren had had a bad dream and was trying to wake me up. So I got up to check on them and they were asleep. So I decided to smoke a cig. I opened the back door and in the clouds was a face. The face was that of a gray alien formed in the clouds. I never said a word, just looked and said to myself, "OK." The next night I went out to the field. I stood there as usual and waited. I would see the lights coming so I knew it was them but this time it was different because as I watched to see the little orbs come the light did not get small. It got bigger as it got closer. When it was just above me, I saw the most magnificent array of lights in a circle. I could not see the craft. Only the lights were bright white. I mean bright. They did not hurt my eyes to look at them. They were so pretty. It stayed about 1 min and then left. That was the last time I saw them. When I was about 2 or 3 years old, I remembered a big storm. I was at my grandmothers house. I heard thunder. I remember running to my grandmothers room to hide behind the big chair. All of a sudden I looked out from behind the chair to look out the window and I saw a very dark face. I always thought it was the devil, but now I know it was a gray looking at me.
4 water worlds in one snow globe |
Posted by: LornaEline33 - 08-11-2011, 06:21 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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Iwas standingon the sideof the street in what you can say miami or maybe a caribbean island where there are shops and other people walking near me. Beautiful sunny day.Infront of me stood a lean, tan white male withshort black hair, deep red swim shorts, and no t shirt. Kind ofreminded me of a lifeguardperhaps. But he was definetly a "beach dude". He was explaining something to me while pointing ahead and looking forward. What was going on ahead was a terrible hurricane storm but it was so far in the distance it didn't matter. But the trippy part of it was,the "floor" of that storm was in the air. So the views around me where floating worlds, some vertical, some diagonal. Wish I can find a picture to explain it. It was 4 different worlds floating, close knit together, locked in one snow globe basically but you couldn't see the glass surronding . Just like we can't see the round edges of the world around us. Evertything is basically flat due to gravity. But anywho, while he explained, I was too occupied staring to my topleft wherethere was a white coloredcruiseline ship floating on beautiful clear waters. Hence, I said TOP LEFT. Meaning, that ocean was on higher land, almost like how a waterfall would be. I was facisnated just because it was pretty. What ever was to my right, I didn't remeber. But he was staring at me the same exact way i was staring at that ship when he turned around to see if I was listening...
Natural disaster |
Posted by: LornaEline33 - 08-10-2011, 06:12 PM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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In this dream, I was walking to a friend's house to pick up weed. First I was facing theaverage two story home with white siding, gardenand driveway. In that driveway was a light blue mini van in particular and maybe 2 or 3 other white cars. Then, the "scene" changed and now I was surronded by many people discussing how they will get to the door since all of a sudden there was athick and longsplit in the earth in between the streeet and front yard. (almost where a sidewalk would be). I walked up to the split, looked in and saw the van upside down laying at the bottom of the split along with the other white cars and puddles of water. The sky was also gray. Then scene switched to me looking at a middle-aged hispanic women sitting on a couch explainging something to a group of people, me being a part of that group but more like i snuck in to see what was being said. Scene changed suddenly again (and rarely do i have so many scene switch in one dream) and this time i was walking down the block in which that same houserest at with a blue nurse's aide smock setand now every single house had the same exact split.
Except one which was one house down from the original home. This house was all brown with a beatiful yard and nice, simple, designs along the garden. The trees around the home where deep green, very nutrient trees. It reminded me of a cabin in a way and the sun was standing directly behind it, making it seem like the sun's been out this hole time. Then I woke up..........
The ANUBIS Diet |
Posted by: Jim - 08-10-2011, 11:23 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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O.K., This is my first dream post. So forgive but I was unprepared..... no pen/paper bedside. A little hazy but here goes. Three a.m.'s ago just before wakey I observed two young men, both unknowns- in forest-wide pathways. Then appears the Anubis who proceeded to absorb one man. My attention followed him along path then a stone wall like a fortress support, well crafted. Anubis ejected the man then absorbs the other- now in a village-Anubis is terrorising, people running, maybe he bit some. Now waking I get an intuitive flash like an old mushroom trip epiphany: the Anubis was powered by the Id of each man and was acting out the raw force of suppressed thought. Oh yeah, I had'nt watched anything like sci-fi that night. Anyone else ever had an Anubis dream?........Jim in Pa.
Otherworld Geraldton |
Posted by: Guineith - 08-10-2011, 06:25 AM - Forum: Old DreamBase (Imported)
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This is a parallell universe dream. I dreamt that I was walking from my home in Geraldton to my friend's house at the base of the Moresby Ranges. It was a very long walk, but it was a pleasant day, so I didn't mind. It was overcast and not at all hot and rainclouds and mist were hanging over the mountains. The grass was brown and dry however, so I guess it must have been the end of summer. Someone had built a highway across the Moresby Plains running north-south and the road edged gradually closer to the mountains. (in our world, no such road exists).
Geraldton as a city was nowhere to be seen. The scenery was that of a vast grassland stretching as far as the eye could see. Actually, even the sea was not visible, as if we were quite a bit inland, or at least a few more kilometres than is the case at present. I felt as if I was in the far future. The Ranges also were of a granite geology, whereas in this world, they are of basalt intrusion geology. Also, the climate was temperate, not semi arid as is now the case.I began looking for a certain track into the mountains that I knew I would have to take.
I found the track, it was like a small pass, about 6 foot high, into the almost vertical mountain face. It was called the Wombat's Digging and the story was that long ago a giant wombat had made a burrow here which had caved in to form the pass. The fact that the digging seems to have been through solid granite simply didn't cross my mind...
I walked up the track a short way and found myself in an old ruin. It was immensely old and mossy, with stone retaining walls lining a path, and a more recent wooden bridge to my left. I turned to the right, up the retaining wall path, and instantly found myself in my friend's house. I was in her room and she was there. She was shutting all the security shutters and seemed nervous, xenophobic even. Her fears seemed irrational, she kept saying "It's getting dark, I have to shut the house up now". I went into the living room and her parents were there. Her mother was making a fish soup and it looked delicious. I said, Gee, Mrs ***, that smells great, but I'd better be going now, it's getting dark. She said, "Of course, love. You've got a long walk ahead of you. Take care!" and wasnot at all frightened for me walking so many miles alone in the dark. There seemed to be no fear in this world, other than the fear in some people's own heads. She was, as ever, relaxed and friendly. I turned to go and as soon as I walked off, I awoke.