
Your Weekend DreamForecast

Your Weekend DreamForecast

3555700749_ddbb69293e_mSince this post is later than I wanted it to be, I’ll go ahead and consider it more of as a weekend forecast. The dreams around the country right now are looking much more positive, with the top word = ‘Friend.’

Earlier in the week, we were bracing for a major change in social sentiment surrounding the combination of “school” and “white.” Although no real showstopper appeared, Wednesday, there just happened to be the makings of another school shooting, complete with lockdown and police barricades…this time, just a single, suicidal female, who was allegedly not going to hurt anyone else.

What’s interesting and something rarely seen in the ‘violence in education’ genre of newscasting, is that no one was harmed. Of all the bad that could have transpired in this case, no one was hurt. Plus, is there any coincidence that this event took place in White County, Georgia? Take this event, which is hopefully the end of the expected “trouble” associated with “school,” and combining that with our updated dream weather, we should expect a rather mild weekend.

That’s the positive news, but here’s something that can’t be analyzed yet for positive / negative orientation. Be aware that the “global lesson” or “earth school” is still a very prominent key phrase. The new language surrounding it is this: School, walking still inside man-kind. This is even more pronounced than the earlier phrase that caused me to get onto this notion of “planet school.”

I’m really not too sure how to assess this phrase, but I do feel it’s a pivotal piece to our DreamForecast today. Either it means that something challenging will serve to teach us something or we’re entering a period of change and adaption. Many times, change can certainly be uncomfortable, but doesn’t learning and being challenged make us grow? ….okay, well, maybe just some of the time…

Different and Unfamiliar

Next issue: imagine a concrete wall directly inside of our dream content, and its name is “Different/Unfamiliar.” The way this wall is laid out on our linguistics chart, there is absolutely no way to avoid it. In general, it separates all the sentences’ subjects from their verb and descriptive aspects. For example, in one line, the ‘friend’ is separated from ‘school walking’ by the words “different/unfamiliar.” On the second line, it’s the ‘strange school’ that is separated from a ‘sure man.’ The ‘old girls school’ is separated from the ‘man walking’ and the ‘inside work.’

I don’t think that the the subject and verb phrases are all that critical…it’s the great big, undeniable, and bold “Different/Unfamiliar” wall that divides all the dream content in half. Something is up here. If our dreams are showing us something to come, I would expect something, big and bold that is also very different from the norm. Is this a new invention that will rock our paradigm? Politicians actually telling the truth? Aliens talking at the UN? How big and how strange? And more importantly, WHEN?

Let’s just keep it simple for now:

Overall, spend time with your friends and enjoy the comfortable weekend. But, expect something big and bold and strange to come into our world. Let’s just go ahead and throw out a time marker for now…how’s two week’s time sound? If you get the word on this strange something before I do, then please let me know!

Other than that, I’m off to build our first Project August report and prediction matrix. The PA forecast will have much more detailed summaries than this report because we actually read each dream and pull out exact dream events and descriptions. So far for August 2014, we have the location and timing of a coastal event, some very big economic news, and some other very important trends to watch. But only those who submitted PA dreams will be able to read that report. For those who did submit, you’ll be receiving a password and link via email.

Until then, cheers everyone!

(c) Share directions GRAY

By |2014-05-02T13:03:56+00:00May 2nd, 2014|DreamForecast|Comments Off on Your Weekend DreamForecast

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