
Soul Rising, ITT, August Teaser

Soul Rising, ITT, August Teaser

sparklingdiamondI guess I should just accept the fact that neat little surprises will magically appear every time I run the DreamBot. Something sparkled like diamonds in our collective dreams last night, something that definitely stands out from the typical bot run.

Barring any other significant news, I was planning on tossing a little bit of theory into our discussion. Most of the time, I think, when you try to mix dreams and theory together, you end up with controversy.


Because you’re dealing with a dimension that can’t be seen, touched, measured, and even “proven.” My cohort over at Reddit.com expressed to me yesterday his deeply held expectation for mainstream science….”it’ll only be a matter of time before the existence of a soul can be proven” (or something to that effect…the words ‘soul’ and ‘proven’ were clearly the emphasis).

So, why was I profoundly surprised that this same word would make it all the way to #4 on our linguistics DreamBot run? It almost seems like my unconscious mind is actually impressing the bot to produce certain results.

When is the last time the word “soul” made it onto any bot run in the past, by anyone’s linguistic algorithms? It certainly never appeared on the DreamBot chart….ever.

This is yet another one of those “meaningful coincidences” that psychologist Carl G Jung described during his tenure on earth. Jung plays a big role in our work here because if his “collective unconscious” is real, we’re taking it one considerable leap forward, if that’s even possible.

“Soul – Around – Sure – Feel”

Because “soul” was in the 4th position, it only gets one chance at being in a cool linguistics phrase, so the above four words are it. It feels vaguely familiar like there’s something tangible about this. It’s almost like those scrambled word illusions, where even though the letters are all scrambled up, we can still easily get the meaning of the paragraph. Have you seen this…

(courtesy of http://www.brainhq.com/brain-resources/brain-teasers/scrambled-text)

scrambled words

For me, this synchronicity about my conversation today, my intention to talk about theory, and the word ‘soul’ really encapsulates all the stuff we need to discuss here.

DreamForecast – Observation

There are many new words in our list, but ‘car’ maintains the top spot. This is leaving me somewhat concerned because there doesn’t seem to be any release in the language anytime soon, and absolutely nothing that I can find in the past to explain it (i.e. any internet news searches).

I remember early on when ‘car’ and ‘house’ were squirming up and down near the middle. Ever since the Grand Cardinal Cross, car seems firmly planted with no intention of leaving. There might be something here, I just haven’t figured out what it…….wait a second. Notice what I just wrote….Cardinal? I just noticed that, too–there’s a Car inside Cardinal…the very thing that has been apparently keeping humanity in a bind! Did we just get our answer?

Now, don’t get too excited here, but I went ahead and replaced the top three words of the linguistics table (car, think, old) from the search engine and replaced it with “Cardinal think old + news May 8, 2014.” Top return? Messianic Blood Moon Rising on Passover Seder Night.

For those who are new to the site, this takes us back full circle to our original linguistics work, which I see as something significant. If there’s anything the Universe is communicating here, it would have to be that the Grand Cardinal Cross and the Blood Moon period we are/were traversing is about to become “old thinking” (another significant phrase in today’s bot run)

DreamForecast – Future

As far as the DreamForecast goes, wow. I am just floored about what I’m seeing on the positive-negative analysis. Basically I have two different bot programs reaching out and feeling the two extremes and looking for commonality or consensus from both sides.

The word “LIFE” is exactly the #5 return on both runs! I cannot believe this. How much more positive can we get? Also high on each list is “BACK.”

I’m going out on a limb here, but based on the positive returns of the DreamBot (specifically, the very impressive and significant message from “Soul”), and matched with the aforementioned “Life” and “Back,” that we as a race are poised to bring the unseen reality (the Human Soul) “Back to Life!”

How will that play out in real-world events? Well, a great start is the headline that “Fast-food worker strike about to go global

To be sure, the big impetus here is money / minimum wage, but think about the underlying message here…is fast food healthy (I mean generally speaking)? Does it bring life to humanity? To me, a global strike on fast food is very symbolic of bringing humanity back to life.

Please be aware, though, that “Life Back” can become somewhat negative. One dreamer notified me yesterday that Marketwatch highlighted “The Coming Population Wars,” where (no surprise) the billionaires have officially decided that Planet Earth is overpopulated.

Going forward, I expect to see more headlines surrounding the word “Life” and the very existential concepts like “soul” and “consciousness.”


DreamOsophy: SOUL Rising

Without much time left, how about some relatively new news about consciousness, dreaming, and the hidden fabric of reality?

In order to explain precognitive dreams, the word “soul” seems to make the conversation much easier. However, what if we couldn’t use that word because we have a bunch of skeptics in the room? In years past, the word “consciousness” was almost just as taboo, being perhaps too new-agey or woo-woo.

However, a new paradigm of science was generated by neuroscientist Giulio Tononi called Integrated Information Theory (IIT). It remained hidden until world-renowned neuroscientist Christof Koch shocked the science world in 2009 by publishing his convicted support of this new orientation to life and consciousness.

In this theory, “consciousness is born out of networks with high degrees of integrated information.” More importantly, these information-filled networks can be measured in the lab. The article talks about making magnetic ripples into a sleeping brain and measuring the resulting information.

I couldn’t help but recall our previous article from Foxnews: We know what you’re thinkingNew studies based out of Berkeley, CA are literally reading peoples’ minds, with startling results. If you haven’t seen those pictures, it’s worth a look.

The basic concept of how they manage to pull this off sounds very much like ITT. The neural synapses are basically tiny electrical currents that naturally emit information. Everywhere is information, and according to ITT, “Consciousness is a fundamental property, like mass or charge.” Therefore, information is also fundamental. It’s just there. It just is.

Ummm, and dreams?

Oh yes, thanks for the reminder. The big question now is what comes first…the chicken or the egg? Does the information come first to fill the networks, or does the network itself create the information?

Welcome to precognitive dreaming, my friends! While your self-generated memories are freely circulating during your dream, your electrical circuits are also being subjected to the bigger information field.

Right now, you’re literally swimming in electromagnetic fields, even when electrical devices are nowhere near you. EMF extends infinitely even though its strength drops drastically with distance. But even without electrical devices, you’re sitting right inside the living Earth’s huge electromagnetic field.

But because you’re always established in this information goo, which is timeless, your dreaming mind is constantly being bombarded with future information. Now, here’s the problem with the theory….some people are more “in-tune” with the future “mind” or “soul” or “collective unconscious” than others. Fortunately, I’m out of time, and so I don’t have to worry about crossing that bridge this morning!

Last Call

Project August dreams are steadily coming in, and I appreciate everyone’s efforts. I couldn’t help but take a peek at the linguistics with the current dream content. Here’s an interesting phrase that stood out: “Large Front Waiting.”

Take care everyone, and please be a part of the Soul Rising, okay? Let’s bring some Life Back to Humanity.


Chris McCleary

(c) Share directions GRAY

By |2014-05-08T02:09:26+00:00May 8th, 2014|DreamForecast, DreamOsophy, Project August|1 Comment

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One Comment

  1. Daisy Navarro May 12, 2014 at 3:12 pm

    Congratulations Chris on this blog…and on your participation in Coast to Coast!
    Daisy (fellow dream work explorer)

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