
DreamBot Stages and Humanity on the Move

DreamBot Stages and Humanity on the Move

Okay, well this is it everyone! We’re headed into the “next turn” as a human race. Early on in our DreamBot runs, we were seeing a “nice and easy, expected turn.” However, more recent DreamBot runs have indicated that this turn would be more “Different/Unfamiliar” and then most recently, an all-out “weird” and “strange” was hinted.

However, I do get the impression that this weirdness will creep up on us in some way. Maybe it won’t be in the limelight, not a national headline. Instead, we’ll be purposefully watching which way humanity has decided to go as of this week. The bottom line question is: will we go in a positive direction or a negative one? This week’s DreamBot runs and preliminary headlines should provide some needed clarity.

Before we get into the daily observation, let me first say that there is literally way too much for me to discuss here. Our guests and readers are providing magnificent material, and it’s hard to keep up. This is not a request to slow down….please keep the comments coming….you all are AWESOME!

One thing I do feel compelled to say right away is the idea of positivity versus negativity. I think many of us are ready for something new and fresh. I’ve heard some people talk about yearning for anything, as long as it differs from what society is like now. Someone else said something that I think is quite true:

“there are numerous ‘awake’ persons that are hanging tight to negativity, expecting a glum future, I am only too happy to wish/forecast better for humanity”

This comment wasn’t a dig against the DreamBot, but just a general comment toward creating a better future for us all. It’s so so SO important that we all realize just how powerful we are as co-creators, and that statement above is a kind reminder.

Here’s something that is also very very VERY important for my readers to understand….there are 3 discrete phases that this DreamBot idea will progress through (hopefully), and I want to discuss these important phases now, so that everyone can be on the same sheet of music with dreams, forecasts, and co-creating. Some readers have already seen this vision, without me really saying anything about it. Take for example, the following email snippet from Stanley. This is one guest who totally gets it…


… to prove the world of the unconscious mind is connected to our day to day lives. The recorded dreams would [removed for integrity of the vision] to reinforce the power of their unconscious minds, once the collective group and groups of dreamers see and feel the link, its time to turn the collective un-conscious into the collective ” CONSCIOUS MIND ”  in my vision with the help of [removed for integrity of the vision] begin focusing their intentions towards the past, present and future. What i mean by this is, who killed JFK?, where is the missing jetliner?, no war in the middle east or Ukraine!.

The powers that be. This is what they fear the most, never ever can they allow us, as humanity to feel our commonality, as one, we become powerful co-creators in are future, this is why they promote racism, class war, religious dogma, nationalism, political gridlock and separation between us and are creator, and of creation it self. The world has become fractured, like a broken mirror, the face of humanity has become a collection of distorted images. It’s time to put the pieces back together.

Once we become free of this tribalism, and with tools of this nature, it will be truly be a time to heal and rebuild on something new, something transformative.
Also in my vision I see a tuning fork vibrating, with a ring of wine glasses forming a flower pattern around the centre vibrating fork, all vibrating in unison.

I became very emotional because, i could see us all waking from this collective sleep walking into hell, to co creating a heaven here on earth. There have been main wonderful researchers and speaker on coast, and I would like to thank them all for their work, I have a deep thirst in my soul for the truth, wherever that truth may take me, and I know in my heart of hearts I am not the only one.

I also have a yearning for truth, wherever that truth may take me. Stanley is definitely not alone. With that, let’s discuss the phases of the DreamBot/DreamForecast process:

1. Refine and improve the DreamBot and DreamForecasting. We are clearly in this phase now, and we are NOT concerned about co-creating at this point. We are solely interested in establishing accuracy in forecasting future events through dream content. Of course, we will always be working on ways to improve, but this phase is all about looking deeply into the dream content to figure out even more ways for accurately dream-predicting. This phase is all about predicting accurately.

2. Establish credibility. Being on Coast to Coast and various radio stations isn’t good enough. Achieving 50% success rate isn’t good enough. We need to become reliable enough such that people will heed the forecasts. In fact, success rates are simply a distraction. The key is all in the amount of people that appreciate the predictions. The reason why? Because that will mark phase 3…

3. Pure and effective Co-Creating, but with a twist. Not only will we have enough people to fully influence society as a whole, but we’ll be in true harmony with the collective unconscious. THIS is a very critical point. On Coast to Coast, I talked briefly about pushing a child on a swing. If you push at the wrong time, the swing slows or stops. But if you push at the perfect time, you have minimum effort to get the swing higher. The same concept applies to co-creating. If we all intend for higher consciousness at the wrong time in humanity’s cyclic swing, then we actually stunt humanity’s growth! Most co-creators out there will never hear this message, but it’s one of the most important messages we need to hear!

We MUST make our intentions commensurate with the natural cycles of the human collective. Believe me, we are cyclically ready for peace at certain times…it’s all cyclic! Dreams (specifically, the DreamForecsats) will show what those cycles are and when they occur.


Interpret ALL your experiences

I saw this dream, and it is so close to what we are talking about that I decided to include it. Basically, how we interpret ALL of our experiences (dreams or otherwise) will determine what kind of future we have.

Fixitallguy submitted this dream: I had this dream around May 1st, 2014. I was on a large fast moving river in a pontoon all by myself. I can see in the distance there are a couple more people in front of me in boats too. All of a sudden there is a huge drop in the river and as I’m going down this steep drop and I can feel my stomach drop, like on a roller coaster. Once I reach the bottom I am submerged under water and everything goes black. I flash to me on shore removing the motor and tipping it upside down getting the water out so I can get the motor running again. This dream really helped me out with not being afraid anymore of the unknown future and told me that there is something big coming but that I will be  alright and I have the skills to get things back in order again.

Instead of judging our experiences as bad or good, how about we learn from them and see how we can improve our life somehow. Something big is coming, and such is the life when you’re creating/predicting from your dreams!


Hurray for one our Dreamer’s predictions

Jim commented this on May 15th: I don’t know why I would consider this odd, but I am following up on my Preakness dream and it looks like the number fourteen may have been the date for the post position draw (yesterday) and the number three turns out to be the number that California Chrome drew as starting position! Even though he is a heavy favorite I really believe my dream is predicting, or rather foreseeing, his win! I have to say it is a strange feeling when this happens…

So, who won? Preakness!



So, apparently the chains are coming off today or this week, which means humanity is about to move. Does the DreamBot agree?

In short, very much so. Would you be astonished if you found “Car” almost all the way off the table? It’s just barely hanging on at the very bottom, and this really does confirm that things will probably start happening.

Next, we do really want to know whether it will be a positive or negative direction, right? I have good news and bad news. The good news is that the whole linguistic table feels fairly neutral. It’s not just the words (we have one lowly “night” and one lowly “weird,” but nothing else to indicate positive-negative. The bad news is that “night” is the only presence on the table of pos/neg.

Here’s another problem…the DreamBot predicts that our “next turn” is going back to the old perhaps, but there’s a chance that the language is too ambiguous (I’ll have my take after the examples.) Some will see that we will go through a period of “old” before we can get to the “different” and “weird.” Here are some examples:

“People think through time”

“Time house old”

“Looking remember old around”

“Thing around old”

“Night around through going kind life” (this in particular makes me believe we’ll see some typical night-environment before the new breaks out in a weird and different way.)

“Saw going old life sure felt different.” (this one produces ambiguity because it’s past tense of “see,” which means that old might actually be behind us.)

“Door life old felt sure still different”

This last one keyed me in that something different is indeed on its way, but it will initially feel like something typical and old (all the while it is very different). I don’t have a firm grasp of what this scenario will look like.

Looking at dream trends, though, there’s a high possibility that this event may be associated with an aircraft carrier. We’ve seen this word in recent weeks, with some overlap over there at Nostracodeus.com. I’m just wondering how something new and weird could pose as old and different on an aircraft carrier. I haven’t a clue.

One of my rules is no talking about religion, so I will not comment on this, but I think this situation may have a better chance at “new posing as old.”

However, there’s something that really strikes me as VERY odd. Take a look at the picture below. Clearly, the CA fires are the biggest headline right now, so most people would only consciously see the fire picture. Thus, the two pictures below it are ripe for subconscious programming. If you’re not up on subliminal technology, I suggest that would be a great place to do some research…and quick!

Okay, so answer me this….why is the yellow gun pointing to a politician on the left? Is this mere coincidence, or has our dreams pulled out what someone might be planning next? Check out the picture, and then check out the dreams below it. Note, the screenshot was taken at 9:39PM CST on 18 May, but also note that the video to the right was showing the start of a major marathon somewhere….and get this….someone was shooting red smoke at the contestants with what looked like a gun!

foxnews stungun

Dream 1: was in the gallery at house of reps–a man with a small pistol -also a senator-shot [name removed]–much commotion–he was escorted out & said “I did this for you people” then I awoke in a sweat.

Dream 2: This one started at a political campaign or rally. There were a large gathering of people somewhere around 5 to 6000 people to hear the political speaker speak. It was a beautiful blue sky and it was a nice mild day somewhere on the coast of the eastern seaboard of United States of America. I saw lots of red white and blue balloons I heard crowds of people giggling and talking in anticipation for the speech. I heard the speaker approach the mic and give his speech people were clapping and cheering for him. Then from a top of a building to the far left I heard the echoing of four gunshots. The crowd went into mass hysteria and anarchy. People were crying and screaming as I saw the speaker had been hit. And this is where I woke up. Unfortunately I’m not certain of the exact city or who the speaker himself was.


In other news, “Weird” still has a presence.

Is this article weird enough, or is there more coming in the next week or so? I was kind of hoping that humanity’s “next turn” would be one of weird rather than good/bad, positive/negative.


Folks, I’m out of steam. This DreamForecast has been a doozy to say the least! What will come will look very old, but all the while, remember that it’s new. Last phrase from the DreamBot: “Sure going different life.”

Blessings to all,



Copyright © 2014 Chris McCleary. Except for quotes of others, all rights reserved.




By |2014-05-19T03:00:54+00:00May 19th, 2014|DreamForecast|Comments Off on DreamBot Stages and Humanity on the Move

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