
‘Layered Dreams’ & yet another PA dream comes true!

‘Layered Dreams’ & yet another PA dream comes true!

Another gold star for Project August!

Another Project August (PA) dream accurately predicted a current headline that has high possibility for happening in or near August 2014. Here are the details:

Project August participants know that one of the biggest trends in our entire collection of PA dreams is the archetype of WATER. However, this PA prediction comes from a singular dream of the opposite archetype (drought). Let’s read the actual dream sent in by “Yoda”:

Went to bed as usually about 23:45 No drugs, no alcohol (as usual). Used the suggested method for project august: repeated 5 times “I wish to have a dream about news in august 2014”

The dream: Standing in between a small city or town. Only simple houses, flat, one store. Some kind of southern architecture. No window frames or glass, no doors, just holes in the wall. But it seemed absolutely normal to me. Just a few people on the street. Walking normal, no stress, calmness all around. No need to talk to someone. I seems like everything was fine. The sun was low and soft yellow. No blinding light. The streets were dusty. All the atmosphere was full with dust. There were no flowers or plants. Everything was in that soft yellow brownish light and dust. I notice a sign on a wall. Painted with a broad, about 2cm, brush with white color. It was a broad oval with an X inside. This X crossed out some other symbol in the middle of the oval which I couldn’t recognize, because it was also in white. I saw the sign in a view different places in different variations like it happens when painting freehand and using no mask. My first thought in the dream was that this symbol depicts an eye. But I also knew that was wrong. I saw some more variants but came to no conclusion. After I woke up, I tried to draw the symbol. That was difficult, because I just had a pencil at hand. But just after starting to draw, I had a strong idea of a goblet or chalice in the middle of the oval. I’m sure it was a chalice with an upper cup and a socket beneath that were X-ed. And immediately after recognizing the sign, I understood the meaning of the dream: There is no water at all in this place! – Its dry. A drought. That’s my 2cents. yoda

The big takeaways from this dream are two things: 1) a drought, and 2) in the “South.” (actually three things if you include the August intention)

Okay, now it’s time to bring in yesterday’s headline, where Yoda accomplishes a triple hit of predictions: a drought expected in the South, very close to the August 2014 timeframe:

Drought sweeps the U.S. — At least 12 communities in Texas to run out of water in less than 45 days, reports say

This article came out exactly 7 days after the dream, which incidentally is the norm now for those PA dreams that are already showing mainstream headlines.


More Weirdness…

If you saw this headline, what would you think?

White House says CIA will stop using vaccination programs as cover for operations.” Incidentally, this was one of the biggest headlines yesterday…here’s the Foxnews link:


I have a question for you: what is more weird: The CIA stopping vaccination programs as cover for their operations or the fact that the White House is talking about it? This story has bizarre all over it, and carries the theme of Monday’s main search (“life sure felt different.”)


So, are there any headlines that AREN’T weird? We return to Foxnews for this breaking no-brainer. The actual headline read “Fox News Poll: Americans less happy compared to decade ago.” Doesn’t sound surprising, except it was more drastic than they made it out to be… the first sentence of the article says: “Americans are a lot less happy today compared to more than a decade ago, a Fox News poll finds [emphasis mine].”

Hmmm, now why would this be, I mean the economy is doing great, everyone is busy at work, sports fans are still supporting their teams, life is great, right? [a strong belly laugh is good for the soul every now and again, but being cynical is not, so please excuse me]

Those who’ve figured out that the happiness doesn’t come from the exterior world but rather from the deep inner self, has a large head start on where I’m going with all this. We create happiness from the inside, regardless of what the exterior says, but mainstream has yet to pick up on that. Consumerism has yet to make one person perpetually happy.


Another White House dream

Depending on your political orientation, you may be elated or shriek at the following dream input just hours ago. It speaks for itself…

I dreamed that I was a worker on the White House staff. I was welcoming Bill Clinton back into the White House, and Hillary who had been elected president. I feel this is a precognitive dream. I am certainly not a fan of either Clinton and frankly, to me, this is a nightmare. But wanted to share it because I feel this decision has been made by the “controlling elite”… that is what I feel my dream is telling me. I personally thought Jeb Bush would run against Hillary and beat her; but now, intuitively, I feel he may not run.


And now, some more “How To”

(this time a very advanced topic)

Yesterday, we introduced some of the basics of dreaming. We started with a brief synopsis of how to remember dreams. I actually went a long period in my life without any dreams at all. I thought I’d lost the ability to dream! What I didn’t know was that the dreams were still there, I just lost the ability to remember them. So, I wrote up a summary of various ways we can remember dreams, and I started a new section to this website called “How To.”

If you missed the article yesterday and want to learn about how to better remember dreams, I actually started a new menu item above called “How To…” Under this menu item is a dropdown menu that will have a growing list of available dream-related lessons, which brings me to our next How To:

Layered Dreaming

Would you be overwhelmed if you experienced, say, six dreams all at once? Could you imagine trying to sort them all out, documenting them accurately each morning? Well, just in case I have your interest here, I have an extremely advanced dreamer who desired to share his amazing experiences with all of you.

This information will also be posted above under “How To…” in a page called “Layered Dreaming.” This article was written by our fairly new guest (but not new to dreaming), Eric Hul…


Layered Dreaming

As you probably know, the word “dream” is an umbrella term that covers a variety of experiences pertaining to a state of consciousness different from what is assumed to be a “waking state”.  The interesting assumption here is that physical perception within a domain of consciousness is somehow separate from other domains.  In other words, we sometimes assume that our waking life is not a dream.  Perceiving a difference in mental states (a differential caused by consciousness in motion) is what allows for this distinction.  From my experience however, this may in fact be an illusion.

This may sound a little strange, but after remembering thousands of “dreams” in the waking beta state, as well as having access to the ones I’ve forgotten (in a mid alpha meditation), I sometimes find it difficult to feel a difference between the reality of my dreams and my waking life.  I suppose this could be because I’ve spent so much time traversing other mental realms, that my local “reality” has expanded to encompass our “other” less limited functions.  Obviously, this took considerable time to assimilate into my personal model of existence, and not without a headache or two along the way.

If the only “time” is indeed the present, and everything is being created NOW, then it may be that all experiences are in fact layered to some degree.  It’s just a matter of how they are perceived, oftentimes (and somewhat ironically) in retrospect.  I’ll send you a more detailed analysis soon, but basically the layering of dreams may come from a unified present-past “recall” of experiences occurring sporadically (for me at least) during moments of expanded awareness.  After waking, it is simply a knowing-ness that several dream experiences have occurred simultaneously, similar to how you feel in the signal line during stage 4 of CRV (Controlled Remote Viewing).  Everything is remembered, but it is not possible to discern any “gaps” between dreams (I call these “splices”).  Since my standard protocol involves using a digital voice recorder during the night, many “standard dreams” are clearly demarcated by the order during which they are recorded.  However, in the case of layered dreams, ALL 6-12 dreams are recalled AT ONCE.  Each dream has a “start” and “finish” but I experience them in my mind as “stacked”.  Obviously, the first time this happened to me, I was overwhelmed, so it took some time to get used to.  By the way, this is different from what I call the split-screen phenomenon that I experienced in some of my early OBEs (Out of Body Experiences) which I can detail for you later.

Personally, the differences between “regular dreams”, lucid dreams, “tangent” OBEs, “flash” dreams and concurrent life experiences (parallel, time-displaced realities, often called “past-lives”), is clear, although each one is technically a different perspective on the same “reality”.  Even though there have been so many, I’ll be glad to share some of my findings with you regarding techniques for adapting fixations to control the direction of these experiences.

Finally, regarding the pre-sleep intention protocol for Project August, I have found that a distilled passive determination during the hypnogogic state works better for me every time.  In no way do I want to change your SOP, so I will stick with your procedure, regardless of the result.  However, is it alright with you if I experiment with my way once in a while?

(This section Copyright © 2014 Eric Hul. All rights reserved.


Let’s give Eric a big standing ovation…powerful stuff, but this is not all he sent! We are going to hold the rest for subsequent days because too much of this can be overwhelming for some of us. As we put more of this information into our articles, much of it will end up in other places, such as ‘DreamScapes’ or ‘How To.’ If it’s instructional in any way, look for it under the ‘How To’ menu item above. Eric’s above article went to this link.


Overall, we’re still hanging onto the old – “People think old” is the top key phrase. As far as energy goes, there’s a slight preference to the feminine, but it’s not very strong. The overall feel is extremely neutral…still baffling me.

“Car” is hanging on for dear life at the very bottom (remnants of the Grand Cardinal Cross from earlier posts), and “night” is stagnant (just a bit higher, but still in the bottom third of the linguistics chart). There’s no indication of light or day, but we do have a trifecta of “life, wake, and white” dispersed throughout the cubrix.

“Looking” is still higher than “Feeling,” so we’re still in a materialistic orientation to our world. I don’t see this as out of the norm, more of a periodic and expected transit back and forth between materialism and surrealism. I don’t expect any special headlines here, except that more man-made headlines will most likely appear in this timeframe than will headlines of “natural” causes. I fully realize that most of what we see on the news lines that appear natural can also be man-made, but let’s just keep this simple and straightforward for today.

Here’s the deal, though….”Different” and “Weird” are now conjoined and they are both moving down and out. I take this to mean that we’ve either experienced the weird and different or that we will be seeing it very soon (week or two based on the progression of this meme downward). My estimation feels that the “different” has already happened. We’ve possibly identified the headlines in previous posts, or maybe not. Our date marker is this week, so as we look back on this week in the future, we may receive word about something more strange than what we’ve already picked up.

So, what the heck does all this mean? This is the most important part of the whole concept. Humanity is trapping itself into its own memories as they spend time “thinking old” and “remembering old around.” It is our own fault for a lack of progression at this point. The universe is affording great movement right now, but we’re too juxtaposed to do anything about it (still). The point is that there’s nothing external holding us back….its our own fault!

Going forward, look for “old” to move down, and once it does, we will finally start to move. However, the orientation is still undecided. Which way we move is up to the collective. I’m no longer seeing a strong orientation to weird, strange, different, or unfamiliar. Basically, as soon as the collective memory clears the “old” it will be obvious which way the ball will roll. There’s always a chance TPTW are purposefully keeping our memories too engrained. Therefore, concentrate on life and waking…humanity is trying to wake up, so the neutral stance is not a bad one here. In fact, it’s a great opportunity for us…think about the life we want and the necessary breakthroughs that are both possible and inevitable. We will breakthrough…it’s only a matter of time!


Take care everyone,

Chris McCleary


Copyright © 2014 Chris McCleary. Except for quotes from others, all rights reserved.

By |2014-05-21T02:00:44+00:00May 21st, 2014|DreamForecast, DreamOsophy, Project August|1 Comment

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One Comment

  1. Joanne May 21, 2014 at 3:42 pm - Reply

    Great post! I especially liked the part that Eric Hul contributed! Even though I don’t quite understand the technical aspect of his comments, I ‘know’ exactly what he means. Remember the movie ‘Inception’? The story had about 4 (or 5?) layers of dreams going on all at once…and the dreamers were originally all sleeping in the same room. I learned all about consciousness quite a few years back and it took awhile to assimilate what it all meant. The ‘consciousness’ in this case is best described (IMO) as to what it is not. Even though encompassing all that is, it is not an energy. It is not really an ‘it’. It is endless and is all past, present and future. In other words, the eternal NOW. It ‘dreamed energy’ and as that energy became conscious, it divided itself into ‘gods’. The gods created. Worlds, suns, solar systems, galactic systems, etc….then they created beings to inhabits these worlds including plants and animals, water, atmosphere…and so on. Everything is consciousness, dreaming. Layers and layers. What we call reality. It creates feelings such as joy and love, pain and suffering. All within the dream. We are not ‘real’ but just our ‘own consciousness’, dreaming. To better describe what we are I use ‘fractals of consciousness’ dreaming our own dream.

    It’s a challenge figuring this all out. Once, I read a channel and ‘Tobias’ came through saying “Nothing matters”. No thing matters. Matter is no thing. Took me awhile to get what he was really saying. When I get worked up about events in the world, I do remember this. Nothing matters…because it’s all a dream. Layers and layers of dreams. Mass consciousness is one of those many layers. Even holograms, aliens, bad stuff, good stuff…all layers in a dream.

    Thanks to Eric for dreaming up his views….he is right, you know!! Or wrong…it doesn’t matter!

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