
Miscellaneous Intrigue

Miscellaneous Intrigue

Welcome to Friday the 13th…which is also the one of the very rare days in which it is also happens to be a full moon. The next full moon on a Friday the 13th will be in the year…2049! So, enjoy it while you can.

Might as well start with the bizarre, shall we?

First up, I’m sure you’ve all heard about the problems in Iraq, but did you catch the fine print from CNN? Specifically, they use the words, “collective consciousness,” and this makes me wonder whether there’s a bigger agenda happening here. The way they begin this article, it almost sounds like what we’ve been talking about with respect to dreams.

We’re trying to accurately feel the status of the collective unconscious through dreams, and here CNN was laying out their article as if we need to spend time contemplating this story. The significance of the story isn’t in question, but the motive behind it certainly is. Here’s the snippet:

500,000 flee

For a while, Iraq faded from the collective consciousness. But what happened there Tuesday should make people sit up and take notice. FULL STORY


Is it simply that the terminology is en vogue now, or does CNN know the significance of these words….collective consciousness? More importantly, what’s the motive behind the story, if there is one?

Update: Okay, the gig is up. Yeah, it’s exactly what I thought. Since Syria failed to bring us a much desired war, and then the Ukraine looks like it’s failing, too….we really needed a reason to get SOME KIND OF WAR started again. Looky here, back to the supposed anti-war news station, CNN (ha ha):

Back to Iraq What can – and should – the U.S. do now?” When you read the options, notice how everything points to WAR!!! Hmmmmm, how exactly did this war get started anyhow?

Remember, no war, and this economy is DEAD. There’s lots at stake here, people, remember that…LOTS at stake.



Even more crazy…

When’s the last time any governmental organization knew ahead of time that an economic problem was dead ahead? Did we get a mainstream warning for the 2007 housing meltdown? Did we get an IMF warning about the October 2008 collapse?

Of course not. So that’s why I find this headline sooooooo…..well…..WEIRD!

“World Bank: ‘Now is the time to prepare for next crisis’”

Huh? Is this the smoking gun that “proves” that I’ve been WRONG all along? Typically, when some sort of warning comes out of this nature, then that may indicate it IS a planned collapse vice what I’ve been arguing all along….something that is beyond their control.

This is something I’ll be watching closely as we continue working toward the inevitable economic collapse. Is it planned or is it something that they don’t want to happen?

Update: Holy cow, another bigwig making the same remarks. Can anyone please provide the timing on all this? I mean, we all know this is inevitable, but WHEN is the key…

“Pope Francis Warns The Global Economy Is Near Collapse

Is this an EMP dream? One of the latest to the DreamBase…

I was with old friends in a library at a university. Suddenly the lights went out. We stopped in place in unison. We felt a presence enter the room. Some said prayers. We reached out in the darkness to connect for comfort with the one next to us. I whispered. .. bless us all. Then I put my left hand over my mouth to quiet myself. The woman next to me leaned over and whispered. .. we’re going home.


Okay, 1 more:

This headline on Drudge: “Obama: ‘Our Future Rests’ on DREAMers…

I like the actual headline, except the article is nothing like what I thought it was going to be!

By |2014-06-13T01:00:08+00:00June 13th, 2014|General News|4 Comments

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  1. dean June 13, 2014 at 1:30 am - Reply

    Don’t count a Ukraine war out yet, I would stake a lot of money Putin is not even close to done, he is a patient conqueror, he is waiting for a “perfect” moment, before 2014 is done we will have Ukraine war that likely will become a European war, also do not count Israel out as starting a major war by striking Iran, the Israeli government needs a war, their coalition government is teetering on collapse with small parties to the right and left of Netanyahu threatening to pull out. I doubt the Iraq thing will amount to much beyond a small but highly profitable (to corporate America) intervention.

    As for economic collapse being intentional, I doubt it, I worked for a time as a financial/economic consultant to some government officials, first of all most are not that smart to pull that off (people give politicians too much credit for being deviously smart, I met many dumb as a fencepost) second all the elites benefit WAY TOO MUCH from the current circus, the markets are not supported at all by any traditional fundamentals, its all the central banks printing of virtually free money for the bankers/investors trying desperately to keep the circus tent up. I think the admission from the World Bank is simply CYA type statement, the “experts” got roasted for not seeing 2008 coming, they see the fundamentals are not there, they see this cannot go on forever so they are saying prepare to cover their tails with public as much as they can.

    • ndcadmin June 13, 2014 at 9:41 am - Reply

      Dean, remember the main resources in the Ukraine, too. Resources are a concern for the world leaders, so you might be right about Putin et al. As for politicians and money…yes, they are clueless, but then again, they have nothing to do with the big money anyway. The controllers are several tiers above that level, behind the scenes. If anything I can’t wait for the finger-pointing as it all comes unraveled. It’s only a matter of time. What will also be interesting is how this supposed “tea party” replacement will act in the House. I see “tea party” as pretty much fully coopted and probably have melded fully into the UniParty that the US has. Good stuff, Dean….thanks!

  2. dean June 13, 2014 at 4:30 pm - Reply

    Have not had a dream I remember since late May but sometime this morning I did again and it may match your EMP dream posted above maybe. It was a simple image with possible time frame, I saw power lines arcing, sparking putting on quite a light show like they were overloaded and also water overflow from maybe burst waterlines (dangerous water/electricity mix), I saw a sheet of water overflowing concrete roads and walkways, not a flood just a few millimeters deep but steadily increasing in area it was spreading over, I suppose power issues would effect waterlines since pumps run on electricity and if it was turned off then on suddenly it could cause water “hammer” and burst lines. No idea what caused all this, if it was EMP or power overuse etc. I did get a possible timeframe, I had this weird non verbal impression of barbecues and baseball! I said it was weird! just a impression so that would mean summer, no idea if it was near a ballpark, I had this weird narrow view of the event like before you get a migraine when your vision gets blurry colors around the edge of your vision except in this the edges were dark like night maybe, but not colors. That was it.

  3. sister rosemarie June 13, 2014 at 6:51 pm - Reply

    Peace, Chris,
    It’s also the Strawberry or Rose moon and my anniversary of vows in 50th year of service. Was weeping tears for a few days and then when the tsunami of Iraq happened I realized why. No dreams… too exhausted and no desire to turn on CNN news stream… am happy your attitude is what it is… gives me hope.
    Love the special forces gesture at the time of helicopter pick up of Bowe… where he places his hand on his heart before the white flag… I’ll stay there…with him and Bowe in my heart …in prayer in the white flag and the Rose moon’s whiteness and brightness… to shed sanity on our world… peace and conversion to non violence

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