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  • Tanks Attacking Castle/Mansion February 23, 2025
    Last night I had a dream where I was basically a fly-on-the-wall observer, like a movie.  It takes place in what is a very wealthy person's home, either a huge mansion or castle.  It started off with a view of a very large living room that had soft light mustard coloured walls, fancy old furniture […]
    <a href="https://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/member.php?action=profile&uid=1719">Dreamcat</a>
  • Delmar street/ plane crash into city January 18, 2024
    This dream occurred on December 29, 2023. It felt important and possibly with precognitive elements.  In this dream, I have received an invitation to dinner from a friend of mine.  I am on my way to his home. It is on Delmar Street. I am expected at 7:30. In my mind I know just where […]
    <a href="https://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/member.php?action=profile&uid=2187">Ridley</a>
  • Russia & the U.S. ; & OPEC Israel and Iran July 6, 2023
    2 parts: can’t determine time frame. Choices still to be determined. Time to change outcome  Part 1 - July o4, 2023 Location: Between North Atlantic and Baltic Sea U.S Submarine. Sonic Ping. Low humming - deep dive. New technology? Monitoring. Russian Submarine follows. Nasty game of cat and mouse. Turns into a game of chicken. Bad results. Collision.  […]
    <a href="https://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/member.php?action=profile&uid=4036">Unseenweaver</a>
  • Underwater Volcano Eruption July 5, 2023
    North of the Antarctic, West of South America Under water volcano. Eruption. Massive lava, rock and debris cloud spewing from the ocean surface.  Whistling - a high pitch deafening sound. Blast wave. 2 tsunamis- 1 screaming towards South America.
    <a href="https://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/member.php?action=profile&uid=4036">Unseenweaver</a>
  • nuclear dream May 24, 2023
    It started as a monkey meandering type of dream, nothing unusual. Me and a lot of other people in a urban environment, some high rise buildings.  We seemed to be in a academic setting in a  large building.  At some point there seemed to be a lot social tension or anxiety.  I'm not sure why.  […]
    <a href="https://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/member.php?action=profile&uid=2049">Richard Holland</a>
  • Tanks Attacking Castle/Mansion February 23, 2025
    Last night I had a dream where I was basically a fly-on-the-wall observer, like a movie.  It takes place in what is a very wealthy person's home, either a huge mansion or castle.  It started off with a view of a very large living room that had soft light mustard coloured walls, fancy old furniture […]
    <a href="https://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/member.php?action=profile&uid=1719">Dreamcat</a>
  • Delmar street/ plane crash into city January 18, 2024
    This dream occurred on December 29, 2023. It felt important and possibly with precognitive elements.  In this dream, I have received an invitation to dinner from a friend of mine.  I am on my way to his home. It is on Delmar Street. I am expected at 7:30. In my mind I know just where […]
    <a href="https://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/member.php?action=profile&uid=2187">Ridley</a>
  • Russia & the U.S. ; & OPEC Israel and Iran July 6, 2023
    2 parts: can’t determine time frame. Choices still to be determined. Time to change outcome  Part 1 - July o4, 2023 Location: Between North Atlantic and Baltic Sea U.S Submarine. Sonic Ping. Low humming - deep dive. New technology? Monitoring. Russian Submarine follows. Nasty game of cat and mouse. Turns into a game of chicken. Bad results. Collision.  […]
    <a href="https://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/member.php?action=profile&uid=4036">Unseenweaver</a>
  • Underwater Volcano Eruption July 5, 2023
    North of the Antarctic, West of South America Under water volcano. Eruption. Massive lava, rock and debris cloud spewing from the ocean surface.  Whistling - a high pitch deafening sound. Blast wave. 2 tsunamis- 1 screaming towards South America.
    <a href="https://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/member.php?action=profile&uid=4036">Unseenweaver</a>
  • nuclear dream May 24, 2023
    It started as a monkey meandering type of dream, nothing unusual. Me and a lot of other people in a urban environment, some high rise buildings.  We seemed to be in a academic setting in a  large building.  At some point there seemed to be a lot social tension or anxiety.  I'm not sure why.  […]
    <a href="https://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/member.php?action=profile&uid=2049">Richard Holland</a>
  • War with Arabia March 14, 2023
    This is from a dream of March 3rd, 2023.  //I am walking down a street with a small group of friends. We approach a house , a country farmhouse type which has a long porch across the front exterior.  On the porch of this home are the "friends" from the TV show FRIENDS.  We approach to talk with […]
    <a href="https://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/member.php?action=profile&uid=2187">Ridley</a>
  • Alien crafts in plain view March 13, 2023
    Last night dreamed someone told me Biden just announced, "the aliens that are above our cities and towns are peaceful, nothing to worry about. We are in constant communication with them". I woke this morning fully expecting to see this all over the news.
    <a href="https://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/member.php?action=profile&uid=17">Cassandra</a>
  • Four months and 6 days. March 9, 2023
    A dream I had a few mornings ago--on or about 4 March '23. A man very much resembling my handyman (who passed a month or so back) was propped up in what resembled a hospital bed. His words were “We’ve got four months and 6 days.” That was all. And as he said them, I […]
    <a href="https://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/member.php?action=profile&uid=177">calyn</a>
  • Zombies February 13, 2023
    Zombies So I and a friend were in a city, maybe Boulder. Maybe it’s day residue…. It has been a LONG time since I’ve had this style of dream. I recently bought a cross necklace and am wearing it (getting the chills thinking and pondering this. In the dream I was in a very crowded […]
    <a href="https://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/member.php?action=profile&uid=1781">Sunatta</a>
  • Bob Dylan December 1, 2022
    About a day ago, halfway between awake and asleep, I had a death dream, where I sensed that someone was going to die.  I heard the name Bob Dylan.  Because of that short dream, I think that the famous singer Bob Dylan is about to pass away.
    <a href="https://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/member.php?action=profile&uid=2049">Richard Holland</a>
  • Green round ETs September 28, 2022
    I had the strangest dream several days ago.  It gave a me a pretty good laugh:  ET refugees began appearing on our planet. I don't know how they got here.  They were small (several feet in diameter), round and green.  I say round as in the shape of a gasket. They seemed to be made […]
    <a href="https://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/member.php?action=profile&uid=2049">Richard Holland</a>
  • racism September 3, 2022
    I needed to use a credit card. The young worker claimed I was racist for doing so.
    <a href="https://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/member.php?action=profile&uid=3800">ghostrider</a>
  • False flag September 1, 2022
    People were running out of a town at night, carrying as much of their belongings as they could. At the front of the crowd of people streaming out of the town there were some who were carrying American flags. It appeared to be a false flag situation
    <a href="https://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/member.php?action=profile&uid=3797">GingerAleBritt</a>
  • Ark in the desert August 17, 2022
    8/17/22 8:59am I have followed the instructions of my boyfriend to  move out to a desert. (in the dream he is my current boyfriend, however in real life he is somebody who I used to date.is currently my ex-boyfriend and then the dream he had) I have a bunch of livestock with me but they're unusual […]
    <a href="https://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/member.php?action=profile&uid=3736">WWDW</a>
  • Regulated power by dna August 16, 2022
    It is in the future our power is regulated by our DNA. Each person gets one outlet and how much power you get depends upon the job that you do equal to money. If somebody else tries to plug in something to your power cord it will not work because it's your DNA that allows […]
    <a href="https://nationaldreamcenter.com/forum18/member.php?action=profile&uid=3736">WWDW</a>


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  • 3/19/25 Marching towards Collapse March 19, 2025
    Watch the Video CIRF: https://youtu.be/jSUAHE9KhOU What is a CIRF Report? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-igwFoXp_zo Trending in the Collective Dreams (See chart below for visual representation): hunter monster creepy step march drive collapse decided ice upon attempt arms lucidity until character girl saturday late lake tried ill sun game flash during hours turned wait instead insane Find  us on YouTube: […]
  • 3/12/25 God's Stability vs Paralyzing Chaos March 12, 2025
    Watch the Video CIRF: https://youtu.be/B762QlNhy_I What is a CIRF Report? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-igwFoXp_zo Trending in the Collective Dreams (See chart below for visual representation): god stabilized march mentor lucidity ultra arms tried drive insane cool instead tall wild attempt extra awakening lake times sometimes three face wait decided sky run break bar paralysis scene Find  us on YouTube: […]
  • 3/6/25 Active Still March 5, 2025
    Watch the Video CIRF: https://youtu.be/ISZrDWS0dK8 What is a CIRF Report? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-igwFoXp_zo Trending in the Collective Dreams (See chart below for visual representation): march cool insane lucidity children tried dance decided bright green give sit scene break fall longer sky game called run campus happen plane cat job day escape floor took journal Find  us on YouTube: […]
  • 2/26/25 Morning Hustle Bustle February 26, 2025
    Watch the Video CIRF: https://youtu.be/1inO5hhC91g What is a CIRF Report? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-igwFoXp_zo Trending in the Collective Dreams (See chart below for visual representation): child dance morning late destination early scene job sit standing hand sky completely campus run escape called half longer head across cat corner couple character turned fire game world food Find  us on YouTube: […]

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”    ~~ C.G. Jung


Do you have the gift of precognition? It doesn’t always feel like a gift. Sometimes it feels more like a curse. Find out what you can do with this gift/curse…


Project August kicked off in 2014 and unveiled the possibilities of collective, intentional, predictive dreaming. In short, we CAN intend to dream about specific time periods in the future with clarity that seems almost eerie. Click the image to learn about Project August.


We just want them to end! It’s not that easy. Willpower alone won’t make them go away. In fact, the harder we fight them, the worse they get…