
The Mother of all ice cream cones

The Mother of all ice cream cones

Some of the Project August memes are really ramping up. Although we’ve got tons more content to dish out later this week, possibly as soon as tomorrow, this article just didn’t have room in our huge PA Report #4.

So it goes something like this…


The Ice Cream Cone

One of our many cherished Project August dreamers was given a cryptic message from the dream world. All it basically said was that there were countries in the shape of an ice cream cone with a scoop of ice cream on top. There was no indicator in this particular dream for an “event” or what the purpose of the note would be, EXCEPT, that there was a woman…

“In scene three there is a mother entity present. She has shoulder length brown hair and is dressed in a blue shirt and jeans. She is watching the boys play with the soccer ball on the concrete driveway.”


Could the person to the right fit the bill? Umm, it’s a woman, and her hair is definitely brown (looking at all the other images, including the one below). Also, her hair is not too far past the shoulders, but I doubt she’s wearing jeans. In fact, I’ll bet she hardly ever wears jeans.

How do I know? Because you’re looking at the President of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. How much do you want to bet that she’s definitely “watching the boys play with the soccer ball” at the World Cup? 100% chance. (Individual picture marching was found here)


Where is all this going, for Christ sake?

Okay, Sherriann dreamed of not only the woman; she was also given the ice cream cone analogy, which to me is obviously Argentina (the cone) and Brazil (the scoop of ice cream). See picture below:


(Group picture was found here)

Even more amazing, look at the map while you read the description that Sherriann was given:

“I am then shown a map of two countries. The shape is much like an ice cream cone with a BIG scoop of ice cream squished into a more oval shape on the top of the cone; more ice cream than cone; more ice cream to the right.”

Ice Cream cone

Based on the way Argentina and Brazil are laid out, it does appear that the ice cream (Brazil) does in fact look to be spilling out to the right, with definitely more ice cream on the right!

Okay, so I think we’ve finally established WHERE this dream was sending us, but we still need to know WHAT we’re supposed to see.

Introducing the ultimate in motherhood (i.e., remember that Sherriann picked up this woman as a “Mother.”)

If there’s one person who’s not afraid to stand up to the Western oligarchs, it is Christina Fernandez. In fact, she’s making quite a stink that goes all the way up to the US Supreme Court. Here’s a major article explaining the issue:

Argentina president defies US court order on repayment of debts

Argentina‘s president has said that she would refuse to comply with a U.S. judge’s order to pay $1.5 billion to winners of a decade-long legal battle over defaulted debt after the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear her government’s final appeal.

Delivering a nationally broadcast address Monday night, Cristina Fernandez expressed willingness to negotiate with the winners, but said there is simply no way that Argentina can pay the amount in cash, in full, starting just two weeks from now, which is what the U.S. courts have ordered.

“What I cannot do as president is submit the country to such extortion,” Fernandez said.

Under the U.S. court orders, Argentina must hand over $907 million to the plaintiffs before June 30, or lose the ability to use the U.S. financial system to pay an equal amount to holders of other Argentine bonds.

That could mean defaulting on the vast majority of the country’s performing debts, which are held by bondholders who agreed previously to provide debt relief that enabled Argentina to rebound from its economic crisis of 2001.

Link here.


There’s nothing for sure when trying to guess the three-pronged funny-money gaggle here. The Supreme Court is weighing in on something out of there jurisdiction unless I’m missing something. The amount of money itself doesn’t seem big enough to cause a huge ruckus, but with the CDS market on the fringe anyway, it won’t take much to burst the bubble economy that we’re ALL inextricably in.

But debt and the rigged CDS market aren’t the only things at stake here. What if this becomes the straw that breaks the camel’s back, or rather the Greenback’s back? Yes, I’m fully aware the dollar was only a greenback under Lincoln, but it was a cool pun nonetheless.

In other words, we have a President who’s clearly mothering her motherland, and none shall harm her chicks. Thus, what happens to the big dog (US oligarchs) when all the South American countries turn the other way simultaneously? Probably in coincident with all the Asian countries who aren’t too thrilled with our foreign policy, either.

The point here is that it does seem like peanuts now, but $1.5B might be enough to catalyze something quite big. Time will tell, but at least we have our location marker now.

By the way, “peanuts” is strangely a new Project August meme. Those who supplied dreams will get to read all about it later this week. Stay tuned.

Last bit of analysis….is the Brazilian ice cream suggesting that Brazil will win the World Cup? Every dream has more than just one meaning. Of course, there’s always the possibility that nothing happens in accordance with the ice cream cone analogy. We’ll just have to wait and see, won’t we?

Copyright © 2014 Chris McCleary. Except snippets, all rights reserved.



By |2014-06-18T09:11:14+00:00June 18th, 2014|General News, Project August|2 Comments

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  1. sherriann June 18, 2014 at 7:30 pm - Reply

    Hi Chris,

    I guess ‘stunned’ would be the word to use to describe my feelings as I read this. *L* The only soccer games I ever watched over my entire life were my granddaughter’s soccer games and she is only now 10. So that was my sense of where the soccer ball came to be in my dream. Only after the dream when I went Googling, did I discover the 2014 FIFA Men’s World Cup but that was to be in June, not August. After hunting, I found the U-20 Women’s World Cup that’s to be held in Toronto in August, which, BTW, has a 16 mile underground mall/bunker. Canada and the US looks like an ice cream cone, too. Note: There are also colours and numbers in the dream sequence.

    I’m not meaning to take anything away from your reflections on the dream. Rather, I think you have intuited and researched it very well. Amazing, really. Yes, every dream does have more than one meaning and perhaps even a couple of similar events and different time-lines. There was a personal slant for me in it, as well. It will definitely be interesting to see how it all plays out and now that we have a time frame to begin with…..

    BTW, Fernandez is Argentinian so I would suspect that she does indeed wear jeans on her off time. Black and blue seem to be her favourite colours. 🙂 And I’ve discovered I really enjoy watching ‘big people’ soccer.

    I wonder if China’s BBQ invitation will play into the US/Argentina issue. There is a hint of it there re: the greenback.

    Bye for now,

    • ndcadmin June 18, 2014 at 7:53 pm - Reply

      Sherriann, I probably should have consulted you on this, but I was speeding as fast as I could just trying to keep up with life. After you mention it, I bet she is in jeans, especially since you saw her watching the boys play soccer. I bet she’s not in dress clothes for the World Cupat least!

      Okay, so when we revisit this one, we do need to mention the numbers. Here’s your dream details for everyone else’ information: “Next, I am given/shown (not clear) a purchase bill for 566 (five, six, six) ($566.00 or $5.66??).”

      Now, in numerology, 566 reduces to 8, which is August, but I didn’t see any other 566 figures in the article. BUT this one isn’t over yet…it’s just starting! Well done, dreamer, and I wonder too if the BBQ is tied to it! Let’s keep an eye on it. If anyone else receives insights let sherriann and I know!

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