
The DreamForecaster Misses

The DreamForecaster Misses

Project August dreamers: please bookmark this article…important checklists at the end of the article.

In this article, we’ll go through an actual news event that happened this weekend. It resembled on of our Project August dreams, but unfortunately, the event was not picked up by Mr. DreamForecaster himself (me). We’ll look at ways to prevent these sorts of oversights in the future.

The news I present is very much atypical, but it does conveniently heighten the already-tense situation on the US-Mexican border. Here’s a copy of the news release:


Mexican Helicopter Crosses U.S. Border, Fires on Border Patrol

—Pete Williams

First published June 27 2014, 1:54 PM

A Mexican helicopter that crossed into Arizona and fired on US border agents on Thursday appears to have done so accidentally, a US government official told NBC News.

In a brief statement, Customs and Border Protection said that a Mexican helicopter crossed approximately 100 yards north into Arizona on Thursday morning. Two shots were fired from the helicopter, which was on a law enforcement operation.

The official described the rounds as “warning shots,” and said they were fired at two border agents sitting in an unmarked car. When the Mexicans realized what happened, they landed the helicopter and apologized profusely.

No injuries were reported. The incident is under investigation.

US and Mexican border authorities have been working on operations to stem human trafficking, the official said.


The Actual Dream

“Target Shooter”

I was up in the air inside a low flying helicopter, looking over at a Man with an A.K 47 armed and ready.

He had an army helmet suited up with goggles too dark to see his eyes. We were circling over a certain area…then I woke up.


This was an example of dream content that related directly to the later event (i.e., it was not a metaphoric dream), but the details were somewhat lacking (i.e., location, how many shots, type target, nationalities, etc.) Yes, of course, the timing is also off the mark (Project August dreams are targeted to happen in August 2014), which reduces the DreamSeer score even more.

The reason I didn’t pull out a separate headline for this dream is for two main reasons: 1) no direct overlap with other dreams, and 2) lack of sufficient detail.

There’s a balance we have to maintain for extracting precognitive dream material. We don’t want to extract every single possible headline, because that will dilute our success rates. However, we also don’t want to miss big events like this in the future. Therefore, let’s investigate ways to minimize these errors as we move towards August:


After the fact, this clearly precognitive dreamer says that “It did feel like a warmer area and the atmosphere felt like a warm dry area like Arizona.  But the dream itself did not give a location.”

The biggest three problems we face in predicting dream material is what part of the dream will happen, where will it happen, and when will it happen. The when aspect is sort of tossed out in this experiment because all the events are intended for August. So far, though, we have seen a small handful of our hits falling outside the August window, which will be analyzed in our later gonculations.

This leaves us with the question of location, and it’s a VERY important lesson…

Lesson 1: Dreamers, if you are not given a location in your dream, please include some aspect of the environment in your dream that could specify the location. Weather and temperature might help, and peoples’ names could be metaphoric for a state, country, city, or significant landmark. Please provide as many details as you can include any terrain or geographical descriptions.

Lesson 2: Never forget the power of intention. If you received a dream that seems important but for which you received little detail, you can intend to return to that dream or intend to receive further details that you are missing.

For example, recall the dream about the Malaysian flight. The dreamer was disappointed that she was not privy to the coordinates of the plane. So, the next night she simply intended to return to that dream, and voila….she was given the coordinates to the airplane on the second night.

Lesson 3: Please record the stronger emotions in the dream and the events that seem to be a bit more vivid. Even if the dream is just blah or unemotional, that is also pretty important because I can perhaps discount that portion of the dream as precognitive.

Lesson 4: Finally, as we continue on a crash course with August, please keep watching the news and help me identify articles that I’ve missed. This is a huge project, and we’re bound to be missing certain things. Sometimes, we’ll be missing huge, obvious things, unfortunately, so I expect everyone to be looking out for your individual dream manifestations. If you do identify a precognitive event in the news, please attempt to put a DreamSeer score to it to help me prioritize.


Checklist 1

(For submitting Project August DREAMS):

– Location data (or climate/geographical descriptions/people/etc.)

– Emotional status (even if there is no emotion)

– Colors

– Lucidity (did you know you were in the dream when you were dreaming?)

– Any numbers or hints of WHEN it will occur (even the day of the week if appropriate, like “Monday” or “Tuesday”).

– Vividness (What parts of the dream were the most vivid? What was not vivid?)


Checklist 2

(For submitting NEWS about your dream):

– Send me an email with the data you’d like me to look at (email is NationalDreamCenter at gmail.com)

– Please give the link of the dream you’re referencing (the DreamBase link)

– Link to the headline or news article

– Attempt a DreamSeer score for the event you’re analyzing or submitting

– If there are any metaphoric details, please specify those in your remarks



Oh yeah, almost forgot…runaway kids from Latin America aren’t the only ones trying to infiltrate from the Mexico border…Seems we’ve have Ukrainians, too. Huh?!

By |2014-06-30T05:00:16+00:00June 30th, 2014|General News, Project August|1 Comment

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One Comment

  1. cj June 30, 2014 at 12:49 pm - Reply

    Regarding the “lost” Ukrainians, maybe provocateurs, and a future false flag spoiled?
    People need to continue being ever so vigilant.

    Mr. DreamForecaster need not be so hard on himself.
    Lotta news these days as they work on swaying the public this way and that.

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