
What’s Trending for Proj Aug?

What’s Trending for Proj Aug?

**** The dream collection phase of Project August is now closed. ****

This article looks at mainly just the last couple of weeks worth of Proj Aug dreams. We ran the various DreamBot versions against these dreams and noticed some particularly interesting trends. These are important because they help support the next article, which pieces together some more possible August headlines.

One of the biggest trends in this final look is quite alarming. While most of the dreams came from the United States, all but one dream referred to non-US locations. This is alarming for more than just one reason:

1. This means more ugly headlines are located elsewhere (for example, a bus or bridge exploding in Europe).

2. But for those US residents, the need for supplying the names of US cities and states seems to have been replaced with a different sort of headline, and it’s not good news if we’re on the right track. Interestingly, this major trend does hold weight since it is being supported by several smaller well-supported memes, instead of just a couple of dreams.

The sub-memes are supported with overlapping dreams and linguistics, and then four of these sub-memes go up to support “The Mega-Meme.” The whole ball of wax is very intricately interwoven…we’ll crack that open for you here and in the next article.


We begin with context from the various DreamBot runs to see where the dreamers were taken in their recent intentional dreams. Note that these are NOT the overall big trends, but the overwhelming trends from the recent PA dreams (i.e., since Report 5 came out).


Biggest Trends

bridge 76.00% 1 5 14
coast 75.00% 2 4 4
bus 72.22% 0 8 5
apartment 71.43% 0 9 1
attack 71.43% 3 9 1
meeting 70.59% 3 5 7


Without having to explain this matrix, you can see that BRIDGE is a HUGE trend in this latest batch of dreams. Since Report #4, all these words are significant trends, and quite unusual for dream material. They are worth taking notice:

Bridge, Coast, Bus, Apartment, Attack, and Meeting.

There are many others, but these are the clear winners.

Another table is useful. Here are the words that surged in this last batch of dreams. More accurately, these are the words that got most of their hits in this last week or two of dreaming (the percentage indicates the portion of their overall hits that happened in the last couple of weeks. For example, “Animal” had 60% of its overall PA hits in the last two weeks):

animal 60.00%
bridge 56.00%
appearance 50.00%
main 50.00%
square 47.37%
worried 46.67%
student 46.15%


These Trends fell to ZERO!

These are all the trends that started Project August, but they ALL completely fell off the cliff in the second half of the project. The number in the right column indicates how many hits they had in the first half of the project.

approve 10
arrow 10
canyon 10
cards 10
modify 10
russian 10
crash 11
crashes 11
cream 11
guitar 11
magic 11
plate 11
theater 11
yelled 11
tent 12
security 14
counter 17
moon 19


First question: could “Counter” and “Security” at zero hits now imply that there won’t be any counter security in August? False flag anyone?

Also, what do you make of no more “crash” AND “crashes?” Does this mean that there will be no airliner crashes in August?

I’m personally baffled at the common word, Moon. This typically gets many hits every time I run the DreamBot, but it received ZERO hits in the last 3 PA runs. This would normally be bizarre by itself, but it’s even more bizarre considering…

August may be the best month for astronomy fans. Stargazers can look forward to a “super” supermoon, the conjunction of Venus and Jupiter and the annual Perseid meteor shower. The European Space Agency also has an important milestone in August as its comet-hunting Rosetta spacecraft will rendezvous with comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.

The Perseids is one the most anticipated meteor showers of the year, along with the Geminids, but most of the discussion surrounding August astronomy has been centered on the Aug. 10 supermoon.

Also a HINT: are those celestial events our August Sky Flash? All three of the events are really big…earth shattering. The timing is spot on, too…just before the middle of August, which was the top of the bell curve in our Sky Flash analysis.



I say again…in this last batch of dreams, there was only one dream mentioning a US location (in that case it was the Mexico border states–Texas, New Mexico, Arizona).

Instead, the top locations are England, Germany, and (#3) all of Europe. Canada, Ghana, and Malaysia were mentioned once each.

#1 emotion was Hurt and the #2 was Smile (not an emotion per se, but we track that word anyway). By itself, this information is confusing, but this trend was extremely noticeable in the dreams. On the one hand, everyone had very little money, but the general trend was contentment, excitement, being generally happy. We’ll talk about that in the headline article.

“Now or never”

The time category implies that things will either happen in August 2014, or never at all. Of course, this whole time aspect to collective prediction work is very new and unreliable at this point, but if it is speaking something, it is basically stamping August as a pivotal month…buck up folks, it’s either Now or Never.


The numbers this go around look strangely similar to past runs. The trend continues for August: the number 2 is still on top. It goes like this: #2 is on top, and #3 and #8 are tied for second. #1 is fourth with about half the hits as #2.


Hill is at the top by one hit, then Lake, then Park. However, these are extremely low hits (4-6 hits each), which is ridiculously low.


The top two colors this go around are White (no surprise) and Dark Red (hmmmm).


…and now you’re fully primed to get the headlines, but that’ll be in the next article.

By |2014-07-31T02:18:38+00:00July 31st, 2014|DreamBot, Project August|1 Comment

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One Comment

  1. Marissa July 31, 2014 at 4:21 pm - Reply

    Ok, so I don’t know where you have for the first day of August, but it was on point about Virus, Ebola Virus http://mic.com/articles/95214/the-deadliest-ebola-outbreak-in-history-just-took-a-terrifying-turn?utm_source=policymicFB&utm_medium=main&utm_campaign=social

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