
Forum Announcements: Planned outage, new Millsap mission

Forum Announcements: Planned outage, new Millsap mission

As we buckle up for the impending announcement by the Holy See, let’s fill the time with some of our own needed announcements. First, the Forum software needs updating, and in order to do this correctly, we must take the Forum down for a certain period of time.

Therefore, this coming Saturday, September 27, 2014, I will be temporarily suspending all access to the forums from 10:00AM to 11:00AM, EST. If you have any questions or concerns be sure to ask those in the General Questions area of the Forum before the allotted time.

Next, as we await the next big missions in P1 and P2, I want to invite everyone to help out in finding more about what happened to April Millsap, and we’re going to do this via dreams and intentions in our first-ever combined mission set. In other words, P1 and P2 will be working directly together on this mission. NativeAmericanDreamWeaver (NADW) will be the NDC lead on this mission. She will be providing the incubation recommendations and consolidating results.

It is important to note that this new mission, titled P3_01, will never out prioritize other missions. Plus, you’ll notice that the mission itself is posted out in the public forum space. This is purposeful because we’ve seen considerable traffic from Michigan coming in to view NADW’s Millsap dream. The information we gain from dreams and intentions will remain public.

If you’d like background information, this link is best:


Our new forum link for this mission is here:


Thank you all for your participation.

By |2014-09-22T00:10:37+00:00September 22nd, 2014|Announcements|Comments Off on Forum Announcements: Planned outage, new Millsap mission

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