
Headline #23 inches higher; Sky Flash fulfilled!

Headline #23 predicted that “Southern community becomes ghost town because of worst drought in recorded history.” We’ve already had multiple hits on this headline, but no communities have become ghost towns as of yet. In prior hits, there was only talk about how this drought has been the worst in history and how they may have to start [...]

By |August 27th, 2014|Categories: Came True, Project August|0 Comments

A 3rd Dallas Hit: Are you blown away?

Just like the previous bomb threat prediction, we are very pleased to announce that our third of four Dallas predictions has successfully come to pass without any loss of life. There has been extensive damage to someone’s property, but 5 children and their mother escaped a tragic situation that could have been total disaster. The predictive headline stated, [...]

By |August 26th, 2014|Categories: Came True|3 Comments

Getting this a lot lately…a question about non-dreams

The question is...Are you accepting not only dreamers who have prophetic dreams but is NDC also open to remote viewers, seers, people who are psychic or highly perceptive and intuitive etc.? Answer: Yes, we value all forms of intuition here at the NDC. Unless specifically prohibited (we've had a couple of projects disallowing non-dreams), seers may put their [...]

By |August 26th, 2014|Categories: Announcements|2 Comments

Yet Another Big Headline Hit…Bomb Threat

Well, it wasn’t the chaos we expected, but having experience in the aviation industry, I can guarantee a 100% chance that there was chaos in the cockpit of this American Airlines flight from Dallas-Ft Worth Airport. But before we get to the news, let’s reiterate the predicted headline posted about 24 hours prior to the news coming out. [...]

By |August 25th, 2014|Categories: Came True|3 Comments

Headline #50: Swarms of Earthquakes

Through the help of dreamer "Nipper," we were able to piece together a definite 5.0 headline. It just so happens that this headline was also numbered with the same digits: a 5 and a 0 (#50)! Anyhow, Headline #50 said, "Alarming earthquake trend rising in mid-August." Instead of blabbing to no end about this, let's just throw out [...]

By |August 24th, 2014|Categories: Came True, Project August|1 Comment
Team 2